What good has religion brought the world collectively?


stays relevant.
YES, yes I do... It is Satan who turned the Sanhedrin against Jesus. It is Satan who killed all those in Jonestown. It is Satan who killed those at Waco Texas. It is Satan who guided Po Pot, Hitler, Stalin, the Taliban, Hamas and the PLO. It is Satan that caused the Oklahoma Bombing too. I could go on, but I'm tired, it's time to go to bed, peace friends...
Funny how Satan can do all this shit, but God cant take a break from his billions of dollars, churches, and naive followers to lift a single finger.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
YES, yes I do... It is Satan who turned the Sanhedrin against Jesus. It is Satan who killed all those in Jonestown. It is Satan who killed those at Waco Texas. It is Satan who guided Po Pot, Hitler, Stalin, the Taliban, Hamas and the PLO. It is Satan that caused the Oklahoma Bombing too. I could go on, but I'm tired, it's time to go to bed, peace friends...
well, i think those things that happened, and all the people involved in carrying out those acts, were just straight bad human beings, misled by unintelligence and prejudice etc etc...it wasnt the devil:fire: pokin em with a pitchfork tellin em to do the shit


Active Member
Thinking realistically, I'm sure we can all agree that we are unsure about if there really is a God or God's no matter what religion you practice. What gets people through though is a so-called faith. In my opinion, I believe religion is good up to a point. It gives people that have no where else to turn to a certain feeling of comfort and friendship. "God" is someone that you can prey to, and vent out all of your problems. On the other hand though, extreme radical religions like the ones you stated above should not be tolerated. People that kill thousands of others for the promise of 1,424 virgins is not only ignorant, but selfish and just plain stupid. Don't get me wrong, I was a practicing catholic all through high school, but now that I have the choice, I don't participate at all because of debates just like this. If someone is going to practice a religion, it should not affect anyone else outside of others of that religion. Different religions are just too caught up in recruiting others, that they're true message is blurred out by the lies to get them to join so they can get your collection. This is just my opinion by the way, not trying to hate on any religions at all.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
well, i think those things that happened, and all the people involved in carrying out those acts, were just straight bad human beings, misled by unintelligence and prejudice etc etc...it wasnt the devil:fire: pokin em with a pitchfork tellin em to do the shit
This would be wonderful if true, who influences them, God or Satan.
It is the belief in God that causes us to stop and think, are we doing evil. The chimp that ate that womans face, was not influenced by God or Satan. If he was still alive, he would show no remorse at all. Only Humans with knowledge of God
can show and feel remorse. Yes, there is a God, maybe not the one we read in the Bible, make no mistake, there is a GOD.


stays relevant.
We're losing track of the topic...

Can anyone contribute some insight on how religion has improved the world?


Active Member
How religion has improved the world.....Well lots of money that the Churchs of various religions collect is given to various charitys that the Church supports, these charitys often have no links to the Church/Religion at all. At times Religion has isolated and devided, but it has also unified. Funerals are one example of the benifits of Religion, i dont believe in God but the funeral i went to for my best friend made me see how religion can give people the strength to get though hard times. The Bible also has maybe some pro weed messages!

"Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things." (Genesis 9:3).

God would be pissed if he knew that the world was making one of his plants illegal!

Also the 10 commandments are pretty much a good way to go about life, its not perfect for modern day life but its a good basis of rules to follow. I argued with a barman for hours once that he pretty much lived a Christian way of life, as the western world seems to follow the 10 commandments with only a few changes.

I like to picture religion like a form of martial art. You have hunderds of different styles/methods all have positives and negatives, but they are methods of controlling your mind and body, and all give you purpose.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
religion is and always will be the greatest threat to mankind. you can live a spiritual life or be an atheist and still be a good person who cares for others and treats people with kindness and respect. anyone who only does the right thing simply because they were told to or fear god is mentally sick and easily manipulated to do bad. if you know history then you know religion is more destructive to humanity than productive.


Elite Rolling Society
I would add that I watched a History Channel TV program, a few months back, about how the TEN COMMANDMENTS, as given by Moses, shaped the entire world's LAWS, and especially the formation of the US Goverment and our laws. When our forefathers, (the Masons, later the Illuminati, Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, etc) were organizing our government and laws, they based alot of what they agreed on, on RELIGION, AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.

I won't argue it, but I thought this might be a half-ass decent response to your question.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
most decent people inadvertently follow the ten commandments without even knowing what they are. its the people who have to be scared into decent behaviour that scare me whenever i hear 'im a good god fearing christian' i shudder. i know atheists or others who follow the ten commandments closer than most religious people do. in fact most christians really dont understand the true teachings of jesus. being a good person has nothing to to with religion just who you are. whenever there is a big loss of human life not of natural causes religion is ussualy to blame sad.


