Raidermans white russian grow


Well-Known Member
if you buy 600s for veging and mothers your gonna get faster growth than your wanting . the 250mh reg. pace growth. i dont know your grow space. if your closed in some wat heat may be a problem. my air cooled 600s very low to no heat , ive gotten rok hard buds 3 ft from the top of a plant before. keeping the lite at a ft.:hump:


Well-Known Member
what do you yeild off a 600hps? how many plants?

and how many mothers can i keep under that 250mh? i wanna veg there also


Well-Known Member
ina full 4ft x 4ft grow box i can put 12 to 14 3.5 gal. bukets or 5 gal. same width , i got 14 ounces off 10 plants las time, would had gotten more but 3 were hashplants and the yield is med. but the strongest avail. now i'm doin 14 in bukets ,its gonna be dank,lol. and those 16 b.cheese in the sqare 2 gal. pots should really do well . 16 to 24 ounces there for sure if all goes accordingly. off both i could get as much as 3 pounds total. i have 3ft x 3ft box for four mothers . i am doing new mothers now in clone ,my others went into flower with the others . i have some f3 and 4s ,i do new mothers every grow.get clones for new plants , and wen they are ready for flower cut bak your mothers put in flower also and all over a gain.


Well-Known Member
i bet you was happy,lol.funny how you got more friends about that time,lol.i never packed my growroom with this many, i dont know wat to expect,lol.nevertheleess watered las time with tiger bloom. will flush then start beastie bloomz on the wite russians and turn it upa notch.watering the blue cheese tomorrow with tiger bloom , 2tsp per gal.


Well-Known Member
'You know you need to do a bit more tweaking and "dialing it in" when raiderman gets a bit more per 600w bulb than you do with a 1000.'



Well-Known Member
funny i was doing 2 pacs of reg. b.cheese seeds in hopes of at least 10 females and everyone were.,lol. i knew 16 could fit in there but never tried. today trimmed of long side branches abnd staying wwithin th medium for central bud .


Well-Known Member
3 weex today , first 2 are bcheese.also b.cheese are 2ft. i couldnt imagine flowering any later, stated these were forced at 4 inches.these may go 3ft. the wite russian gonna be some huge tops i can tell, very healthy upright leaves, thier stalled now going into full bud mode here ina day or so.



Well-Known Member
Heres Rhodie , he died the other day of jondas , great companion.thought i'd post his pics.It was sad to have him die in my arms.thought i'd honor him today . He was 14 months old.



Well-Known Member
3 weex today , first 2 are bcheese.also b.cheese are 2ft. i couldnt imagine flowering any later, stated these were forced at 4 inches.these may go 3ft. the wite russian gonna be some huge tops i can tell, very healthy upright leaves, thier stalled now going into full bud mode here ina day or so.
i'm looking at flowering much shorter height plants after hearing testimonials such as this.

sorry bout ur cat, sounds like a premature passing. i don't know what i'd do w/o my doggies.


Well-Known Member
r.i.p kitty, sorry man much love

how are the white russians looking, im posting pics irght now theyel be up in 5 min or so , there crazy big... day 40 i think now for a 53 - 65 day strain


Well-Known Member
r.i.p kitty, sorry man much love

Thanx bro for the condolences, i'm kind of a loner with 5 cats and 2 smokin gardens, wat more could i ask for , are the white russians looking, im posting pics irght now theyel be up in 5 min or so , there crazy big... day 40 i think now for a 53 - 65 day strain
the plants look great,but the buds look jus a bit smaller than i'm use to seeing at this stage,but yes as stated by you there are two times wen stalled,now and at day 40 to 42 where fattening takes place.using sugar daddy in the final week to 10 days{i usually go an extra week }to put some extra resin weight on them before they fini. at 7 tsp gal. unbelievable results.will pic tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
the plants look great,but the buds look jus a bit smaller than i'm use to seeing at this stage,but yes as stated by you there are two times wen stalled,now and at day 40 to 42 where fattening takes place.using sugar daddy in the final week to 10 days{i usually go an extra week }to put some extra resin weight on them before they fini. at 7 tsp gal. unbelievable results.will pic tomorrow.
heres a pic of rhodie wen he saw another cat at his condo hang-out , he's fixing to kik some cat ass,lol.look at that face.he's pissed. he was the toughest cat on the thats how he died really , fighting and catching stuff diseases or an inside injury wat caused the jondas.



