• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Vote Against Republicans?


Well-Known Member
The Rude Pundit

Proudly lowering the level of political discourse

Why Vote Against Republicans? Because Fuck Them:

America, the good ol' USA, is a country that was brought into existence by groups of terrorists and insurgents aided by foreign powers. Its first rallying document was the Declaration of Independence, a list of reasons why King George III and the British sucked balls. However, no matter what that hand-scrawled Declaration told the colonists, a good many people living in Massachusetts or Maryland could've bottom-lined it for you: "Why revolt against the British? Because fuck them, that's why."

The history of great movements in this nation, of any nation, is a tale of people who are finally, at the end of the day, so fed up with the status quo that all of the rational reasoning mounts and piles up until it all, in essence, comes down to "Fuck them." ("Them" being, of course, whoever the powerful are in a historical moment.) The French Revolution, the American civil rights movement, the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, all uprisings of the average person, through the ballot box, the legislative process, or the gun, against those who are dicking them over. Sure, sometimes it doesn't turn out for the best and sometimes things get even worse (see the media-manipulated Republican "revolution" of 1994 with its dunderheaded motto of "Throw the bums out"), but such is the end result of constant, endless disempowerment of the masses, the unending thrum of voices calling wrong what the people know in their guts is right.

Now, even through the deadening fog of Fox "News" rhetoric, multiple jobs, dying pensions, depleting health care, the waterboard effect of credit card debt, force-feedings of fatty foods, soul-killing reality TV, the entire cultural apparatus telling us we must want more and more stuff and shit, the dead-ends of public debate, government-instilled paranoia, dementia masking itself as religious faith, the unsubtle shove towards xenophobic isolation, an antagonistic corporate media, the vicious street-beating death of American intellectual thought, and Bush-worship masked as patriotism, through it all, man, all of it, we have come to this magnificent moment, frightening and exhilarating in its implications, where we, as a majority, are looking at the ruin and waste that surrounds us, piles of shit that we are told are mountains of gold, and we can finally, in this savage season of 2006, at long last come to say, "You know what? Fuck them."

Fuck them for trying to make us believe that America's acts of mass destruction, its bumblings into conflagration and apocalypse, in Iraq are actually just speed bumps, commas, if you will, on the road to a peaceful world of democratic nations bowing down to blow the cock of American hegemony.

Fuck them for holding themselves up as arbiters of morality and when they were confronted with a simple moral equation, they cast their lot with savages and genocidal maniacs. No, not the embryonic stem cell research vote, you backwards ass anti-science fundamentalist fucks. On torture and judicial rights, where even those who proclaimed themselves defenders of the detained and imprisoned ended up dancing like slut marionettes on a puppet pole in the Oval Office when it came down to actually, say, defending the detained and imprisoned.

Fuck them for making Americans fucking hated around the world, as if we're all ex-Nazis or, maybe more accurately, members of Pinochet's Chilean army back in the day, squandering the real triumph of America as a beacon of rights and fairness. However unreal that image was, it's better than being "that big ass country that tortures innocent people."

Fuck them for leaving New Orleans and the Gulf Coast to die, as if somehow those parts of the country were gangrenous toes that could just be cut off.

Fuck them for telling us we're too stupid or traitorous to understand what it is they're doing in trying to re-make the earth in their image, for keeping secrets in the name of their own security while literally and figuratively selling out ours.

Fuck them for lying to us about so goddamn much, about science, about their own policies, about what they actually, really were recorded saying, about what's genuinely important, like the out of control debt and the melting planet, instead trying to get us to think that, if a couple of guys wanna get married or if some pop singer's tit jumps out of her blouse, Godjeebus will smash the earth with his mighty Bible-club of divine justice.

Fuck them for...well, you know what? Just fuck them.

Fuck them all, all the Republicans in Congress, all members the conservative spooge-bucket brigade, all their corporate masters yanking on their nipple clips and shoving cold cash up their asses for their obeisance, all the liars and sinners and avaricious rats of the evangelical right, and especially all the wads of fuck in the White House. They all had their chance and they fucked it up. So fuck them.

When you walk into the voting booth on Tuesday, no matter where, with that rage burning in you, stab that motherfuckin' punch card, beat the shit out of that Diebold touch screen, and yell, "Fuck them" as you vote them into oblivion.

maybe we've reached a point in this America where it's time to fight or flee.

// posted by Rude One @ 10:17 AM| DiggIt!| Del.icio.us|


Well-Known Member
ok well i'm not gona read any of that. just this.

democrat in power = no debt

bush in power = 10 trillion dollar debt.

this is how i choose who to vote for and no
i'm not saying obama was the right choice.


Well-Known Member
ok well i'm not gona read any of that. just this.

democrat in power = no debt

bush in power = 10 trillion dollar debt.

this is how i choose who to vote for and no
i'm not saying obama was the right choice.
What are you talking about? at what point did we have no debt?


Well-Known Member
when clinton was president we had a balanced budget. the country itself will always be in debt.

thats why they turned off the debt counter when he was in office.


Well-Known Member
when clinton was president we had a balanced budget. the country itself will always be in debt.

thats why they turned off the debt counter when he was in office.
lmao, that was just clinton, it is easy to balance a budget when your headaches are always being slurped away by a decent looking intern without your wife getting pissed. plus the economy was in MUCH better shape when clinton took office. it will be a cold day in hell before obama has the budget balanced.


Well-Known Member
yea..... i was just thinkin bout that and it was alot eaiser in the 90's to get anything done really....

this world is going to hell...

anyone wana start a reformation?


New Member
WWI - Woodrow Wilson - fascist Democrat.

Federal Reserve Act - Woodrow Wilson - fascist Democrat.

16th Amendment establishing the income tax - Woodrow Wilson - fascist Democrat.

