

Well-Known Member
This is an interesting debate right here. I definitely think that people's avatars influence the way in which I interpret their posts, whether consciously or not. What I really want to know is, what does my avatar say to you out there?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, You've probably had a rough enough life looking the way you do.

cough cough Your still ugly.


Well-Known Member
We could help you look more attractive though, I'm sure we could decorate a paper bag for you if its an issue.

Yeah I can draw alittle bit. Anything would look better then that avatar.

Hey nongreenthumb do you ever smell you finger when your done rubbing here privates.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah,,,, im with KP on this 1. i dont pay much mind to avatars at all. i change mine more than my undies. its all about the mood. to me the member is known by his or her posts (and rep lmao).

and if you dont agree with me please see my avatar.^^^^


Well-Known Member
Actually, i'm not a dwarf.

My arms are really freakishly long.. as are my fingers...

Wanna go outside, son??

hahaha. :D