2009 grows, new methods, techniques and strains. every thing outdoors

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
okay well 4 more days untill i plant my first seeds and move a few plants outdoors. thank god foor southern weather.
in this thread we can talk/give advice/ask questions about anything related to outdoor growing.
things like
-guerilla growing
-outdoor strains
-techniques for clearing land
-outdoor soil mix's
-new grow spots
-and anything else under the sun


kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN OUTDOOR GROWING IS A GOOD SPOT. i reccomend picking a spot during as early as fall. the best way to keep people from finding your plants is simple. find a spot that ppl dont go.
so one of my techniques in guerilla growing is thorns. i like to plant thorn bushes around my plants. i dont know anyone that will walk through thorns especially if they dont see bud.
i also like to plant near rivers and streams not as much for a water source as much as to keep from creating trails
another thing i ALWAYS practice is having multiple locations. i grow in 5+ spots with around 6 or seven plants
a note to remember when stealth is key if like me you live in an urban area. BIGGER ISNT ALWAYS BETTER. while fdd's tree of life is beautiful and i would love to fuck it like kumar did, that is not ideal for all of us. while everyone smokes, cannabis is still illegal and in heavily populated areas there are helicopters. the chances of getting caught that way are low but 6 small plants are less obvious than 10 monsters.
i will probably come back and add on to this thread to get into more details but everyone else feel free to join in


Well-Known Member
up near the mts where my frend lives, theres an old abandoned car juss scrapped down... maybe that wud be a good place for me to grow... keep it out of sight maybe..

but fuck i really need some auto ak seeds, kid... :[[[

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
ok for first time growers outdoors is it hard to pull 1 lb per plant?
pulling 1 lb per plant is all about pregame. if you start it indoors. then put it outdoors and keep it watered and take proper care and have a high yeilding strain 1lb per plant is attainable. so yess its possible

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
up near the mts where my frend lives, theres an old abandoned car juss scrapped down... maybe that wud be a good place for me to grow... keep it out of sight maybe..

but fuck i really need some auto ak seeds, kid... :[[[
haha i only have deisel ryder sorry


Well-Known Member
ill stick around. Im starting my first outdoor early June. Prepping right now (animal/pest control, holes, soil)

Ill have some Serious Chronic clones that will be vegged out indoors for a few weeks before they go in the ground.

I have a question.

What kind of yeild can i expect if im growing 12 plants? They will be in holes big enough for 1 bag of soil, ill be using AV Heavy Harvest, FoxFarm HappyFrog, and ill be planting early June. Serious Chronic is a big yeilder, and im not so much looking for monsters, but just alot of buds (hence why im planting a little late)

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
when does your season end?
here id i was going doing that here id expect 10+lbs if i tended to it regularly and trimmed all of them but our season goes from 4/1 to 11/15 or so

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
if your going for monsters you can probly get over 8 lbs maybe 10+ its all about rather or not you nute them and if you want to veg them inside for a month or two

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
not tall monsters maybe som 6-8 foot bushes. nothing over 10 feet unless i veged it for like 3 months inside


Well-Known Member
im not so much going for monsters, that's kinda why im planting in early June. The clones will be vegged indoors until they are about 1ft+ in height. No nutes will be used EXCEPT for Heavy Harvest. So im thinking something like 5 foot plants. 12 of em!


Well-Known Member
I just put the order in for 15 seeds , like 6 different strains, and instead of spending like 50+ dollars for soil could i just use some rich dirt?

And im not going to use any nutrients but a little maricle grow.. do plants really NEED advanced nutrients to get good buds?

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
well you could do your own compost... but i dont skimp on soul i use 1 part peat 1 part vermiculite and 1 part perlite then i put in additives for nutes i use blood meal, bone meal and sulfate of potash magnesia
these ingrediants are verry inexpensive


Well-Known Member
yeah im kinda restricted on what i can do, i dont have the option to make compost :( i think im going to buy a bag of perlite and a bag of nutrient enriched topsoil and mix it in with some good looking earth.