this is what a smart man thinks of obama

Clinton's firearms ban was just a price raising scam. I miss the days of $80 MAK-90s.

One thing the firearms industry in the US has going for itself, is the fact that they are some of the last high-end manufacturing in the US. Mostly union, too.

In principal why would the average citizen need a gun? The United States Civil war has been over for 150 years. Due to the scarcity of money and our poor economic structure there are always a good percentage left poor, addicted to drugs and homeless. These people are left out to dry and desperate time call for desperate measures fueling the need for a gun for protection and as a means to provide for themselves. Crime is a by-product of a poor society and the ones that are not poor feel the need to protect themselves from the desperate ones.

IMO a country can do fine without legal firearms for it citizens as long as it is not in a civil war or going bankrupt, unfortunately The U.S. is very close to the latter so I don't see them becoming illegal anytime soon.
bravo..but i am a hard core capitalist.
i see capitalism as the advancement of man kind of society.
and the best thing to ever happen to the poor.
that is if the poor would work hard and smart.they do not have to be poor
people are poor in the USA because most of them choose to be poor.
and besides cheney isnt a lawyer.
and on top of that he has done something i have always wanted to do..shot a lawyer in the face with bird shot..LOL

That is ridiculous there isn't enough money for everyone to be rich. Some people are dead beats and choose to be poor but the current situation is leaving educated hard working ambitious people on the street in much bigger numbers than the ones that want to be poor. Centralized banking has ruined The United States. I'm all for capitalism but only within an honest monetary system.
That is ridiculous there isn't enough money for everyone to be rich. Some people are dead beats and choose to be poor but the current situation is leaving educated hard working ambitious people on the street in much bigger numbers than the ones that want to be poor. Centralized banking has ruined The United States. I'm all for capitalism but only within an honest monetary system.
i agree with the federal reserve being the main problem.not so much a central bank.even if the US government acted in its constitution boundrys we would still have a central bank.
the second ammendment to the constitution is about the people protecting themselfs from the government
smart men as our founders were they knew central governments eventualy become corrupted and must be changed to new people who are not corrupted.
your gun ban schemes would leave the people open and even more vulnrable to the communists who now run our country'all of this stuff is in our founding documents .no way to mince words or interpet and twist the constitution to what you think it dems like to do in order to violate the constitution.
republicans do it at times also.
thats why crooked liberal politicians like to seat crooked liberal judges on the bench who practice judicial activism instead of strict interpatation of the contitution.
that is because the liberals are commies and would steal our freedom.
In principal why would the average citizen need a gun? The United States Civil war has been over for 150 years. Due to the scarcity of money and our poor economic structure there are always a good percentage left poor, addicted to drugs and homeless. These people are left out to dry and desperate time call for desperate measures fueling the need for a gun for protection and as a means to provide for themselves. Crime is a by-product of a poor society and the ones that are not poor feel the need to protect themselves from the desperate ones.

IMO a country can do fine without legal firearms for it citizens as long as it is not in a civil war or going bankrupt, unfortunately The U.S. is very close to the latter so I don't see them becoming illegal anytime soon.

I'm poor (by US standards) and have always lived in poor neighborhoods. I could not, in good conscience call the police for help, as they are only able to react to or engineer crimes, and that would make me a colossal hypocrite. To me, firearms are one of those "better to have and not need, than to need and not have".
Like Brendan Behan, the Irish playwright said "There is no situation so dismal that a policeman can't make it worse."
The pop culture I was exposed to as a child largely revolved around Cold War survivalist fantasies, so I guess I've internalized some of that. When I was healthier, I was also involved with Anti-Racist Action, a group that physically intervened at neo-nazi rallies and meetings, and there was periodic retaliation back and forth.
The best thing about that guy is he is black. So for all the haters that would scream racisim if it came from anyone else. I don't know who all watched what should have been the STATE OF THE UNION address. Pilosi was first person every time jumping up and down praising the Chosen One for the monies she is about to spend. They're gonna have us so far in debt we most likely won't get out of. Obama contradics and plays MASSIVE word games virtually every time the man speaks. It just makes me sick. Thanks to the powers the be we are on our way to a commie socialistic country conrolled by big brother. Paid for by You and Me:cuss:.
ha ha lol its forged now huh.......your is forged too right? pathetic

If the one that was displayed was forged why is Obama so recalcitrant when it comes to just telling the State of Hawaii to release his birth certificate?