WWII - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Confiscation of gold coin and bullion from all private citizens and cancellation of all gold clauses in private contracts - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Withholding tax - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Social Security Ponzi Scheme - Franklin Roosevelt - fascist Democrat.

Korean War - Kennedy, Johnson - Democrats.

Bay of Pigs - Kennedy - Democrat.

War on Poverty ... three trillion wasted - Johnson - Marxist Democrat.

Double digit inflation, 21% interest rates, gas rationing - Carter - Marxist Democrat.

Iran Hostages with America held hostage - Carter - Marxist Democrat.

Rape, abuse of women - Clinton - sex addicted Democrat.

Obama ... remains to be seen but so far he is leaning toward fascism.

Now then ... I DO agree with the premise of the article. The Republican Party only has itself to blame for being out in the wilderness. George Bush was no conservative and most of the Republicans in government today are not conservatives.

What is sorely needed in this country are true liberals in the classic sense. Those who believe in individual liberty, freedom, free markets and free minds.


Bucket head

Well-Known Member
i don't get it guys... i mean you repukes act like this past administration has had a balanced check book. Have you ever seen the numbers that bush admin racked up? But I Digress... I gotta agree slightly With VI here that this countries debt goes back nearly a century in the days of W.Wilson and the end of the gold standard. Now matter who is running the show; its still the same game. Until we return to a sound monitary system and stop throwing money into wars and welfare black holes nothing will change. I don't care who is elected it wont change a thing.


Well-Known Member
Now then ... I DO agree with the premise of the article. The Republican Party only has itself to blame for being out in the wilderness. George Bush was no conservative and most of the Republicans in government today are not conservatives.

What is sorely needed in this country are true liberals in the classic sense. Those who believe in individual liberty, freedom, free markets and free minds.

Well said Vi man. bongsmilie


Active Member
Honestly all this political shit you see is really a distraction from whats really going on behind the doors. You really think are presidents are that smart c'mon just idiots taking orders on there blackberry's all I have to say is...................................bongsmilie
Peace and 1love,


Well-Known Member
You republicans need to stop using Obama/liberals as a distraction for Bush fucking up not only the country but the planet, people will not forget no matter how you all try to twist it.


Well-Known Member
Excuse my french, but enough is a-fucking-nough.

This Kumbayah bullshit has to stop now.

Fuck every last one of the Republicans and every DINO along with them. These people are the ENEMIES of America. They are the bought & paid for leeches. They are corporate whores. They don't give a rat's ass about the people of this nation.

They are criminals.

They are thieves.

They are murderers.

You don't fix the problems of a nation by acquiescing to the people who fucking broke it in the first place. You want to change the 'tone' in Washington? Here's an idea. How about speaking the truth? How about Obama getting up every night before America (press conference, daily video) and call their asses out on their lying criminal behavior. Tell the people the consequences of what the Republicans are doing. Tell them that they are actively working to stop the recovery of this nation. Name names. Every time they send out a new lie (talking point), Obama should take the stage and slam them with the truth. Shame them. Expose them.
The American people would give him a standing ovation.

People did NOT vote for Obama to negotiate with thieves and crooks. We did not donate our money and our time for this administration to have tea and cookies with the sleaze balls who would sell their own mother for a buck. And, if Obama continues along this path for very long, it won't be a stretch to conclude that bipartisanship is nothing more then collusion, and the dems are doing nothing but playing a grotesque game of good cop/bad cop.

Enough is FUCKING Enough.


New Member
Thanks guys ...

I honestly believe that a new, viable political party will be formed sometime within this year.

There ARE some libertarians in the Republican Party, folks as I described in my above post ... folks who sincerely believe in individual liberty and in chaining the federal government. There are more of these folks than we know. Some are brilliant and have the ability to lead. Some are already working in congress. Some were in congress and are no longer there. Most are Republicans but some are Democrats. Some are in state governments ... but there are enough of them that if they came together and formed a new, truly conservative libertarian based party, I'd support it. Would you?


Bucket head

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys ...

I honestly believe that a new, viable political party will be formed sometime within this year.

There ARE some libertarians in the Republican Party, folks as I described in my above post ... folks who sincerely believe in individual liberty and in chaining the federal government. There are more of these folks than we know. Some are brilliant and have the ability to lead. Some are already working in congress. Some were in congress and are no longer there. Most are Republicans but some are Democrats. Some are in state governments ... but there are enough of them that if they came together and formed a new, truly conservative libertarian based party, I'd support it. Would you?

Sounds great, but I guess time will tell...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You know you're a republican if:

You are more upset about Brokeback Mountain than Abu Ghraib.

You can’t stand Hilary Clinton’s hair but you have no problem with Tom DeLay’s.

You think Global Warming is no big deal but environmentalists are a major problem.

You support the "war on drugs" but think Rush Limbaugh is being prosecuted unfairly.

You think professional athletes make too much money but Sam Walton’s kids deserve

everything they have.

You like the way George Bush walks.

You think Al Gore is "wooden" and Donald Rumsfeld has charisma.

You think CNN is biased but Fox News is neutral.

You like the sound of Newt Gingrich’s voice.

You are sure the United States has the best education and health care systems in the world.

You think Dick Cheney is a straight shooter.

You think Michael Chertoff’s beard makes him look distinguished.

You think the problem with our health care system is lawyers.

You think it was more important to locate Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress than to locate weapons of mass destruction.

You don’t believe "terrorism" has made Rudy Giuliani an incredibly rich man.

You believe freedom of speech covers everything Pat Robertson says and does, but burning a flag should be illegal.

You can be in the same room with Brit Hume.

You have yourself convinced that the country and world are better off now than 5 years ago.

You believe the "greenhouse effect" means better gardens.

You believe God is everywhere - except your motel room.