Need opinions for a grow room setup


Well-Known Member
Ok, my friend just told me he's planing on making a small grow room soon, and he's on a very small budget(around $100), so I need your opinions about what would be best for him.

The grow room is 2x1,5 meters(that would be 6x4.5 feet if I'm not mistaken). He insists on doing a hydro setup and wants to divide the room in two, half for flowering and half for vegging. The thing is, he only plans on growing 2-4 plants, and wants to have 2 mothers and 2 clones at all times. The way I see it, if you're planning on growing just 2-4 plants there's no point in keeping 2 mothers for just 2 clones every couple of months, so I told him he should just grow 4 plants at the same time, no mothers, no clones, 1 room. He also plans on using CFLs for the entire grow, about 10 of them, 2700Ks for flowering and 6500Ks for vegging.

So, I'd really like to hear your opinions. What's the best setup he can make with around $100? Should he go with CFLs or something else? Go hydro or soil?

Any and all suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Ok, my friend just told me he's planing on making a small grow room soon, and he's on a very small budget(around $100), so I need your opinions about what would be best for him.

The grow room is 2x1,5 meters(that would be 6x4.5 feet if I'm not mistaken). He insists on doing a hydro setup and wants to divide the room in two, half for flowering and half for vegging. The thing is, he only plans on growing 2-4 plants, and wants to have 2 mothers and 2 clones at all times. The way I see it, if you're planning on growing just 2-4 plants there's no point in keeping 2 mothers for just 2 clones every couple of months, so I told him he should just grow 4 plants at the same time, no mothers, no clones, 1 room. He also plans on using CFLs for the entire grow, about 10 of them, 2700Ks for flowering and 6500Ks for vegging.

So, I'd really like to hear your opinions. What's the best setup he can make with around $100? Should he go with CFLs or something else? Go hydro or soil?

Any and all suggestions are welcome.
if he is persistant on the hydro thing then it sounds like some DIY DWC rubbermaid units would be perfect for him. there are plenty of plans for them in the DIY section and i can link a couple grows that i think are doing a good job with DWC if youre interested just let me know. DWC would work great because its very cheap and easy and each rubbermaid could house 2 or 3 plants. you could just leave the plants in their container and move the container from the veg to flower room when the time is ready. he could just keep a mother in soil or something in the veg room as well to take clones off to replace harvested plants once a container finishes its cycle.

HID would be recommended for this for sure. that being said im not sure where youre going to find enough HID lighting for under 100 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Sure, links would be great. Thanks for the help, it's greatly appreciated, especially since I'm relatively new here and still trying to find my way around :)


Well-Known Member
Sure, links would be great. Thanks for the help, it's greatly appreciated, especially since I'm relatively new here and still trying to find my way around :)
no problem. im here to help. heres the links you asked for

heres a couple DIY tutorials on building your own. you dont have to follows these exactly but just use them as a general plan on what you will be building:
this is a pretty good tut. my only changes would be a much bigger rubbermaid and not so many sites. 2 or 3 should be fine especially if you plan on growing the plant for its full cycle in the tub. you have to make sure you have room for the roots or they could get tangled very easily and run out of room.
this is for a DIY DWC cloner. it is a pretty good system and you could use this for your clones as well as making a similar bigger system for full sized plants based off this.
this is a great DWC tutorial. it shows a fully flowered plant and how much root space it takes up. imagine having 6 of those rootballs in the first system? more room is always better.

as for current grows there is a great new DWC/bubbleponics section in the hydro area that has a wealth of information. there is DWC club as well as many helpful experienced growers such as Roseman(sorry for the namedrop) that should be really helpful to you

but heres a current im following:
this is a great little grow. he started it out in 2 smaller tubs with 6 sites each but moved his females into good sized tubs with 2 sites once he was ready for flowering.

i would recommend having 3 gallons per plant. theres nothing thats going to go wrong with having too big of a tub but if you have too small of one youre going to have space issues.


Active Member
Ye, ty for help icepik, and ty oti for posting this :). Im teh friend :)) thinking of using cfls for grow and HPS for veg. Pretty small room, so i got some questions that oti didnt mention: do i need co2 for those 2-3 plants ? What would be better, hydro , aero or still thinking bout it, im not sure yet. Hydro seems nice cos plants will be watered 3 times a i wont have to monitor them as much as i would have if i used soil. Aero is also attractive, but i dont know if it pays for only small grows. So..main question is to go 2 rooms, or 1 room (to grow from seed to buds, or keep mothers in one room while growing clones in other) its a pretty small place. :)


Well-Known Member
Ye, ty for help icepik, and ty oti for posting this :). Im teh friend :)) thinking of using cfls for grow and HPS for veg. Pretty small room, so i got some questions that oti didnt mention: do i need co2 for those 2-3 plants ? What would be better, hydro , aero or still thinking bout it, im not sure yet. Hydro seems nice cos plants will be watered 3 times a i wont have to monitor them as much as i would have if i used soil. Aero is also attractive, but i dont know if it pays for only small grows. So..main question is to go 2 rooms, or 1 room (to grow from seed to buds, or keep mothers in one room while growing clones in other) its a pretty small place. :)
you say you want to use cfls for grow and hps for veg but i think you mean cfls for veg and hps for flower right? that sounds like a perfect setup. co2 is sort of like vitamins. you dont have to take them but if you do youll feel a little better. Its really not necessary and it would be something i would think of adding only after i got the grow up and running. that being said there is also a couple tutorials on homemade co2 in the DIY section that seem pretty interesting. the hydro aero soil question is really hard to answer. its up to you honestly. hydro/aero take less time. soil supposedly gives off a better taste. they can all certainly be done easily and cheaply but its really up to you which one you want to do. Now onto the rooms... If you can fit 2 rooms 1 veg 1 flower this is ideal. mainly because it lets you have a perpetual harvest, meaning you will always have plants in both veg and flower so youll always have bud coming in. if you could keep a room with a mother or two and some clones/vegging plants and then another one to flower it will be a much better op. if you dont have enough room then you might have to deal with just growing seed to harvest.


Well-Known Member
no porblem. glad to help. probably going to be starting a dwc setup soon myself. you should start a journal if you plan on doing this. post how you made your setup and how the grow is going so people can follow it


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking $100 for a hydro set up seems a bit tight.
Nutes can suck up 1/2 that no prob.
Lights can/should exceed it.
But a DWC would be the way to go.


Active Member
no porblem. glad to help. probably going to be starting a dwc setup soon myself. you should start a journal if you plan on doing this. post how you made your setup and how the grow is going so people can follow it
ye sure...i plan on doing it in 2-3 weeks tops
and i'm gonna take pictures of setup, dwc and babies :)

ye..100 seems kinda low...but here in my country u can make dwc for 30$. Im worried about nutes cost and lights. I think ill have to expand my budget ;-)