In the bare minimum of effort, this entire situation could stop being an issue.

Though, there was considerable evidence that the birth certificate that was posted online was forged in San Francisco, by a person that was caught with Blank Birth Certificates, and Multiple Forged Birth Certificates.

Let's not ignore the fact that in addition to Keyes, there's even retired Major Generals joining in lawsuits to demand that Obama produce his birth certificate and hold it up for public examination.

It's not that hard of a fucking request. The state requests your Birth Cert. to grant you a Drivers' License, you have to have one before you get a Social Security No. To enlist the military requests a copy of it. Yet, we're to believe that some how some one that is serving as CINC is exempt from having to produce his Birth Certificate on demand?

Perhaps instead of being an empty-headed vessel filled with the opinions of others you can try thinking critically for a change.
I'm much more receptive to a real free-market capitalism, instead of the Leninist-NEP style arrangement the world goes with.
It seems so far gone to me, that desiring free markets seems as utopian as my dream of trade through millions of mutualist worker's cooperatives.

The only truly free market left in the U.S. is the underground market.

Do you idiots think that Obama wasn't investigated prior to being given security clearance for sensitive information? DO you retards really think perhaps our intelligence agencies accidently overlooked Obamas citizenship and (gasp!) he is really a Kenyan! Time to move on morons. First the whole 9-11 is an inside job bit and now Obama is not a citizen. You people need to put the dope away because it is seriously fucking with your intellect. No one is out to get you...I know this because no one gives a fuck about you.
Do you idiots think that Obama wasn't investigated prior to being given security clearance for sensitive information? DO you retards really think perhaps our intelligence agencies accidently overlooked Obamas citizenship and (gasp!) he is really a Kenyan! Time to move on morons. First the whole 9-11 is an inside job bit and now Obama is not a citizen. You people need to put the dope away because it is seriously fucking with your intellect. No one is out to get you...I know this because no one gives a fuck about you.

if all this above is true then why is he refusing to show the country he was born in the USA.? why is it such a big deal to prove it to us?
How was he able to be elected to a senate seat without showing proof of citizenship.Do you think that the whole of the Illinoises senate is blind and did not investigate it.Are they as blind to the truth as you are max420.OPH
What drivel! For the first time since Kennedy we have a man in the White House who has more openly than any President to date, called the status quo to the carpet for their inability to govern, generous interpretation of the constitution, and in fact allowing US Capitalism to far overtake the US Democracy. The majority should have a larger voice than the rich minority. Through greed and disloyalty to this country, in fact bankrupting most of the world, they lose the right to dictate shit. That is not say that all rich are immoral, but far to little has been done to control, capture and imprison and in some cases legislate what kind of crap you can pull.

Where some see salvation and others a demigod, I see the possibility of the simple proposition of democracy, that the majority might rule for awhile as the old guard politicians die off. The man hasnt been in office but a few weeks. I will give him four years to get some things done that protects our wealth, controls our banks, protects its citizens from enemies foreign and domestic with a good dose of emphasis on domestic enemies of the state. I think marijuana is a majority issue these days and as such, domestic legal growing will be one key in economy resurrection. This will cut off a lot of importation of hurried wet harvests from further south. Of course, if they let em legally import it and tax the fuck out of it, allowing domestic to prevail in the market, that would generate some jack for the US also.
Guns should not be freely available to the general public. How many shootings do you guys have a year?? Or even a week???
Now unless Hawaii is not part of the USA. I think this eliminates all bullshit except by lunatics.
Read the fine print on the bottom
Now unless Hawaii is not part of the USA. I think this eliminates all bullshit except by lunatics.
Read the fine print on the bottom

Not proof, it's been proven that that was a fraudulent forged copy. Why do you think there were still demands even after that "copy" was posted online.
Not proof, it's been proven that that was a fraudulent forged copy. Why do you think there were still demands even after that "copy" was posted online.

I demand you morons give this up and move on to another conspiracy. How about unraveling the secret behind the jedi-mind trick that Bush used to get elected to a second term.
I demand you morons give this up and move on to another conspiracy. How about unraveling the secret behind the jedi-mind trick that Bush used to get elected to a second term.

Too late, bradly. Bush is gone. I'm still in a tizzy trying to figure out the mass mind control that Obama used to get elected.
