Are Gang Members Using Military Training?


Well-Known Member
WRONG .almost all of them joined up because it was their duty to do so.
according to the USA constitution i can have a opinion..and my opinion is you liberals are a bunch of broke dick ass wipes that live in fantasy land most of the time.
especialy you canadian liberals.i think the USA emptied every coward we have from this country into canada.i think we have emptied so many of our cowards into canada that cowardice is geneticly engrained into their very nature.
it is in their DNA by now for sure.if we could only have a good draft and watch the chicken shits off load to canada
what a wonderfull idea.

Hahaha, That statement shows how ignorant you really are. Like I said, your entitled to your opinion, but its FAR from humble.

Fantasy land? Your the one living in USA thinking everything is fine..:roll:

Im not Liberal. And none of my relatives have ever lived in the USA.

If you could even spell genetically ingrained then you might know how stupid that claim sounds.

You really think everyone who didnt want to fight in your pathetic wars went to Canada? Maybe thats why people in Canada have the common decency to Not trample and KILL people trying to get into Walmart. In Canada there would have been Hundreds of people who would have stopped and said "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, YOUR RUNNING OVER SOMEONE AND KILLING THEM!?!?!!!"

Or maybe thats why we were smart enought to not fully partake in an unjust War.

Yep, its our "DNA"....:roll:

Does that mean we can blame all Redknecks and morans like yourself on bad genetics?? :lol:

It's the American way.....Blame it on Someone else.

Of course, I disagree with Max's view that there is any difference between some one that got drafted or volunteered, but at least get your history straight if you're going to post.

Of course FDR was busily plotting ways to get us involved in WWII anyway, so in the end it matters little.
Im sorry if my facts were a little fuzzy...

The US, the biggest oil supplier for Japan at the time, imposed the oil embargo on Japan in July, 1941, and it helped the Japanese to make up their minds to fight against the Americans. Thus, in a way, the attack on Pearl Harbor was not a surprise one at all; it was a necessary result of the conflict and negotiation.

They imposed the oil embargo, the only reason Japan was buying off of the Americans is because American Oil held a patent or the Japanese could have gotten oil somewhere else to make fuel to fly their planes.

Im still firm in my belief that Pearl Harbour COULDN'T have happened if it wasn't for the Americans supplying then provoking the Japanese.



Well-Known Member
the US was not in WW2 untill dec 7th.1941..shows how smart you are again.we did however have large numbers of americans fight in england in the royal army and in the canadian military.we also have large numbers of our men..i knew one personaly till his death that was what is called a merchant marine .he was a sailor who delievered goods and material to the UK so they could survive the german onslaught .he went swiming and almost lost his life on 3 seperate occassions saving the people of england.americans were fighting in china too .as mercanarys against the japanese before ww2.
they were called the flying tigers.captained by pappe boyington.i doubt if you ever heard of him either.
i doubt if you are well versed on history at all.being the ignorant and back woods bumpkin that you probaly still have a outhouse.and bath once a week if you live in europe.


Well-Known Member
the US was not in WW2 untill dec 7th.1941..shows how smart you are again.we did however have large numbers of americans fight in england in the royal army and in the canadian military.we also have large numbers of our men..i knew one personaly till his death that was what is called a merchant marine .he was a sailor who delievered goods and material to the UK so they could survive the german onslaught .he went swiming and almost lost his life on 3 seperate occassions saving the people of england.americans were fighting in china too .as mercanarys against the japanese before ww2.
they were called the flying tigers.captained by pappe boyington.i doubt if you ever heard of him either.
i doubt if you are well versed on history at all.being the ignorant and back woods bumpkin that you probaly still have a outhouse.and bath once a week if you live in europe.
The funniest thing about your shit talk about Europe is the fact that you probably live on a Trailer park with your white trash Family.....and that is COMMON IN YOUR COUNTRY. lol.

Apart from travellers (who choose to live that way), almost no one over here lives in a trailer..... because we all have houses! WOOP WOOP!


You fuckwhit.

