How often to add nutes with water farm?


Active Member
4 weeks ago I recieved 2 7 foot tall year old master kush plants. With two waterfarms and a 1000 watt hps light. As soon as I got them I put them straight into flower. Then did fine for the first two weeks then some leaves started to turn yellow then die and within the past 4 days the tips of the leaves are curling up. I have been feeding them nutes (liquid karma, sweet, pure blend pro bloom, and subculture b) at quarter strength for the first two weeks then up to fifty these last two weeks . I only add nutes on Sunday and just regular water when necessary. My temp is between 75 and 95 and humidity is 25 with lights on and around 50 with lights off. I have a few white flies but put sticky traps down and haven't seen any lately. Oh yea I am using tap water that I let sit out for atleast 72 hours and my ph is 6. I hope I'm not just rambling on but I'm a luttel out if it. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I will try to get picks up