DEA to halt medical marijuana raids


Well-Known Member
Holder confirms states to have final say on use of drug for pain control
About Time:bigjoint:

Supporters of programs to provide legal marijuana to patients with painful medical conditions are celebrating Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement this week that the Drug Enforcement Administration would end its raids on state-approved marijuana dispensaries


Well-Known Member
They will stop raiding as long as its for MEDICAL purposes and not necessarily recreational. Im not sure there stance on recreational marijuana. I think the rec is left in the open right now but i could be wrong. I do know that they will NO LONGER raid the medical community including patients, doctors, and grow shops. UNLESS the medical shop is a cover business for something else!!!! SO ALL YOU MEDICAL PATIENTS YOU BETTER QUIT YOUR SHIT AND STICK WITH THE BUD.

Also, California introduced a bill to out right legalize marijuana and regulate it similiar to alcohol. They will tax it and bring in 1 billion dollars or more a year in taxes. 50dollar tax PER ounce of useable smokeable marijuana. :D


New Member
Memo to Eric Holder:

Dear Attorney General Holder ...

Thanks for doing all of us medical users a big favor IN YOUR MIND. The facts are, the federal government never did have any say-so about medical users in medical free states. Now go pound sand.



New Member
Memo to Eric Holder:

Dear Attorney General Holder ...

Thanks for doing all of us medical users a big favor IN YOUR MIND. The facts are, the federal government never did have any say-so about medical users in medical free states. Now go pound sand.

Whatever Vi, they sure have been raiding Ca dispensaries though, eh? And he virtually stopped it. Give the dude some credence you dork. Just because he isn't right of Atilla the Hun doesn't mean he can't do some good.


New Member
Whatever Vi, they sure have been raiding Ca dispensaries though, eh? And he virtually stopped it. Give the dude some credence you dork. Just because he isn't right of Atilla the Hun doesn't mean he can't do some good.
Stopping the raids is a good thing, Med. The people acting like Obama is doing us a favor isn't. All it does is show how stupid, ignorant and dependent Americans have become.

And by the way ... speaking of "dorks," you voted for this son of a bitch, didn't you?



New Member
Stopping the raids is a good thing, Med. The people acting like Obama is doing us a favor isn't. All it does is show how stupid, ignorant and dependent Americans have become.

And by the way ... speaking of "dorks," you voted for this son of a bitch, didn't you?

Are you that much of an idiot? It is Obamas justice department that stopped the raids. Your guys, the repukes, didn't, and if Mcsame had been elected wouldn't have either. I get it that you are saying that it is your right and Obama really didn't give you your rights, but in reality it is him and his justice dept that decided to stop going after medical MJ clinics in all states. Instead of spouting off with some stupid shit like Obama didn't give you your rights, just own up to the fact that it was him that stopped the raids. I realize that all you libertarians are imbued with rights that other folks only dream about, like financial stability, big houses and fancy things, But for Christs sake, get a fucking grip.


New Member
I have a grip, Med.

Yes, its good that Obama called off the DEA dogs ... but calling off the dogs is no favor and folks on this site should recognize it for what it is. The federal government had no right to unleash the dogs in the first place. And it wasn't just the Republicans that set the attack dogs loose. Are you forgetting Waco and Ruby Ridge?



Well-Known Member
I have a grip, Med.

Yes, its good that Obama called off the DEA dogs ... but calling off the dogs is no favor and folks on this site should recognize it for what it is. The federal government had no right to unleash the dogs in the first place. And it wasn't just the Republicans that set the attack dogs loose. Are you forgetting Waco and Ruby Ridge?

Come on Vi. I hope you know by now that I'm with you on many political fronts. Getting angry because he agreed not to enforce the federal laws he is entitled to under the Controlled Substance Act and the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution isn't very helpful.
The fact that parts of the CSA do not really pass constitutional muster, is not his or Obama's fault, it is a crappy law that hasn't been tested thoroughly enough in the SCOTUS.