Elite Rolling Society
It was Ghandi that said something like, (I am not 100% Accurate)

I really like your Christ and what He taught. It is the Christians and what they do, that I have a problem with.

Brick Top

New Member
Every single war EVER.

WW I was not caused by religion. WW II was not caused by religion. The Korean War was not caused by religion. The war in Vietnam was not caused by Religion.

Do you need a longer list to prove that "Every single war EVER" was NOT based on or cause by religion?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Funny how Satan can do all this shit, but God cant take a break from his billions of dollars, churches, and naive followers to lift a single finger.
Do all what shit,all the devil has to do is decieve a weak minded human into doing wrong.See everyone else is doing it ,so it must be good.Go ahead just take it,the company can afford it,it's just a pen.
We as humans are all born good,there is no evil gene.During our life we depend on the guidance from,God,our parents and freinds to teach us the difference between right and wrong.When we do not have a solid foundation of what is right or wrong,it is easy to be mislead.
It is up to us humans to do what is right by God's word,not for God to run our daily lifes.God gave us all the choice to do good or evil,can you tell who is winning.OPH

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Thinking realistically, I'm sure we can all agree that we are unsure about if there really is a God or God's no matter what religion you practice. What gets people through though is a so-called faith. In my opinion, I believe religion is good up to a point. It gives people that have no where else to turn to a certain feeling of comfort and friendship. "God" is someone that you can prey to, and vent out all of your problems. On the other hand though, extreme radical religions like the ones you stated above should not be tolerated. People that kill thousands of others for the promise of 1,424 virgins is not only ignorant, but selfish and just plain stupid. Don't get me wrong, I was a practicing catholic all through high school, but now that I have the choice, I don't participate at all because of debates just like this. If someone is going to practice a religion, it should not affect anyone else outside of others of that religion. Different religions are just too caught up in recruiting others, that they're true message is blurred out by the lies to get them to join so they can get your collection. This is just my opinion by the way, not trying to hate on any religions at all.
Amen Hardboby.Religion today is no more than a country club,a place they all get together so they can feel good about themselfs and look down on others.If a minister or preacher,preached the word from the Bible as God wants his word taught,churches would go broke.No one wants to sit for a hour or two and be told they are sinners who need to change.People will leave and find a church that makes them feel good.
Preachers use religion as a way to make money,they will tell you anything you want to hear,as long as it gets you in the seat and putting money in the basket.
The only way to learn what God wants for us and from us it to read the Bible,not by listening to the words of man.OPH

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
WW I was not caused by religion. WW II was not caused by religion. The Korean War was not caused by religion. The war in Vietnam was not caused by Religion.

Do you need a longer list to prove that "Every single war EVER" was NOT based on or cause by religion?
holy shit, im sorry, ive had this discussion toooo many times on RUI, im not doing it again.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
This would be wonderful if true, who influences them, God or Satan.
It is the belief in God that causes us to stop and think, are we doing evil. The chimp that ate that womans face, was not influenced by God or Satan. If he was still alive, he would show no remorse at all. Only Humans with knowledge of God
can show and feel remorse. Yes, there is a God, maybe not the one we read in the Bible, make no mistake, there is a GOD.
Well I simply disagree. I dont think a god makes us feel remorse or things that animals supposedly cant feel, I think our society has bred this into humans over time, just how dogs have evolved to be companions of humans, emotions have evolved too, not just physical traits, and when someone does something that we say is wrong, it isnt the devil.


New Member
Religion is a moral compass. It is not perfect, and neither are the people that claim to be apart of whatever sect. If you take the guiding principles from all religions, you'll get the same meanings. Be a good person, respect your neighbors, dont kill, etc etc. Religion is a good thing, but is often steered the wrong way by liberals that over magnify the flaws of a few, in hopes to sway general opinion into thinking corruption is taking over. When was the last time you saw an athiest group helping a village of starving people in another country? I am not religious though I studdy buddism. ( the only true religion of peace )

Brick Top

New Member
holy shit, im sorry, ive had this discussion toooo many times on RUI, im not doing it again.
Regardless of if you desire to discuss it or not you know that WW I, WW II, the Korean War and the war in Vietnam were in no way caused by or related to religion.

The U.S. Civil War was not in any way connected to religion and the Boar War was not caused by religion either.

Need more?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if there was only 1 religion or no religion the seperating of groups of people would not happen as much and economic or land based wars would be less frequent. different cultures clash because because of many things but what originally formed different countries and the dividing of people is and always has been to some degree religion. the underlying cause of wars or 1 of the major factors are religious beliefs this allows people to see others as different or inferior. this is a catalyst for land and money wars to begin. the nazis and the ww2 japanese are good examples.