Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
I ran across something interesting when I was reading about growing lettuce, which lead to futher investigation and look what I found.....


The name sativus (masculine), sativum (neuter), or sativa (feminine) (from the Latin sativus meaning "sown" or "cultivated") is found in the binomial names of many domesticated plant species:

Funny how cannabis sativa is illegal when part of its name means cultivated.

On a side note, this lead me down an expedition for the origin of the word Cannabis and I have yet to find a conclusive origin of the word. Seems it was just always around. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone.

It is 66 degrees right now and our high is supposed to be 65.:roll: I guess we have a cold front moving in.

Firing it up!bongsmilie

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey,lemme tell ya about this weird dream I had...It was a girl,about 11 or 12,she and her parents lived in a house together, and all her life, the dad beat her, and the mother didn't do much...now in every room in this house,there was a short in the wiring, when they beat her the lights would go off...anyway, the girl runs away, and as soon as she is out of the house, the parents are having some dinner(they don't know she's gone)And the lights go out, and all of a sudden they come back on, and all these wires are reaching toward them from the house, and growing up through their nose, in their ears...I woke up after that.