And just for the Record check out the Wiki page on GDP.... The EU Figures above the US dickstain.


Well-Known Member
The Protestant work ethic has a lot of people here screwed up. Of all the European religious misfits that ever were, why did the Puritans have to settle here? Those people were so screwed up the Dutch threw them out.
Remember, European folk, that we are the descendants of the convicts, indentured servants, slaves, and the rest of the wretched of the earth, so yes, we are sometimes nasty.


Well-Known Member
The funniest thing about your shit talk about Europe is the fact that you probably live on a Trailer park with your white trash Family.....and that is COMMON IN YOUR COUNTRY. lol.

Apart from travellers (who choose to live that way), almost no one over here lives in a trailer..... because we all have houses! WOOP WOOP!


You fuckwhit.

And just for the Record check out the Wiki page on GDP.... The EU Figures above the US dickstain.
you fuckers are so poor you cant afford water and soap.dont try and BS me.
you should all bend over and start worshiping the rock at mecca as the muslims tell you to do you bunch of spinless cowards.
id like to come behind you europeans and kick you right square in your ass when you are bent over to pray to the muslim rock.
face are being taken over by muslims.they are out breeding you.why some might ask.
the answer is you are all a bunch of pussys.plain and simple isnt it?


Well-Known Member
I bet those field ops were tough right max...........Did you get that purple heart from when you were shooting those blanks and hurt your ears


Well-Known Member
the US was not in WW2 untill dec 7th.1941..shows how smart you are again.we did however have large numbers of americans fight in england in the royal army and in the canadian military.we also have large numbers of our men..i knew one personaly till his death that was what is called a merchant marine .he was a sailor who delievered goods and material to the UK so they could survive the german onslaught .he went swiming and almost lost his life on 3 seperate occassions saving the people of england.americans were fighting in china too .as mercanarys against the japanese before ww2.
they were called the flying tigers.captained by pappe boyington.i doubt if you ever heard of him either.
i doubt if you are well versed on history at all.being the ignorant and back woods bumpkin that you probaly still have a outhouse.and bath once a week if you live in europe.

the US was not in WW2 untill dec 7th.1941 now your gonna try to tell me ww2 wasn't provoked by the attack on pearl harbor.. Man are you ever ignorant. You can talk about Americans fighting all you want, it doesn't change the fact it was an unjust war that was provoked by the Americans in the first place....You might want to do some more recent research on American History. :roll:

While your at it, maybe you could learn to SPELL.

i doubt if you are well versed on history at all.being the ignorant and back woods bumpkin that you probaly still have a outhouse.and bath once a week if you live in europe.

Who's ignorant here? Your the one who is so caught up in your beliefs that you refuse to accept reality.

Hahaha....Yes, we use outhouses in Canada still..."eh"

Where do you think indoor plumbing originated you ignorant, inbred, redkneck moran? Not in the USA...:lol:

How can you insult Europe you moron?!???? The US wouldnt even EXIST if it wasnt for Europe. If you Native American raping, disease spreading, inbred fucks didnt get sent from Europe then there would be no USA.

you fuckers are so poor you cant afford water and soap.dont try and BS me.
you should all bend over and start worshiping the rock at mecca as the muslims tell you to do you bunch of spinless cowards.
id like to come behind you europeans and kick you right square in your ass when you are bent over to pray to the muslim rock.
face are being taken over by muslims.they are out breeding you.why some might ask.
the answer is you are all a bunch of pussys.plain and simple isnt it?

you fuckers are so poor you cant afford water and soap.dont try and BS me.

What makes you think you are so informed? Usually people lash out when they are insecure about themselves.

So does that mean its really You who cant afford soap and water and your just bitter and pissed off about it?
Whats the matter, can't afford your trailer park lot fee's this month?

No ones trying to BS you, but there have been some people pointing out some very real facts that you refuse to accept as reality.

you should all bend over and start worshiping the rock at mecca as the muslims tell you to do you bunch of spinless cowards. id like to come behind you europeans and kick you right square in your ass when you are bent over to pray to the muslim rock.
face are being taken over by muslims.they are out breeding you.

