need some help on how to set up!!


Well-Known Member
I have a closet in my room that is 26" wide, 80" long, 66" high.

1. about How many plants could i fit in here?. many lights would i need?
3 and wat size lights would i need?


Well-Known Member
bumpiddy bump
You will need to consider a lot of things...

What are your expectations as far as yeild?

How much money do you have to put into it?

Things to consider:

Lights - I would start with one 400w HPS - expand to 2 when the time comes.

Method (I suggest hydro) - Simple Ebb & Flow w/ Rockwool is the most forgiving and easiest to setup

Ventilation - An intake and exhaust Fan - 400+ cfm exhaust and 200+cfm intake should cover that.

Filtration - A Can 66 Carbon Filter would be good for that size.

That's a good start...expect that to get a good yield out of that space you will need to spend about $1500 to do it right.


Well-Known Member
ok so my dad just lost his job in this shitty economy, so now i feel i have to help out. i have a closet in my room that is 26" wide, 80" long, 66" high.

1. about How many plants could i fit in here?. many loights would i need?
3 and wat size lights would i need?
Rather than spend money to grow and possibly get caught, why not try to get some type of job and help pay some bills.

I think it would truly hurt your father more if you wound up in jail.

This is just my opinion. Growing should be for personal use not for sale. The risk of selling is just not worth the risk.

Please don't take my advice the wrong way


Well-Known Member
Rather than spend money to grow and possibly get caught, why not try to get some type of job and help pay some bills.

I think it would truly hurt your father more if you wound up in jail.

This is just my opinion. Growing should be for personal use not for sale. The risk of selling is just not worth the risk.

Please don't take my advice the wrong way
ewww....I didn't even think about that. Growing in your closet for commercial purposes isn't really helpful. Just puts him in danger of losing his house as well. I do need to concur with this statement, but nonetheless I didn't join this website to be everyone's moral guide. The regular world thinks you shouldn't grow pot in your house either even for personal reasons.


Well-Known Member
i am looking for a soil grow with like simple florescent lights... i was thinking like hang 4 lights down from the top of the ceilng n have a couple on the side of the plants. does that sound ok for a first grow?


Well-Known Member
i am looking for a soil grow with like simple florescent lights... i was thinking like hang 4 lights down from the top of the ceilng n have a couple on the side of the plants. does that sound ok for a first grow?
Sounds OK...I would start there and progress. This is for your smoke or are you looking to sell this stuff. My experience has been that CFL grown stuff (unless enough CFL's are used) is really only good for personal smoke.


Well-Known Member
14.4 sq feet...

3 200W(actual) CFLs would cover that canopy.

Or you could use 50-60 watt(actual) CFLS about 8.6" away from eachother in a grid.

Attachment is designed to scale(10 pixel=1inch). Red circles are 50watt CFLs(12x50=600). Green are 200 watt CFLs(3 of them).



Well-Known Member
14.4 sq feet...

3 200W(actual) CFLs would cover that canopy.

Or you could use 50-60 watt(actual) CFLS about 8.6" away from eachother in a grid.

Attachment is designed to scale(10 pixel=1inch). Red circles are 50watt CFLs(12x50=600). Green are 200 watt CFLs(3 of them).

Nice little diagram...for the CFL grower that's pretty clutch in considering your design.

I would do HPS, but I guess I'm old school and just like the big block V8 instead of the ultra efficient small displacement motor that's better on gas and puts out ALMOST the same power.

That's the only analogy that I can use that will let me keep my mind right about using CFL's. They are for the "tuners" of growing and they work great and efficient and shouldn't be knocked, but still no replacement for displacement.


Well-Known Member
Yea, a V8 stuck doing the speed limit(PAR). Just wasting gas(lumens). CFLs are over twice as efficient, at half the power compared to any HPS. The one exception is in yellow-green light.


Well-Known Member
Yea, a V8 stuck doing the speed limit(PAR). Just wasting gas(lumens). CFLs are over twice as efficient, at half the power compared to any HPS. The one exception is in yellow-green light.
CFL's don't have the Torque (Penetration) that CFL's do. I still haven't seen results (timeslips) that show CFL's can outperform HPS watt for watt.

