I'm looking for a forum with many MMJ users. The reason these MMJ forums are not that great is because of the low forum activity. I'm just looking for an ACTIVE mmj forum, or possibly just some good MMJ medical journals.
What im looking for is 'real' information. By real, I mean something that is in some way pertaining to medical professionals and or health care.
MMJ has thousands of uses, but for some reason all the message boards are flooded with "HOw DO iget MYY MED CARD!? I HuRT my TOOTH! (but it doesnt really hurt)"
Is this information just not out there? Are there not any doctors that have kept records about which strain works for what condition? No scientists interested in the effects of individual compounds on specific cannabiniod recepters?
If the endocannabinoid system is THE MOST RESEARCHED by over 90% of all pharmaceutical companies, and if its legal medicinal use is growing how come I cant find any usefull information outside of "Blueberry work great fer pain" which simply doesnt help me.
Just so you know, I have read hundreds of scientific papers on the endocannabinoid system, and the ones i've found are almost all bullcrap with highly generalized worthless information.
This is nothing more then a plea for help. I have to be my own doctor, and I cant find good information on the last drug i've got left to try.
PS. My conditions are commonly knows as IBS, Chronic Fatigue Immune Difficiency Syndrome , Fibromyalgia, and Myofascial Pain Syndrome.
I suffer from extreme pain that makes it impossible to sit or stand for any prolonged period of time, along with a grocery list of other symptoms.
Although now that im typing it out, this might all have something to do with the fact that i live in the midwest and am to disabled to grow my own medicine, let alone move to where its legal.