Whats wrong with my biggest plant?


Active Member
3 Plants 2 are good this one is going nuts.

at the top all the leaves are curlling in, almost circular.

at the bottom the lowest and second lowest fan leaves are straight up yellow.

they are in organic soil, this happened just before i began flowering but it is getting worse by the day. she is just over 4 weeks in flowering now. I transplanted at just 4 weeks cause I thought maybe it was a root issue.

Just went from flour to hps in the last 3 days. I see a fantastic difference in plant happiness but this one keeps getting worse but happy in the middle.

I dont know. Help me out guys.



Well-Known Member
sorry bud i aint sure about that i have just done the same moved from flora to hps and one of my plants has showed some yellow leafs on the bottom i cut them off and she seems to be growing ok now
sorry i couldnt help you more
happy budding


Active Member
i have come up with ph balance at the top maybe? or nitrogen def at the bottom? i really dont know...any suggestions? help? save her before she dies...


Well-Known Member
You have a serious lockout issue.

What is your PH?
What are you feeding them?
How much and how often?


Active Member
i dont know the PH. the strain is BB. the 2 marzan are doing fine.

I have been feeding them all 1-7-7 shultz cactus fert since i started flowering at 4 weeks.

These plants were originaly in 10" pots, could have been root problems? Now in 16" pots


Well-Known Member
i dont know the PH. the strain is BB. the 2 marzan are doing fine.

I have been feeding them all 1-7-7 shultz cactus fert since i started flowering at 4 weeks.

These plants were originaly in 10" pots, could have been root problems? Now in 16" pots
You need to get a ph meter, they're only a few dollars at most garden centers for a cheapo model.

One thing for sure, you cut off the nitrogen too early. Plants need nitrogen most at the start of flower because the stretch begins to happen then. Keep up the N for two weeks or so, depending on what you're growing, then gradually switch over to a full on flower fertilizer. You need to get a better flower fertilizer anyway. Something like 1-3-2 instead of 1-7-7.

10-30-20 or 20-60-40 is the same as 1-3-2. ANything close to these is better than 1-7-7

It will be difficult to get this one to recover and yield much at all, sorry to say. You have almost no green leaf left.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member

Figure 10

Nitrogen Toxicity:
Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage. If excess is severe, leaves will dry and begin to fall off. Root system will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit and flower set will be inhibited or deformed.
With breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake. Stress resistance is drastically diminished.


Well-Known Member
He's fed it hardly any nitrogen for a month. A little difficult to be N saturation uless he's planted in pure manure.


Active Member
organic miracle grow fertilizer, high in wood i heard so kinda acidic. only organic i could get at home depot when i first strated these plants.

they do resemble eachother alot (the plant pics). i thought they didnt need nitrogen in the flowering stage? or much of it at all.


Well-Known Member
They don't need nearly as much nitrogen when budding starts 2-3 weeks into 12/12, but if you cut off N when you switch light schedule, the plants will drain the leaves of N to support structure growth, turning them yellow and shedding the leaves when the N is used up. Yellow leaves will not photosynthesize and you will not have good plant growth.

There is no more important time in the cannabis lifespan to give them N than when you switch to 12/12.


Active Member
They don't need nearly as much nitrogen when budding starts 2-3 weeks into 12/12, but if you cut off N when you switch light schedule, the plants will drain the leaves of N to support structure growth, turning them yellow and shedding the leaves when the N is used up. Yellow leaves will not photosynthesize and you will not have good plant growth.

There is no more important time in the cannabis lifespan to give them N than when you switch to 12/12.

Thanks I am glad you said that. Otherwise I may need to deal with the same problem in a different attempt.

Do you know anything about the top?


Active Member
Looks like you were doing good but no offense by this what so ever I have used those spikes. Junk in my opinion I have a license for commecrial grade fert so have never lacked anything but I had a plant do the same did u turn lights on it at night time or did you or anyone take a cutting. Essentially what happened to me I had greedy friends watching my plants while I was gone and the cut half the bud off and smoked it the kids were idiots just wanted to smoke a bud and ruined my baby

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
no one said anything about plant spikes look around these threads long enough and you'll hear people tell you never to use them


Active Member
They need lots when budding but only a very small amount after but don't stop fertilizing untill 10-14 day before haverst. Go for 14 but if u have drain bramage like me a couple extra days won't hurt also be careful you could do. Irreversible damage to your plant putting down too much nitrogen. There is such a thing as puttin too much fert. On your plants


Well-Known Member
what kind of nutes u using....correct your ph to 5.8 and feed with hydro nutes made for marijuana


Well-Known Member
Damn, it's almost like the blind leading the blind here, but with a few good posts. Normally when you see rams horns like this is because there was was too much N in relation to PH. This inturn locks the plant up so no other nutrients will be available. You can fert it all you want, but it aint going to do much. Since you are in soil, do not use a ph of 5.8 as this will also lock it up even further and since you don't have a ph pen, good luck with that!
Your best bet right now is to wait until the soil dries out, then put it in the bath tub, or a bigger bucket and fill it up with luke warm water and let the plant sit in it for 30 minutes give or take. Then drain the bucket/tub. Then you flush it some more and place it back in grow room. When there is no more yellow water coming out then it's good to go. The problem is that the damage is already done and it will be hard to revert, but not impossible. After is has dried out, then fert it and off you go.
Spend a few bucks and get some decent ferts as well.