Sorry brotha, lumens, par, lux, etc. Results.


Well-Known Member
HPS is not ideal for plants in any way. It has very low PAR, and used alone the results speak for themselves. If you compare equal wattage HPS to MH+HPS during ANY cycle the MH+HPS pair significantly outperform solely HPS, watt for watt.

Enhanced MH are nearly equal to CFL bulbs in terms of Lumens * PAR(as a decimal percent).

That's what the entire efficacy of any bulb for plants comes down to: Photons(Lumens on a grander scale) * PAR(as a decimal percent eg. 0 to 1).

Thus the 'wasted gas': lumens - (lumens * PAR decimal).


Well-Known Member
HPS is not ideal for plants in any way. It has very low PAR, and used alone the results speak for themselves. If you compare equal wattage HPS to MH+HPS during ANY cycle the MH+HPS pair significantly outperform solely HPS, watt for watt.

Enhanced MH are nearly equal to CFL bulbs in terms of Lumens * PAR(as a decimal percent).

That's what the entire efficacy of any bulb for plants comes down to: Photons(Lumens on a grander scale) * PAR(as a decimal percent eg. 0 to 1).

Thus the 'wasted gas': lumens - (lumens * PAR decimal).
Well I actually grow with Floros, then MH, then HPS as this is the best method that I have found. It works better for me than any other method I have tried or seen. I'm a results based grower.

I use T5's and CFL's for little guys and about 1/2 my veg. When the penetration is too poor I use my MH. When I go to flower I use 2 HPS's.

I'm not going to argue about whether or not CFL's are viable. They work fine for smaller operations. But when you're trying to grow 10+ plants it gets pretty damn hard with CFL's.

LIke I said, a matter of results and you showed more about PAR and Lumens, nothing about penetration, light degradation as a square of distance, etc.

CFL's are awesome until your plant's are 3 feet tall and you have 12 of them. Then it's a fucking nightmare. 30 CFL's or 2 HPS'? Just a matter of management, ease and overall performance. I'll pull just over lb in just under 3 months. That's hard w/ CFL's...not impossible, not impractical, not going to argue their validity, it's just more difficult and more work.


Well-Known Member
See my sig. I can envision growing 16 plants with 4 * 55 watt(actual) = 220w of CFLs and it outperforming a 400w HPS all by itself.

You stick with your single source(or double?).... Because surely plants within inches of a multiple direct sources 'square of distance' less effectively?

Four bulbs will cover a square better than one. They also over lap. Giving omni-directional lighting.

Yes we could sit here and talk about the steradian, angles, and inverse squares. Your argument only gets weaker, though.


Well-Known Member
awesome grid!...are the green circles bigger circular lights than the red circles?
Green circles represent the output of light from 200W CFLs.

Red are output from a 50W CFLs

(the size is based on the area they cover with plenty of light for plants, half noon or 5000 lumens is the edge of the circles)


Well-Known Member
oh i see. thanks alot will update you wen i set it up.
Results big talker, results....where are they?

What if you wanted to grow 100 plants.

What about the fact that they are only effective 2" from the plant and very little of the plant is going to be 2" away?

I keep my 2 400w hps lights within 8" of the tops of my plants and the light penetrates 2 feet into my canopy providing me with full buds, not just on the top, but all the way through.

Show me results and stop throwing out mumbo jumbo, we know the mumbo jumbo, you nuts post about it all day. Then you show your 1 or 2 wonderful plants...congrats...

where are the bigger grows? Where's the results? Your hypothesis is great, but yet to see the experiment, yet to see the PROOF.

Where is this................................'?



Well-Known Member
And back to the overall point, what would that room look like with ridiculous CFL's????

Way too hard to manage, way to hard to deal with.

The electricity costs next to nothing in comparison to the product generated, so the waste of time for setting up all those damn little CFL's, not worth it to me. Maybe worth it to penny pinchers, but for an overall savings of $50, I'll just do it the easy way.


Well-Known Member
ya i wil believe cfls outperform when i see results. not to be an ass, but i grew cfl and hps nd hps kicked the shit out of em. but hey i could be wrong. jus show sum pics and ill take back my statement