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Could Legalizing Marijuana Help the Economy


Well-Known Member
"The old one has to die first." Are you serious? Take a look around, if this economy isn't dead already then it's hanging by a thread. And I'm not just talking about the black-market drug economy and all the legal institutions that go with it. I'm talking Global Economy here. Legalization would be an asset to global recovery.

You go on to say, "everything that we need to support the new economy has to be built from the ground up," like it's going to be so difficult. For starters it's not a new economy that we're talking about anyway. What we're talking about is the Legalization of Drugs or at least Marijuana. It would create a new industry, yes, but not a new economy. This new industry would have an enormous profit potential which leads me to believe that the transition from a black market to a legitimate market would be an easy one.

Lastly let me back up what I said about Legalization creating new jobs. TWO WORDS: REGULATION and TREATMENT.

Check out this article:
despite the fact that our national economy and the global economy is in shambles the prohibition part of the economy is quite strong. When i say the old economy must first die i meant the prohibition specific part of the economy.

The legal marijuana economy is a new thing. all of it right now is illegal. most of it is controlled by gangs, drug cartels and local/small time growers. yes the local/small time growers like us will quickly convert to the legal aspects but will the gangs and drug cartels? If they do great but i don't think it's that likely.

Moreover once it becomes legal, everyday farmers are going to pick this up, along with hemp. That is a completely new aspect of the economy. It's not going to just pop up over night.

It probably will provide a huge benefit to the economy on the whole but it's going to take time.


New Member
Legalizing would help the economy. People with grow knowledge would be able to start their own home based businesses which would stimulate their local economy.

Law enforcement could focus on real crime, prisons would have less overcrowding on their hands. Lawyers would still survive and if they didn't would you really care?

Let's not foget about the wide range of things that can be made from marijuana/hemp. That gives potential for a wide range of new industries.

Imagine having a choice, hemp based products or oil based products, which would you choose? The people who would eventually lose out would be the oil barons and I for one can't feel sorry for them. They'll still have plenty of money to live on.

I for one would like to have Hemp jeans available locally to buy, hemp is a stonger fiber than cotton and they would last longer. There's nothing worse than your favorite pair of jeans falling apart.

Hemp paper, hemp particle board, hemp cosmetics, hemp plastics, hemp foods, hemp fabrics, hemp fuel................


Active Member
Hemp paper, hemp particle board, hemp cosmetics, hemp plastics, hemp foods, hemp fabrics, hemp fuel................[/quote]

Hell yes! lol, there are afew houses in north QLD i think that are entirely hemp made. There would be such a huge industry if they just legalised it.


New Member
Nah, Americans if anything are lazy and all about wanting it now. Most won't grow if they could just run to the store and buy it.

There's where we all fit in. We would end up being the weed barons........the marijuana cartel if you would. It'll be us VS the oil barons.



Well-Known Member
Nah, Americans if anything are lazy and all about wanting it now. Most won't grow if they could just run to the store and buy it.

There's where we all fit in. We would end up being the weed barons........the marijuana cartel if you would. It'll be us VS the oil barons.

So i suppose on that note, what do you think will happen in the year immediately following prohibition?

I think that hemp seed sales and marijuana seed sales will go through the roof to the point of exhausting supplies. I truly don't believe that gangs and drug cartels are going to start selling it legally, they'll go about business as usual. Since it will take some time for farmers and mass producers to flood the market with hemp/pot it going to us small time growers that will be supporting the legal market, which means prices for a brief time might sky rocket before plummeting.

I that's just one of many scenarios that i've thought of. although if that idea isn't completely wack, if there is ever a hint of legalization on the federal level, buy all the strains that you've ever wanted to grow because everything will be sold out for some time thereafter.


New Member
The year following the end of prohibition will probably see an explosion of home growing attempts. Most people will give up after their first attempt for various reasons.

One reason being people who don't know the first thing about growing will let the pollen on the loose and end up with seedy crops.

Another reason will be that after growing and having to wait for the harvest it just won't be easy or quick enough for them. Most won't want to wait out a 6 or longer month grow if it is available for purchase in a store.

A third reason will be lack of even general growing knowledge, how many people do you see on this forum that are chopping off their fan leaves?

Once things settle down, that is when some of us can rise to the top as good herb growers.


Well-Known Member
The year following the end of prohibition will probably see an explosion of home growing attempts. Most people will give up after their first attempt for various reasons.

One reason being people who don't know the first thing about growing will let the pollen on the loose and end up with seedy crops.

Another reason will be that after growing and having to wait for the harvest it just won't be easy or quick enough for them. Most won't want to wait out a 6 or longer month grow if it is available for purchase in a store.

A third reason will be lack of even general growing knowledge, how many people do you see on this forum that are chopping off their fan leaves?

Once things settle down, that is when some of us can rise to the top as good herb growers.
finally out talents well be appreciated. and so will our wallets.:mrgreen:


New Member
I actually had someone try to tell me that in order to get buds you had to have a male plant :roll:

Those are the people who will be epic failures.


New Member
They didn't say seeds, they said buds, "the plant won't grow buds unless there is a male nearby" is what they said. :roll:

It wasn't someone here, it was a person I actually know. That is the type of person who will try to grow and then give up. Good for the rest of us. :clap:


Well-Known Member
well if you think about it, would it actually help the economy?