Well-Known Member
aww, well he went out a champ dude !

and yeah there wer a few mishaps , i hope they bulk up who knows
Da Gambler was rite , a premature passing,..piece of shit meter, underwatered,first time i guess for everything , i never had a prob thought till this strain , so they are on thier way,BC .WR........end of the day today thier starting to go,thank gosh.i was worried. had to cut out a lot of useless brush to reduced crowding, i may do 30 BB plants nex. i love that shit.



Well-Known Member
Da Gambler was rite , a premature passing,..piece of shit meter, underwatered,first time i guess for everything , i never had a prob thought till this strain , so they are on thier way,BC .WR........end of the day today thier starting to go,thank gosh.i was worried. had to cut out a lot of useless brush to reduced crowding, i may do 30 BB plants nex. i love that shit.
its 25 days flower today.


Well-Known Member
ya, they do bro, don't harvest prematurely. i just hope my girls look like raiderman's at day 25... or i would settle for kinda close :D


Well-Known Member
ya, they do bro, don't harvest prematurely. i just hope my girls look like raiderman's at day 25... or i would settle for kinda close :D
thanx bro, but i figured a little more i need to do to really fast them up once i detected lack of oxygen from the look of the hairs. next watering i'll use the beastie bloomz with a haf teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to rush some oxygen to the roots.i would use a tespoon of bleach but i have not detected no pathogen problems.HO2 always worx wen overwatered a couple times ina row,wich by the way suffocates the roots and skinny crummy plants..,know wat i mean DG.Thanx for the compliment, but i am pissed but it will finish the same i'm pretty sure. the g13hp look great bro,i'll pik them today ,these are my clones g13hp........its jus the WR doing it stalled,o well.,lol .9 plants. Blue cheese is turning bluish as its going into mid-transition and start filling in gonna be exciting watching 16 plants fill in 9 sq.ft..Your experience is hepful. i run a business outside this grow and i go to Dallas-FW often and have to keep this on my mind to,lol.My basket is full.Heres the New seal point siamese kitty in a action, the one on the lef looks like shes dancing,so funny,lol.



Well-Known Member
im day 42 sorry... lol it gives me alot of hope knowing there till 13 days away.... they bulk up the most in the last 2 weeks right???
.yea there are three transitions,day 7-21 ( flowers and leaf), day28-40, uniform bud growth, and day 40-fini. full bud thickening and resi ns really pour in glistening amazement.this is where sugar daddy will average 1 dry gram extra for every day after 50-55, i do extra week to get the heaviest maximum results,..ive seen THC drip onto leaf before from a bud on the BM this las grow. , . without the SD ,jus reg avg. weight per plant.


Well-Known Member
so are you going to cure them buddy.... i thinhk heres my plan..
cut them off in long arms trim down to the bud flush
hang in grow room wich will be dark and is light tight and obiously sweet venting....
-hang for 8 days or unil there crispy to the touch
put them in jars , get like mason jars for jam, or if i can find bigger ones but ur only spose to fill it half way?
burp 3 times a day , an hour a day for the first week
burp once a day for an hour after that for a week, then there ok to burp once and a while
and then hash oil i think buddy, make a diy tube for it and get all the butane some how lol head to my freinds cabin and outside in the middle of no where hes got a ittle stove and a table and shit lol its cool .. so sound right or what
thats all new to me.dont know.i hang mine for 4 to 6 days till 90% dry, by then carbs have turned to sugars, i trim and bag, from there the deep freezer.i like a bit of slow smoking . crumbly dry burns like gun powder , way to fast , waste i believe. i dont see how it could taste any sweeter or definately does not affect the potency once the carbs are turned to sugars from hang dry. from wat someone told me it jus heps the taste. i think its a waste of time mysef,lol.i keep some in metal tins and let them dry in there some but i do it to get the THC glue stickin to the bottom so i can scrape a couple grams of pure THC off the bottom with the razor blade and take a trip on haf a hit,lol.5 hr ride,lol.2 grams is like priceless in the conniseiur world.last me days on 2 g,lol.................................................................................................................................................anywayDG heres the g13 hp .also the wr are bak on trak, the hairs are thik and wooly ,thank Gosh,stillHO2 nex watering for anysuffocating roots.Bc first 2,3 g13Hp, WR . in that order.