PC grow case

they'll sprout soon prob. my lowryders all popped in 1 day except 1 and it did 3 days later and i now don't even know which 1 it is. if they pop after 4 or 5 days though it may be a week plant. So are you growing them in the pc right now or putting them in later when a little bigger? Also did you leave the front of the computer looking normal. the other pc grow i saw he removed just the back of the cd rom disk drive and everything so it looked like it was still there. He also mylard the inside. sorry if i missed the pic of the pc but didn't see it.

i have the one bagseed plant in the pc now thats it now the box im growing in is the small one we received the flower box today with the hydro kit. that box will be staying at my neighbors house were doing this as like a team project but i will be posting pics with that grow also when it starts. but when the 3 blueryders pop up im going to put them in this pc and then move the bagseed to the flower box at my neighbors if its a female were growin it out if its a male then were going to germinate 4 blueryders and put them in the flower box. hopefully 1 or 2 of of my blueryders are female and then hope fully 2 or 3 of his will be female

and yeah 1982 it looks like a computer on the outside it has liek the computer deck and head phone jacks and all the shabam and it came with the mylard reflectant and fans



Beauty grow you've got. Funny enough, I posted about seed trouble today, too. Must be the cold weather! I've sprouted fine in the past..
thanks guys and i herd something about if the root pops out the ends of the seed it most likely gonna be male and if it pops outta the side of the seed its most likely gonna be female... i dont know if thats true or not.. anyone know anything about that? and also with the bagseed if i look closely under the leaves i can see a few almost white hairs (really small).. would that be signs of sex.. female!?!
The only way to tell sex is to give them some 12/12 and wait.
The hair things you see aren't flowers unfortunately. Not sure exactly what they do but I always assumed they acted to protect the flowers. It is behind those that you will see the flowers when they develop, so you're looking in the right place.
alright cool at least im lookin in the right place haha im learning thanks to you guys
and also should i even start the auto flowering blueryders on 12/12 till signs of sex the switch to a 18/4?
The blues should be ok under any light regime but don't forget the breeder states that not all seeds will show the autoflowering traits. Your best bet is to assume they will flower anyway and look for any that don't flower by day 25. Hopefully none will be like this but any that are should be treated the same as that cute little bagseed you got there.
ight so for the bagseed and any of the nonautoflowering ones i just keep them on a 12/12 through out veg and flower?
and any suggestions ive her 18/4 with lowryders and 24/0 which one u suggest
I guess you could cover all the bases by giving them all 12/12. The auto's will do just fine in that environment. I think I have a pic of a 12/12 auto in my profile called the money shot. There was another 7 of those colas on that plant so it won't reduce yields.
Try to make sure there's no light leaks in the cabs though as this can easily change females to hermies.