Help Please


Active Member
hi guys. im on my first grow using big bang and its been goin ok. anyway,the last couple of days the leaves have started to get a 'claw' effect and the tips are pointing straight down. the leaves are still green but the stems of the older leaves are purple. any help would be appreciated and if you need more info just ask. cheers




Active Member
ive been watering it weekly but i guess the soil was still a little damp. i just thought i week would be long enough. should i leave it longer than a week then? ive only just got a vent put in, would that effect it?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just let the soil dry out.pick up the pot and see how heavy it is when you water. this will tell you how heavy it is. then pick it up in a few days see if its lighter. or you can stick your finger in the soil up to you 2nd nuckle. if its stillwet or damp hold off for a day or 2 longer.


Active Member
Thanks man. i will let it dry out this time. would that be causing the purple stems as well? or is taht something else? thanks again for the help