hefta's AUTO-MEGA-MIX-SAGA episode 1


Well-Known Member
:weed:some pics from today, just btw:weed:

:leaf:NYC Diesel:leaf:


:leaf:ak 47:leaf:

:leaf:ak 47:leaf:


:leaf:NYC Diesel:leaf:


:leaf:ak 47:leaf:

i hope you all like my pics,
all comments are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
looks dank bro i just ordered some more beans wile i wait for my diesle ryder beans i ordered blue ryder ,low lifes lemon skunk ,and purple power plant im gonna cross the blue ryder with the purple power plant because i havnt seen a auto purp yet and i think it would be great 4 gorilla grows outdoors a real short purp plant no one would ever think to look 4 them
Loving the pics..

Nice camera... How do you make the pictures so big? The size of pictures are huge..
I don't know how to adjust them like that..

P.s in the first pic of the ak check out the the flies...lol..


Well-Known Member
mg organic,50-50 soil perlite

and some flower nutes i got at walmart. it was like 5-15-10 somewhere around there
thanks for that info wackymack.:weed:

thanks for stopping by Tib420 & glad you like my :weed: pics.

hahaha...beautiful as usual hefta...i wish i had that many!

looks dank bro i just ordered some more beans wile i wait for my diesle ryder beans i ordered blue ryder ,low lifes lemon skunk ,and purple power plant im gonna cross the blue ryder with the purple power plant because i havnt seen a auto purp yet and i think it would be great 4 gorilla grows outdoors a real short purp plant no one would ever think to look 4 them
hope you get them soon & you can finally start your dreams.:weed:

Loving the pics..

Nice camera... How do you make the pictures so big? The size of pictures are huge..
I don't know how to adjust them like that..

P.s in the first pic of the ak check out the the flies...lol..
glad you like them.
guess some of the flies must be realy wasted.:-P

i uploaded those pix into Post Your Pics under Bud Shots section,
where you can upload pics whatever size you like.
then you put the link between
codes as usual.
i resized my pics with photoshop before i uploaded, but you can do it with any paint application you like.
i used constrain proportions with a width of 1600 pixels for all of the 8 pics.

hope this helps you.

Those have got to be some of the nicest plants and pics I've seen on this site. Thanks, and keep up the good work.
thanks for visiting my journey wannabe, glad you like the pics.:weed:


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.......just as they have been through this whole journel!
You are an inspiration in every way(with the growing/pics at least...lol)!! Those buds are mouth watering--I can smell the suckers from here!!!:clap:

AWESOME job, Hef!



Active Member
Hef man that is awesome. Nice nugs bro... hey I can drop you a pic of my Auto white russian so you ca ad to the collection. Let me know.


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.......just as they have been through this whole journel!
You are an inspiration in every way(with the growing/pics at least...lol)!! Those buds are mouth watering--I can smell the suckers from here!!!:clap:

AWESOME job, Hef!

glad you're still here my friend. the bud show is just starting. i'll throw in some more pics today.

Hef man that is awesome. Nice nugs bro... hey I can drop you a pic of my Auto white russian so you ca ad to the collection. Let me know.
thanks. no problem, just drop it. folks love to see pix.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Hef have you or anyone else ever grown auto's under a MH? I have limited space and limited plants I can grow. I have a snowryder that has to finish this month and I wanted to go back to regular grow to sprout up some of my g13-haze seeds. My problem is I have to switch to MH for My veg of my g-13's, and I will still have my snowryder growing.


Well-Known Member

Coming along nicely hefty. I just started some strawberry diesel should be interesting. Really interested in these auto's.As always looking good.Nice work.


Well-Known Member

Coming along nicely hefty. I just started some strawberry diesel should be interesting. Really interested in these auto's.As always looking good.Nice work.
thanks bro, i just searched a link to your new strawberry diesel grow, but had no luck. gotta give me some link man.
i have done a lot of research on hydroponics lately.
i'm gonna start some bubblers soon.:grin:

mines better, hahaha, totally kidding!!! the anticipation is killing me, i just wanna hack these bitches, ahhhhhh....
:-P looking gr8 man, but wait some more to get the most out of them, you won't regret it.:weed:

:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:KEEP IT GREEN:!::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
thanks man. but i'm not taking part of any contests. :arrow:
i'm sure people here have bigger, better & more colorful or tasty buds than mine.
that lamp should go to someone who really deserves & needs it.

anyway here's some more closeups from today :arrow:

AK 47


NYC Diesel

AK 47


NYC Diesel




Well-Known Member
of course i was kidding...everybodies bud is beautiful!! hey hefta, how long you think i should go? tomorrow will be 58 days and still mostly clear triches, some cloudy. i want a narcotic couch lock high..how long you gonna go? i've also decided i'm gonna do my last flush with pure distilled water instead of molasses.