My plants is in Fifth week...can i flower them yet??


New Member
pics? have many, 600w hps, dont do l.e.d sorry. have ad fiew nice grows but nothing near 16oz a plant let alone 36oz


New Member


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
dude, with the space, time and light, its possible, but on a regular setup its unrealistic, who can grow a plant out to over 6 feet before flowering... indoors...

but if you had one plant, with a big light, and enough time and bending, you could spread that plant out the the equivalent of 6 feet and get the same amount. i don't think this is unrealistic, just as long as your not doing an sog or having a bunch of plants under one light.
my 2nd grow of this same strain veged for 60 days finished being 7 ft tall. i had 5 under my 1000 watt hps and got about 5 1/2 oz per plant. and that was from a clone. and this is a clone off of those clones. now this plant is grown with temps and hum. well control this time. just cut the clone and growit. thats it

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member

that was vegged 10daysand thats 2wks into flower!! had nice yeild but nowere near 16 0r 36 ounces, i must have mist sumin when i was learning!!!!!! oh well:bigjoint:
no fucking wonder you dont belive a k.g per plant can be grown indoors with them spindly pices of crap LOL.

you are a newbie grower that knows fuck all, have you ever heard of krusty when overgrow was online he used to do freedom grows as he liked called them in the famous krusty bucket, lots of ppl now grow in bubblig buckets thanks to krusty and dont even know why the reson that why they are so populer, its because when you saw krustys grow room and the size of his plants your jaw would hit the floor, that is why the bubbling bucket is so popular today!

go do some reserch because your a shit grower who cant get over a k.g per plant indoors, does not mean anyone else cant

google krusty buckets and learn some online cannabis history newbie. pics below are of krustys grow


New Member
look dick head the plants are spindly as its the strain, they dont grow bushy they grow more TREE+BRANCHY! they arnt like 12ft tall lol because they were topped a fiew times to keep hight at a minimun, have u thaught that some people only have certain dimentions to work with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the 2 plants ended up 4ft in hight and both yeilded 5-5 1/2 oz wich im very happy with, i dont grow to sell its all for me so im not botherd in growing 70ft plants that yeild 1200000oz.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
no fucking wonder you dont belive a k.g per plant can be grown indoors with them spindly pices of crap LOL.

you are a newbie grower that knows fuck all, have you ever heard of krusty when overgrow was online he used to do freedom grows as he liked called them in the famous krusty bucket, lots of ppl now grow in bubblig buckets thanks to krusty and dont even know why the reson that why they are so populer, its because when you saw krustys grow room and the size of his plants your jaw would hit the floor, that is why the bubbling bucket is so popular today!

go do some reserch because your a shit grower who cant get over a k.g per plant indoors, does not mean anyone else cant

google krusty buckets and learn some online cannabis history newbie. pics below are of krustys grow
i love the plants and colas but i have been growing for awhile and i know for a fact that a plant veged for 10 days will NOT look like that soory.


New Member
wich plant are u refering to m8? iif its the 2 in the bath then yes they were only vegged 10days(clones) the pic is 2weeks into flower they went belistic in the start of the second week, i have no reason to lie,thats if u were refering 2my pic. thanx


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
wich plant are u refering to m8? iif its the 2 in the bath then yes they were only vegged 10days(clones) the pic is 2weeks into flower they went belistic in the start of the second week, i have no reason to lie,thats if u were refering 2my pic. thanx
yes i no they can go crazy the firt mont in flower. it was the 10 day veg that made me say that. they do look f~~king awsome. man how i would love to come and just stand in your room. not to mant grow monsters. its nice to see more of this kind of indoor grows. .:weed:


New Member
10 days thats rite, they ended up 4ft and yeilded 5 1/2 oz each, give and take a little,thanx for the comment, 9inchbud seems to think that the plants were shit looking!!!!!!!!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
10 days thats rite, they ended up 4ft and yeilded 5 1/2 oz each, give and take a little,thanx for the comment, 9inchbud seems to think that the plants were shit looking!!!!!!!!!
thats awsome. i grow with the bare minumum no co2, no dehumidifires. i just plant and feed thats it nothing special. no toping, no lst, or fimming. do you do any of that.:weed:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
look dick head the plants are spindly as its the strain, they dont grow bushy they grow more TREE+BRANCHY! they arnt like 12ft tall lol because they were topped a fiew times to keep hight at a minimun, have u thaught that some people only have certain dimentions to work with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the 2 plants ended up 4ft in hight and both yeilded 5-5 1/2 oz wich im very happy with, i dont grow to sell its all for me so im not botherd in growing 70ft plants that yeild 1200000oz.

you say 10 days? then whats this post about?
i was also told that if there are prime conditions u r supposed to get the wattage/grams i.e 400 w=400grams?
have u ever heard that b4?? sorry didnt mean to be rude!

i have 2 plants, vegged for 5wks, flowerd when 12-14inches, currently 2weeks into 12/12 and their both 30inches and very full(plasterd in budz)
neuts=IONIC BLOOM+IONIC BOOST half strength
soil gro 3gallon pots
topped at 15inches = 2big colas on each plant instead of 1
watered everyother day
airflow is prime
temp day=76/80 night 67/69f

urm cant think of anything else?? wot u think buddy?
it says 5 weeks veg if thats 5 weeks then you are a shit grower

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
5 weeks thats more like it to see plants like that.
taffo is full of shit hes only just started growing by the sounds of it and looking at his post such newbe Q like how much will my 2 plants yeild ROLF then comes on here telling me a kg cant be grown indoors! pics and thread up as proof.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so you think it cant be done as well? I know it can be done, i don't need convincing.

taffo is full of shit
who the hell is M8. and no not by far. it can be done if y you veg for a very long time and you top , fim and sgrog the piss out of her. you might get close,but not 10 veg. sorry not happening.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
who the hell is M8. and no not by far. it can be done if y you veg for a very long time and you top , fim and sgrog the piss out of her. you might get close,but not 10 veg. sorry not happening.
LOL what you on about m8? i have not called you m8?? im not saying a 1000g with 10 days veg. read the link i posted heath says he veged for 6 weeks from clone and The plants are 6'6" including pot and are lit by 3 x 600w hung vertically. The plants yielded 36.6 Oz off the left plant and 43.8 Oz from the right plant.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i now i read it to and theres no way. yes a plant can grow that hight in that amount of time i have but not even close to a yield like that.