3 Tent Setup - 2 Weeks In - Should I Trim??


Active Member

I have 3 tents setup up ready to go, 2 in use at the minute, with 6 plants in each..

I am 2 weeks in now, an I think there looking good, but unsure about cutting trimming, I can see the leaves at bottom are a darker green coz am guessin they are not getting as much light..

There is even one branch which is laying flat on soil, lol..

Anyway should I trim? Where? How Much, or should I just leave them the hell alone, lol..

Thanks poeple..

This is my 1st grow by the way.. an pics are from different times, the pic of 2 tents is 2 days in.. (I had the little fellas ready to grow n given to me) the one to the top right, an bottom left are latest... sorry should of thought of this, lol..

Thanks for advice folks.. seems am doin good, thank fuk for that.. lol..

I have the pots siting in a big tray, an have been told to put water in there..

Am giving each tent, a 5 litre mix of ionic grow.. with 7ml grow / 1 litre warmish water.. All good???

thanks people for ye help

an doing this every 2nd day thnaks am stoned cant rememebr eveyrhtin lol



Active Member
As a general rule... if the leaves are no longer getting light on them, you can trim them off. You often end up trimming off the lower big fan leaves and such anyways in the flowering stage. The plants are dishing out energy and such to those lower leaves even though they dont have an energy intake because they're getting no sunlight.

Worst case scenario is.. you don't trim them and they may slow growth a little and decrease bud production a little...

But for 2 weeks those plants look effing amazing so keep it up :D

But at this age, I personally would wait until they're 3 weeks old or so. They're still at a young age and it doesn't seem like a good idea to induce stress on to them so early. I don't know that for a fact, that's just my opinion.

large bud

Active Member
plants look good dude.what soil you using?introduce pearlite or vermiculite 4 aeriationand c the difference.peace out dude.


Active Member
plants look good dude.what soil you using?introduce pearlite or vermiculite 4 aeriationand c the difference.peace out dude.
coco grow??

i no someone who runs a shop, but he just give me everythin.. he choose it it all.. is it good??

An where u get that stuff u mentioned, can find it on net, but where u buy frm??

nice one


Well-Known Member
ya man you should definitley wait a min to trim em you might get by with a lil trim but I'd wait a bit. I generally dont trim until I put em in to flower and then bour a week after I put em in flower. this way I can tell what is going to be thin and fluffy and what is actually gonna be a nug, you could however just let them go and you'd still get herb its just that more of the herb you get is going to be fluff and not as dense. when I trim I try to make the lower branches just turn into one fat nuggers and I do this by trimming off all the excess greenery from the bottom and the inside of the plant shame that you ask me today as I gave haircuts last night on my girls. but anyway I'd wait a bit and let em veg out for a while specially if your fillin the tents with 6 plants. just be patient and dont start hackin on em yet. let em grow :D


Active Member
also btw they look vety well :D

Thanks for advice folks.. seems am doin good, thank fuk for that.. lol..

I have the pots siting in a big tray, an have been told to put water in there..

Am giving each tent, a 5 litre mix of ionic grow.. with 7ml grow / 1 litre warmish water.. All good???

thanks people for ye help


Active Member
Thanks for advice folks.. seems am doin good, thank fuk for that.. lol..

I have the pots siting in a big tray, an have been told to put water in there..

Am giving each tent, a 5 litre mix of ionic grow.. with 7ml grow / 1 litre warmish water.. All good???

thanks people for ye help
lol... an doing this every 2nd day thnaks am stoned cant rememebr eveyrhtin lol