Well-Known Member
well i know a guy
that has been growing 5 plants for a few months now. they were bag seed and out of 10, 5 were fem well all have a different pheno. all are tall and lanky but all have different bud structure and smells. one smells like some sort of fruity candy.. the best smelling weed i have ever smelled.. two others smell like white widdow, another smells like some lemon heads and one has a very low smell.. kinda chocolatey or something.
but the fruity one has so much crystals on it.. its crazy.. and the smell.. omg its the best i have ever smelled..
what are the best smelling buds you have ever smelled or grown? try to describe what they compared to in smell.

but the fruity one has so much crystals on it.. its crazy.. and the smell.. omg its the best i have ever smelled..
what are the best smelling buds you have ever smelled or grown? try to describe what they compared to in smell.