I don't even know how to respond to that statement. You have succesfully insulted SO many people on SO many levels. And you wonder why everyone hates Americans??

the answer is you are all a bunch of pussys.plain and simple isnt it?

Again, I don't know what to say. Your like a lunatic who goes running around yelling "YOUR ALL CRAZY, I'M THE ONLY SANE ONE!!"

So, what makes you so great and so informed?? I'm curious, what makes you better then anyone else? Please explain it to me from your point of view, I'm struggling to understand the mindset.

What religion are you anyway?



Well-Known Member
Thats crazy. I wouldnt put it past some people. Some kid thinks he's a gangsta, so he joins the army and gets a big gun and gets told to shoot people. Then he comes back and wants to still feel like he has that power and authority. The military is going to take anyone who wants to fight. Definitely seems pretty fucked up.

It's ridiculous what some people are willing to do just for Money.


Man that's fucking bullshit. I am a former gang member, and I was in the Army for 4 years. Most gang members join the military either, because they wat to change there lives, need discipline or they were ordered by a judge.

I joined the Army, because the economy in San Diego was not cutting it when it came time to support my family. Also, not just anyone can join the Army. The Army does a strenous background check. They look at anything you have gotten in trouble for, even stealing candy can hold you back.

Before anyone tries to knock and talk shit look at the facts. You cannot have any violent offenses, drug offenses and have been convicted of eing a pedophile.

I really don't know why anyone would want to debate this when I am almost 99% sure none of you have served in the armed forces, shit someone man enough needs to do it. I can't believe this is even a topic,LMAO!!!!!!!:cuss:

At least SOME people have balls to go and fight a war instead of sitting on there lazy ass and put debates on riu all day...


Well-Known Member
Man that's fucking bullshit. I am a former gang member, and I was in the Army for 4 years. Most gang members join the military either, because they wat to change there lives, need discipline or they were ordered by a judge.

I joined the Army, because the economy in San Diego was not cutting it when it came time to support my family. Also, not just anyone can join the Army. The Army does a strenous background check. They look at anything you have gotten in trouble for, even stealing candy can hold you back.

Before anyone tries to knock and talk shit look at the facts. You cannot have any violent offenses, drug offenses and have been convicted of eing a pedophile.

At least SOME people have balls to go and fight a war instead of sitting on there lazy ass and put debates on riu all day...
I think the key word is MOST. Are you willing to speak on behalf of Every gang member who has joined the military? Didnt think so.

I dont think anyone is claiming this happens a Lot, but it clearly has happened..

You do realize that they don't do background checks like they used to anymore don't you??? The current background checks are a fucking joke. They will take anyone who is willing to go and is deemed mentally stable and able to make the choice to sign up.

Also are you going to claim that all gang members have criminal records?? I know plenty of people in gangs who have never been arrested.

At least SOME people have balls to go and fight a war instead of sitting on there lazy ass and put debates on riu all day.

Apparenly your not one of them...

I dont think it takes "balls" to go to war. I think it takes a lot of ignorance in most cases. Personally, I would be the first to sign up to fight for my country in ANY JUST WAR. The current war is BS, it is an unjust war, Im not going to support any criminals just because they work for the "government"



Well-Known Member
you fuckers are so poor you cant afford water and soap.dont try and BS me.
you should all bend over and start worshiping the rock at mecca as the muslims tell you to do you bunch of spinless cowards.
id like to come behind you europeans and kick you right square in your ass when you are bent over to pray to the muslim rock.
face are being taken over by muslims.they are out breeding you.why some might ask.
the answer is you are all a bunch of pussys.plain and simple isnt it?
Lol...yeah ok.

I think you seem to be deluding yourself about Europe, not suprising as you probably cant afford to take a trip abroad away from your trailer;-)

It's probably from the best, you just stay on your side of the pond, eating your Cheap fatty foods, watching your idiot box being programmed by greedy cunts, and living in fear on a trailer park.

