my flowering plant started focusing on leaves wtf?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
ive got tons of top colas (scrog of sorts) but with no change to 12/12 or 10-50-10 nutes or watering they all started focusing on leaves again wtf!? any ideas/????

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I think you need to back off on the Nitrogen. Now is the time that they need Phosphorus!


Well-Known Member
no thats wrong your nitrogen is to high....I can see a lil in the first 2weeks to help aid with stretching...but after that u need to cut it all the way out...first few weeks it will shoot leaves be patient and get a better bloom formula


Well-Known Member
I think you need to back off on the Nitrogen. Now is the time that they need Phosphorus!
nutes are generally labeled NPK/nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. each number corresponds to the letter, in sequence. so, his nutes are 10-50-10, 10% nitrogen, 50% phosphorous and 10% potassium. seems like he's doing it right, imo. how do you interpret those numbers??

im using 10-50-10 i thought that was right for flowering am i wrong?
no, you aren't.

ive got tons of top colas (scrog of sorts) but with no change to 12/12 or 10-50-10 nutes or watering they all started focusing on leaves again wtf!? any ideas/????
don't worry, they'll go through growth phases. I've got one that is almost finished, another 2 weeks to go...and it's just started a whole new branch, with a dozen new bud sites. I'll just harvest the upper buds and leave those new ones longer.

but you should always post pics when ever you can...worth a thousand words, so I hear...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
from whats usually said nitrogen slows the flowering dont us any past two weeks into flowering, your plant should be able to run off natural reserves(and if not LIGHTLY foliage feed)...also nitrogen aids in the process of making chlorophyll which at the end makes for horrible tasting buds....I like my sun leaves bright yellow b4 harvest....but thats me


Well-Known Member
from whats usually said nitrogen slows the flowering dont us any past two weeks into flowering, your plant should be able to run off natural reserves(and if not LIGHTLY foliage feed)...also nitrogen aids in the process of making chlorophyll which at the end makes for horrible tasting buds....I like my sun leaves bright yellow b4 harvest....but thats me
hmmm, thats not what ive heard, 4-6 weeks into flower u should give it a little nitrogen. how can your plant make good bud if all its energy sources are dying?
also, ever heard of flushing and not using


Well-Known Member
hmmm, thats not what ive heard, 4-6 weeks into flower u should give it a little nitrogen. how can your plant make good bud if all its energy sources are dying?
also, ever heard of flushing and not using
i would have to agree with this guy. those are the plants energy sources, thats photosythesis and everything happens is in the leaves. it feeds itself from those leaves. making sugars etc. or seomthing like that.

i dont know for sure ive never done an accurate test. but that should be something someone should do, is test buds, same plants, same setup, then test nitrogen levels at harvest.

personally though taste doesnt bother me one bit, ive never smoked weed that tasted really good, ive never had weed that tasted really bad. i dont pay attention to the taste of weed. thats like saying, my whiskey is so awful, it should taste like bubble gum. no offence, im just saying.


Well-Known Member
i wish wisky tasted like bubblegum. and im dam sure the wisky i drank last night came back up tasting worse than when it went down.
i talked to a women at fox farm and she tol me it is ok to give some nitro till 2 or 3 weeks before harvest. i use tiger bloom in conjunction with grow big and its working great. the little extra nitro helps keep the foliage dark healthy green right till the end. then they yellow quick and dy off. i started giving nitro because my fans were all dying and turning necrotic too early. now they are green right till the end, but i dont see any slowing down as far as budding goes.

so i do give nitro. all the way through practically. id say most probs come from bad soil mixxes and nute lock out
ill be giving fox farm grow big and tiger bloom from 3 weeks old all the way through vegg into flower untill 2 weeks before flower. then ill cut the grow big and stop the tiger bloom one week before harvest. or close to that anyway
i got some land race seeds from afghanistan and iraq on the boarder of syria i cant wait to see em grown up


Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
This thread has some good advice in it, but a couple have left some terrible advice too. I'll give it to you simple. If your leaves aren't yellowing and falling off at harvest, you are going to have some really harsh, bad burning and worse tasting weed. But go ahead and give her N until she's green again if you feel you must.

And to the guy that aid that he has never had any good tasting weed, I'd say that you have a whole world of weed out there to discover. If you ever find someone who really know how to grow weed, you'll see the difference. And believe me, good weed tasted GOOD! There is a skill to bringing out the best in this plant.


Well-Known Member
i wait till like 2 weeks before i cut out the n completely am i doing something bad for my plant? 2 weeks before harvest, but i dont give it in huge amounts. i found that without any nitro at all in flower that the big fans turned necrotic too early, like on day 20 out of 55 days there all dying, obviously i needed some nitro right? not a ton but just enough to keep the leafs from dying till the very end?

my stuff has always came out fine and never tastes like shit....what am i doing as far as hampering the plants growth by giving it nitro in small amounts till 2 weeks before harvest?