i smoked a male plant

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Well-Known Member
That's friggin' awesome! I wonder how long that would burn?

Is it made from male flowers and leaves?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Type ( " [youtube}" "[/youtube]" ) [youtube]5jUhmR-TKDs[/youtube](without the extra parenthesis and quotes) and in between the youtubes, paste the code for the video...In this case it was this,from the address bar at top....5jUhmR-TKDs
thats a sexy lookin seed,was it a girl?

and how do u post the vid from youtube without only showing the link?


Well-Known Member
look guys just because i jokingly said i felt homosexual tendencies doesn't mean this whole thread is a carnival! If you smoke lots of nuts then you go nuts.. simple! I confirmed it last night.. and i had the best jerkoff ever! Sure females are better but if you are desperate and want abit of thc then vaporize a shitload of male nuts and choke on the thc semen. I guess since i got high of it I am not an 'experienced smoker' but shit isnt it great that i did get high? Yall should be jealous :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this thread was clearly a JOKE!!! I kinda feel bad that people thought it was serious and actually tried to jump on board the 'I smoke male plants' train. They fell for the bait...
no it wasn't! I stand by the fact that mature male flowers got me high. I looked at them under a 100x microscope and i saw the sweet thc jizz even. No kidding! I vaporized two packed whips worth of the shit last night and i swear it was the most high ive been from the vapo. Though if i had vaporized that much thc rich female i would have greened out prob. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
no it wasn't! I stand by the fact that mature male flowers got me high. I looked at them under a 100x microscope and i saw the sweet thc jizz even. No kidding! I vaporized two packed whips worth of the shit last night and i swear it was the most high ive been from the vapo. Though if i had vaporized that much thc rich female i would have greened out prob. bongsmilie
You're ridiculous. We all know you're joking. There's simply no way you're being serious.


Well-Known Member
ive been smoking the male leafs (only new growth) for a few weeks now... it gets me high but not quiet as high as female bud


Well-Known Member
ive been smoking the male leafs (only new growth) for a few weeks now... it gets me high but not quiet as high as female bud
New growth male leaves have NO THC wanker! It's literally impossible to get high off of new leaves. You, my friend, are a liar!


Well-Known Member
ive been picking them right off of the plant and sticking them straight into my bowl.. i choped one male down last night and have it on my desktop... i have one confirmed female blueberry plant and one possible male Super Silver haze that ill chop down in a few days... so 2 out of 3 plants are male



Well-Known Member
uhh man you will have no thc unless you let it mature.. just like if u dont let a female mature.. not much thc. Move the plant outside or if all plants are outside move it somewhere that it can't jizz on your female.. and just let it grow some nice thc laden flowers.. then smoke them up or best of all vaporize those nuts! If it's just showing sex i doubt it'd have much titrahibrocaninabowl. shit i just checked ure pic.. so it's still growing? move it ouside mate!
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