There's already too many American twats in Europe already. This American guy lives downstairs from me, I hear him crying at night, true story, he is a mental health nurse.

You're not all bad, but trailer trash like you (we can tell by your...uh...litteracy levels) do give the whole nation a bad name.

I know quite a few Muslim people, most of them are pretty sound, most of them are about as muslim as I am christian (not much) so religion doesn't really come into it.


New Member
I was watching this show on the history channel called gangland and it was all about gangstas in the military and how they come back to america as deadly killers!


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw this one funny ass show where these dudes in the millitary like in iraq or something like that were gonna jump this other millitary dude into there gang like the gangster disciples or something i forgot but for some reason they beat him for like 6 minutes and then he died the next day.




Well-Known Member
ahah wtf i thought most gangs when they jump people in do it for a small amount of time like 1-2 minutes i was like wtf are these fools drunk or just retarded .

it said after the beating they picked him up and realized he was seriously hurt all weezing and shit so they had another soldier watch him instead of taking him to the doc and thats how the dummby died


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, with a user name like max420thc what else would we expect.

How many Muslims do you personally know max420? I would be surprised if you knew any at all.

You do have some pretty diluted views of the world, assuming places like Iran and well all of Europe are living like 3rd world countries.. I don't know what they taught you in history class back when you were in school, but you might want to consider doing some more recent research on American history.

I know a lot of Americans, and they are great people. Even they would be offended and pissed off that there's people like yourself ignorantly making random insults to an entire religion and claiming to be a real American and a Patriot.

Grow up. Go to the Library and read, go meet some people. Then maybe you will get an idea of what the rest of the world is really like.



Well-Known Member
I think the key word is MOST. Are you willing to speak on behalf of Every gang member who has joined the military? Didnt think so.

I dont think anyone is claiming this happens a Lot, but it clearly has happened..

You do realize that they don't do background checks like they used to anymore don't you??? The current background checks are a fucking joke. They will take anyone who is willing to go and is deemed mentally stable and able to make the choice to sign up.

Also are you going to claim that all gang members have criminal records?? I know plenty of people in gangs who have never been arrested.

At least SOME people have balls to go and fight a war instead of sitting on there lazy ass and put debates on riu all day.

Apparenly your not one of them...

I dont think it takes "balls" to go to war. I think it takes a lot of ignorance in most cases. Personally, I would be the first to sign up to fight for my country in ANY JUST WAR. The current war is BS, it is an unjust war, Im not going to support any criminals just because they work for the "government"

All you lame ass mother fuckers talkin shit are stupid as fuck, I really can't believe you have shit to say about people putting down there lives for ignorant fucks like you. :wall:

I did my time 2 fuckin tours to Afganistan, to come home to dumb fucks like you, damn it was not worth it for shit. We do are time put our lives on the line for, leave our families for what??? Sorry fucks like you?????:finger:

Don't try to say they don't do indept backgrounds checks, because they do. I know this first hand you would not know, why, because your not man enough to man the fuck up, bitch!!!!! You think ex gang members join the Army and come home and swing there guns around like there overseas????? Gangs have nothing to do with it all. WE, THE MEN IN UNIFORM have seen shit pussy like you only see on video games. Most of us come home with major issues PTSD, TBI and hardcore deppresion. It's hard for us to fit back into regular society. Imagine seeing your battle buddies getting shot, blown up and dying in your arms, it's fuckin traumatizing and burns into your brains. Why do you think so many vietnam vets are homeless, alcholics and drug addicts. War is not for kids it's for REAL MEN not pussies like you.

You think this war is bullshit??? I have seen it first hand and it's not. This shit is real, you don't have no clue how ruthless these terrorist are. All you know is what the government allows you to see on the news. I have seen the shit first hand twice for a total of 27 months, so don't act like you know what the fuck is going on over there.

I really hate mother fuckers like you man. I bet if they threw you in the shit your the type of pussy who would go awol like a little bitch...............

