Electricity usage (should I be worried?)

Mr Reefer

Active Member
In my garden I have 3 600w HID's, a 125w cfl for clones and a 110w T5 for the mother plants.

Two of the 600w are on 12/12 and the other lights are on 18/6.

In total I run about 2000w for 12hrs a day and then drops to 800w for the other 12hrs

this adds around £20 a month to my electric bill and was worried if this amount would attract attention to me.

If anyone has any knowledge on this it would be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
If you are just looking for some reinsurance.. I would not trust a forum on the internet to help me sleep at night about this issue.. Really theres no telling if you will be "safe" or not.. I would like to say yea "most likely" since its only $20 more in costs monthly.. But then again $20 of electricity on those charts PECO sends you every month shows plain as day that u did increase in usage since last month (or before u started the grow room). Just look at ur usage charts from the past few months... Even go back about 1 year and see how much room you have to play with... Thats basically wat PECO does to catch people... They look at the customers usage last year and maybe even the year before that and compare it to this years usage that same month and see how much of a difference there is... But like I said urs is only a $20 difference (at this point) and many things can happen to cause that.... Like say ur heater (like mine) one month had problems and was just blowing cold air here and there rather then hot.. So my unit would just run and run until I would fix it... This lead to my bill increasing by about $10... I guess wat I am getting at is $20 "SHOULD" be in the safe zone for weird problems people might have that cause their bill to go up a lil...


Well-Known Member
first - are you veging with a 600w? why wouldnt all 3 be used for flower?

second - a $20-40 rise is nothing, look at your total kw-hr usage... i pushed my bill up by about $200/month with no eyebrows lifted... you should be able to run about 1KW per bedroom that you have. the monthly usage is how they really tell how much power you are using. i switched plans so i have a different rate, i pay 3 times more than some of my neighbors, but i use about 5 times the power. (they use about 700-800 kw-hrs/month, and i usually use about 4000 kw-hrs)


Well-Known Member
If your really worried about it switch all your light bulbs out in the house for CFLs. Even with everything going in my grow room my bill is lower then what it used to be.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Man you are fine. I just dont get how that brings your bill up only 20? But, hey, thats great! Cause I just have a 400 and a 250 and assorted fans and that brings my bill up almost 100... Good Luck to you!

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
In my garden I have 3 600w HID's, a 125w cfl for clones and a 110w T5 for the mother plants.

Two of the 600w are on 12/12 and the other lights are on 18/6.

In total I run about 2000w for 12hrs a day and then drops to 800w for the other 12hrs

this adds around £20 a month to my electric bill and was worried if this amount would attract attention to me.

If anyone has any knowledge on this it would be much appreciated.

LOL £20 a month you wish! more like £150 pay your bill on timeno problems bills are sent out by computer no one looks at the unless yoyu owe money, just pay up on time and dont worry, my 1/4 bill is £750+ been like for years.


Well-Known Member
You know my electricity bill went up 100$ was living with girl friend and kid kicked here out i dropped 100$ then daughter moved with me electricity went up again.

So many reason why it would go up. i never got anyone coming over and ask me why.

Mr Reefer

Active Member
To: Bloodshot420

I have split my room into veg and flower, I'm using 2 600w hps in the flower room and a 600w mh for veg, I'm doing 12 plants at a time 3 weeks apart so I have rolling harvests.

Do you think 600w MH is a bit heavy for 12 plants in veg stage?


Well-Known Member
if its working for you thats cool... 600s do way more damage when they are flowering plants...

some fluros should be able to sustain them until they go to the flower room... just some T8s or T12 bulbs... total cost to keep 12 plants alive will be maybe $80 in fixtures and bulbs... and it will use less than 300w (that would be about 10 tubes).

if you put that 600 over into flower, it should add 4-6oz to each harvest... depending on your setup and space...

i have a flower room that gets over 100w of HID per sq ft... i got 14 sq ft under 2000w ;-)

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
To: Bloodshot420

I have split my room into veg and flower, I'm using 2 600w hps in the flower room and a 600w mh for veg, I'm doing 12 plants at a time 3 weeks apart so I have rolling harvests.

Do you think 600w MH is a bit heavy for 12 plants in veg stage?
what will look bad if you get busted * hope you nerver do m8* the courts look at it like this- sophistication i.e -

in the court room will start off somthing like this-

your honor Mr *** had such a sophisticated grow operation he was using hydroponics! this will yield 2x the amount and twice as potant cannabis that you would be able to grow if the plants are grown in soil.

judge tell me more.

your honer he had 2 rooms!( 2 fucking rooms) one for flowering and another to keep a steady supply once one crop is harvasted another one is replaced so he maximises potental proffit there is no down time in this operation.

you get the drift?? we know its all bollucks but that what the courts go on.

it does not matter the size of light have you ever heard some one doing 3 years because he grew under a 1000w and some one getting 1 year for a 600w? thought not. its down to the plant numbers and how sophisticated the grow is and 2 rooms no matter it its under a 20w CFL 2 rooms are 2 rooms in the court of law, its classed as a sophisticated grow op although the number of plant play a big part of the sentancing.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Can I ask where you've gathered this information?
through studying court cases where the defendant has been sentenced on plant numbers and the sophistication of the grow operation. use google alert and type "cannabis" everytime someone get busted for growing weed it will be email to you read the cases and come to your own conclusions.

sentencing usally follows in this order
1 size of the grow and how many plants
2 sophistication of the set in other words is it a professional set up using hydro <hydro is classed as sophisticated in the court of law is the grow room computer controlled or fully automated? is the grower using cuttings or growing from seeds/. how elabarate is the harvisting is it every week or every 8 weeks etc.. usally = more proffit = longer time in jail.

2 grow rooms is classed as sophistacated set up = cutting down on the time taken to harvest = maximising potential proffit in less time than if only one room is used for both veg and flowering.