"law enforcement agencies both federal and state level would lose billions in funding and that will translate into jobs. Then there's the possible pharma fall, that could mean millions or even billions lost again will translate into jobs lost. Then there's the privatized prison system. less inmates means less guards and possibly less facilities, again more job loss. Then think about all the drug testing. that's a multi billion dollar a year business. that would drop like a rock. again that would lead to even more jobs lost. That doesn't mention the reduced need for lawyers both prosecutors and defenders, and judges and other less recognized jobs that depend on the business of prohibition.

so would the potential gain out weight the loss? i'm not sure.

i think i could live with all that


Well-Known Member
Ok so next topic: do you think that California's attempt at legalization will work to help alleviate their budget?

My answer is: only a little.

Assuming that i am wrong about any possible draw back from the fall of prohibition businesses. I think that the attempt will fall short very of expectations. Small time growers will convert to the legal system quickly. I don't think that gangs and drug cartels will sell it in the legal system. IF they did then yes, cali's attempt would work as they promote it. However if they don't they're still going to sell it like they do now. I don't think that they will go away or even diminish that much. The reason is because, in order to cause their downfall they need to be beaten by competition. But I don't think that big farms and companies will risk the federal legal ramifications.

It's a massively important step forward that i support but i don't think that it will work all that well. moreover i'm worried that this might hurt our cause. because if my hypothesis is even remotely correct then it'll be used as a talking point about how our position is wrong.


New Member
damn straight it would def help the economy.. the taxes from it alone would prolly be in the hundreds of milliions.. Not to mention all the underground,undeclared money that trades hands from buyer to dealer every day that would be put into "normal" circulation... OMG of course it can only help the economy.


Active Member
Ok so next topic: do you think that California's attempt at legalization will work to help alleviate their budget?

My answer is: only a little.

Didn't we just agree for the first time? What happened? I don't think anyone's sayin' it's going to balance the budget, but to say it will only help "a little," I think, is crazy. Remember we're not just talkin' tax revenue, there's also the savings from not having to enforce prohibition anymore.

I don't think that gangs and drug cartels will sell it in the legal system. IF they did then yes, cali's attempt would work as they promote it. However if they don't they're still going to sell it like they do now. I don't think that they will go away or even diminish that much.

Why would gangs have to sell in order for this to be successful? Are you just trying to be controversial or are you a gang-member? Sounds ludicrous to me.

The reason is because, in order to cause their downfall they need to be beaten by competition. But I don't think that big farms and companies will risk the federal legal ramifications.

Why would big farms and companies be the only ones capable of competing with the gangs? Legilization will bring the entrepeneurial pot farmers out of the woodwork.

It's a massively important step forward that i support but i don't think that it will work all that well. moreover i'm worried that this might hurt our cause. because if my hypothesis is even remotely correct then it'll be used as a talking point about how our position is wrong.

Kan you clarify this last statement. Is it a "massively important step forward," or will it "hurt our cause?" Because it kant be both.


Well-Known Member
So what I was saying was that the guy who introduced the bill claimed that taxing pot would bring in over a billion dollars to california's coffers as well as reduce crime. Yes, not enforcing prohibition will save money.

I don't think that small growers that would switch over to the legal system would be able to supply the demand that would occur(assuming this bill passes). When they don't meet that demand, gangs will meet the rest of it. Unless the legal supply can meet the demand the black market will survive.

ok so the last statement what i meant was that this bill is huge symbolically. It is a sign of the changing times which is important. What i meant that it could hurt us was that if it fails to live up to expectations then it will be used as proof that legalization doesn't work. which will make our struggle all the harder.


Well-Known Member
well if you think about it, would it actually help the economy?

I mean there's the much tutted positives of taxes and billions going to farmers and local shops rather then drug cartels and gangs which is good but consider the other side.

law enforcement agencies both federal and state level would lose billions in funding and that will translate into jobs. Then there's the possible pharma fall, that could mean millions or even billions lost again will translate into jobs lost. Then there's the privatized prison system. less inmates means less guards and possibly less facilities, again more job loss. Then think about all the drug testing. that's a multi billion dollar a year business. that would drop like a rock. again that would lead to even more jobs lost. That doesn't mention the reduced need for lawyers both prosecutors and defenders, and judges and other less recognized jobs that depend on the business of prohibition.

so would the potential gain out weight the loss? i'm not sure.

Well Kant,I dont like prison guards or drug testers.Maybe they can get a job where you get to snear at people alot,like Receptionist or humanitarian aid worker.We will surely have a few more hurricanes on the gulf where i live.We have the new death row for Texas here.Handing out fliers looking for suckers to be guards.


Well-Known Member
Well Kant,I dont like prison guards or drug testers.Maybe they can get a job where you get to snear at people alot,like Receptionist or humanitarian aid worker.We will surely have a few more hurricanes on the gulf where i live.We have the new death row for Texas here.Handing out fliers looking for suckers to be guards.
I'm not saying that it's a good use of our money. i'm simply saying that it is a use of money which supports an economy of prohibition.


New Member
I'm sure when alcohol prohibition ended there was a lag in time where things needed to switch over from back alleys to store fronts, but it got done.

Prisons have become private industries and I'm sure they are little money makers, but really, would anyone out there enjoy sitting in prison over a plant just because prison guards need jobs too? That's no reason to keep it illegal.

I think the money saved on busting people for pot would be a really amazing number. Just think of all the people in prison what it costs to feed them. Isn't it like $60 per day per person? That's a lot of cash saved if all the non violent marijuana offenders were let out.