So fuck you and whoever disagrees, go to fucking Canada PUSSIES>>>>>>:finger:


Well-Known Member
I dont think it takes "balls" to go to war. I think it takes a lot of ignorance in most cases. Personally, I would be the first to sign up to fight for my country in ANY JUST WAR. The current war is BS, it is an unjust war, Im not going to support any criminals just because they work for the "government"

If the war in Afghanistan is so unjust why is the president ( a democrat) sending 17,000 more troops there???? Why, because the shit is real, ya granted the war in Iraq was just for Bush to get his hands on some oil, he was an oiler before he was president.

On the other habd you say there is not a real reason um what about 911??? We are in Afphganistan, because this is where the terrorist are LOL...... So 911 is not enough for you, Thousands of innocent Americans died including kids, so fighting a war for just cause cause is unjust???? If I were to murder your whole family, I guess it would be okay, because it would be unjust, I would not have a reason they were at the wrong place at the wrong time LOL......


Well-Known Member
All you lame ass mother fuckers talkin shit are stupid as fuck, I really can't believe you have shit to say about people putting down there lives for ignorant fucks like you. :wall:

I did my time 2 fuckin tours to Afganistan, to come home to dumb fucks like you, damn it was not worth it for shit. We do are time put our lives on the line for, leave our families for what??? Sorry fucks like you?????:finger:

Don't try to say they don't do indept backgrounds checks, because they do. I know this first hand you would not know, why, because your not man enough to man the fuck up, bitch!!!!! You think ex gang members join the Army and come home and swing there guns around like there overseas????? Gangs have nothing to do with it all. WE, THE MEN IN UNIFORM have seen shit pussy like you only see on video games. Most of us come home with major issues PTSD, TBI and hardcore deppresion. It's hard for us to fit back into regular society. Imagine seeing your battle buddies getting shot, blown up and dying in your arms, it's fuckin traumatizing and burns into your brains. Why do you think so many vietnam vets are homeless, alcholics and drug addicts. War is not for kids it's for REAL MEN not pussies like you.

You think this war is bullshit??? I have seen it first hand and it's not. This shit is real, you don't have no clue how ruthless these terrorist are. All you know is what the government allows you to see on the news. I have seen the shit first hand twice for a total of 27 months, so don't act like you know what the fuck is going on over there.

I really hate mother fuckers like you man. I bet if they threw you in the shit your the type of pussy who would go awol like a little bitch...............

So fuck you and whoever disagrees, go to fucking Canada PUSSIES>>>>>>:finger:

Wow, what an intelligent post. That about sums up my point of why it takes Ignorance and not balls to fight in an unjust war.

I 100% support ANYONE who has served time for their country. I respect you for that. Nowhere have I said I do not, don't say I do not.

Me supporting the military doesn't change the fact that I would Only fight in a Just War.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be in Fucking Prison for sending young men and women to War just to secure the Oil in the Middle East. People lose their lives fighting an unjust war. I 100% support the troops, I DO NOT IN ANY WAY support the war.

I did my time 2 fuckin tours to Afganistan, to come home to dumb fucks like you, damn it was not worth it for shit. We do are time put our lives on the line for, leave our families for what??? Sorry fucks like you????

I respect you for that. You said it yourself, It was not worth it. This whole war is BS. You shouldnt have had to do 2 tours in Afghanistan in the first place. If George W. Bush wasnt such a fucking douchebag it would have never happened.

George Bush needs to be put in Prison. The whole idea that they were searching for Osama Bin Laden is a Joke, they offered to give him up if the Americans could offer any proof that he was linked to 9/11.

The whole idea that its a "War on Terrorism" is a joke. You cant defeat terrorism.

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror (imposing fear), especially as a means of coercion.

How can you win a war against a concept?

What have the current wars achieved? Absolutely Nothing except securing foreign oil. Theres a BIG difference between supporting the troops and supporting the government. You were just a number to George Bush, not a person. Just a number, Just another soldier. So dont say the people dont care when its your Government that doesnt care about You.
