afgahn mafia


New Member
Hmm...this could get about I just use you for sex and we smoke the plants? got me.......


New Member
ok...burp...just ate krystals....
I started 9 white widow yesterday and 4 have already stuck their heads out. I have 2 others that are getting big and I don't know what to do with them...I don't have room in the flower room.




New Member
check this out...the one in the orange pot, I yanked it about 3 weeks ago and threw it in that pot. all thats in that pot is a little nute water drain off. no its growing



Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awesome!Can you throw some of the extras outside?the ones you have no room for?
check this out...the one in the orange pot, I yanked it about 3 weeks ago and threw it in that pot. all thats in that pot is a little nute water drain off. no its growing


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Those bastards, lemme know if you need someone to man the other ak47!Lets go out in a blaze of glory!
I don't think so...fuck em. I used to grow outside until they started this shit. my property borders a state park and folks have been known to cultivate the herb there.