Stoner Women


Well-Known Member
well, ahem, im not a girl not yet a woman
(18yrs old)
and i smoke fluently ((; lol
im attracted to both men and women
and i find women stoners very sexy ;]

i got a boner when i heard that.

stoneymcfried... there is no way you would out smoke me.

not because im a male.

just because i have NEVER been out smoked i met some guys who thought they were hot shit.

and tried to do it.

hell no.
wooped that ASS



Well-Known Member
lol I'd be slightly embarassed to be out smoked by women, it's not that they're aren't tanks, its a masuclinity thing, it'd be like being outdrank, same difference, but I like to just get comfortable ripped at the moment, so I wouldnt be surprised if Stoney could outsmoke me, multiple times over lol :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol I'd be slightly embarassed to be out smoked by women, it's not that they're aren't tanks, its a masuclinity thing, it'd be like being outdrank, same difference, but I like to just get comfortable ripped at the moment, so I wouldnt be surprised if Stoney could outsmoke me, multiple times over lol :blsmoke:
i'm not much of a drinker so being beaten in a drinking contest wouldn't bother me but i think otherwise i would agree with you. But on that note i don't really like smoking until i'm an incoherent mess. I like that state where you're coherent enough to realized what's going on but still mostly baked.


Well-Known Member
i'm not much of a drinker so being beaten in a drinking contest wouldn't bother me but i think otherwise i would agree with you. But on that note i don't really like smoking until i'm an incoherent mess. I like that state where you're coherent enough to realized what's going on but still mostly baked.
I agree, it's no fun to be baked to the point where you have no idea whats going on, just baked enough where everything is trippy, you're having a good time and everything is just great :weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok so maybe I'm not smoking the right weed, but I've never reached a point during a normal day or evening when I was too baked, or wasn't up to smoke some more. I love smoking blunts, and I've never turned one down, nor do I plan to any time soon. On that note I have to hit this one! Puff puff. pass it around guys! TC


Well-Known Member
Ok so maybe I'm not smoking the right weed, but I've never reached a point during a normal day or evening when I was too baked, or wasn't up to smoke some more. I love smoking blunts, and I've never turned one down, nor do I plan to any time soon. On that note I have to hit this one! Puff puff. pass it around guys! TC
If I smoke all day it gets to the point where I don't get high anymore, and it just puts me to sleep, so I tend to space out my sessions, theres been at least twice where ive smoked (some potent Sativas) :weed: to the point where I was overtaken by paranoia, doesnt happen often, but, you try to act like a bigshot, and you get knocked on your ass... :dunce:


Well-Known Member
well, ahem, im not a girl not yet a woman
(18yrs old)
and i smoke fluently ((; lol
im attracted to both men and women
and i find women stoners very sexy ;]

i had a girl friend like that... regret kicking her ass to the curb now... she coulda brought in other women :D
but i was younger then - and a bit more amish.


Well-Known Member
So that's the one draw back to RIU. there's a whole bunch of awesome chicks on here but i'll never meet them.


Well-Known Member
Well Kant, you'll get to meet them all if this island thing takes off man. It will be the most peacefull happiest nation/island ever!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's too bad we'll never find sure would be fun to try!!!:weed:
i got a boner when i heard that.

stoneymcfried... there is no way you would out smoke me.

not because im a male.

just because i have NEVER been out smoked i met some guys who thought they were hot shit.

and tried to do it.

hell no.
wooped that ASS



Active Member
another cool thing to pay attention to, girls, when theyre baked with u lol and if u like them, anything they do is cute my girl can ramble for hours, but when were stoned, i actually appreciate what shes saying ahah..if that makes sense


Well-Known Member
haha what's this Island business all about, is it where RIU members go on an island and create the greatest Marijuana Haven since Amsterdam? :weed:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
haha what's this Island business all about, is it where RIU members go on an island and create the greatest Marijuana Haven since Amsterdam? :weed:bongsmilie
that's part of it. It's where members of RIU go to live away from the insanity of american policies and grow the greatest weed known to man. we live surrounded by beautiful bud and women. you should join us.

Herbal Overdoser

Active Member
I'm not really attracted to "stoner girls", or at least the stereotype of one. I love when a girl smokes, but that reason won't cause me to like them, it's just a bonus. Ya feel?

On the other hand, I hate girls and guys who are morally opposed to smoking weed.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really attracted to "stoner girls", or at least the stereotype of one. I love when a girl smokes, but that reason won't cause me to like them, it's just a bonus. Ya feel?

On the other hand, I hate girls and guys who are morally opposed to smoking weed.
Yeah, I think that seems to be the main census here, we like girls/women who smoke like us, but they have to be interesting and have other qualities you'd look for naturally in girl, I think it was Kant who said it's like the icing on the cake, but you still need a cake to go with it :weed: