1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Get on don!

Its now party time at urs yea?

Ha Ha seriously tho that harvest looks as sweet as!
yo cheers for droppin in dude, yeah the kush came good she doesn't smell as nice as she did growing but its startin to drift back

am lookin at 3+ Oz maybe 4 if im lucky

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so its too frickin hot in the tent god damn British weather, one minute its freezing next there's a warm snap and my temps hit 29C :-| so i took off some of the acoustic duct and raised the fan venting out by 6 inches. moved the small clip on fan to blow through a vent n not the doorway so i could leave a flap open at the top of the tent n see how it pans out..... the k train isnt liking the heat but the trainwrecks show no signs of heatstress at all.

more bottles of frozen water.... at least the cheisel is doing fine.


PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
howdy doody don grow is looking good, i had to stay off this site my head was done in waiting on my money to clear but all the stuff i ned is ordered today should be on the go end of the week, loving the grow man +rep

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
howdy doody don grow is looking good, i had to stay off this site my head was done in waiting on my money to clear but all the stuff i ned is ordered today should be on the go end of the week, loving the grow man +rep
cheers PPP yeah the wait is a bitch eh you'd think smokin dope would chill us out about it eh hahaha. although ive stopped shmokin now:shock: was making ma noggin go funny.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
yes i stopped for work reasons im just gonna grow and grow for a while and just stash the weed away maybe sell some if im short of cash for summit or if i want new grow stuff

then i will have a shitload of different weed to smoke when i want to and wont be dry for a long time lol

im planning getting a judges pass to the cannabis cup in holland its 22nd to 26th or 27th i think loads of weed music shows etc... i never been so may aswell go in style lol as a weed judge at the cup lmao

$199 or £136 it works out at and if i book the travel and accomodation early i imagine it will be cheaper, im planning the amsterdam botel the boat hotel its near central station so will be easy access to the different places

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just popped in to say hello, and spread my flu virus around :spew:
Hope all is well with you happy smoking :weed:
cheers welshy i could do with a bit of manflu time off. lol

things are fair to muddling presently, hopefully some pancakes will cheer me up! n make you feel better?! lemon n sugar ?!?! WTF is that about maple syrup is where its at.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oh yeah it as pancake day! i had honey on mine in the end, the missus craaaaazy woman she is had them plain?!:shock:?! WTF like not even sugar??? :shock:shes a weird eater wont eat anything runny- no gravy!:shock: not even on sunday dinner.

anyway on with the show...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so i generally wait till i see roots starting to poke their way through when i repot but this morning the cheisel was going for it like no other seedling has before maybe has something to do with the bean itself being twice normal size i dunno. but thwn i checked it to water it had white roots comin through all sides of the peat pot, im not sure whether to try and carefully remove the peat pot or just stick the whole thing into a bigger pot of soil?

other 3 are the trainwrecks first then the k train i know they finnish a week apart ( according to the seed co) but the wrecks are streets ahead!



Well-Known Member
ffs why nobody tell me it was pancake tuesday, i just had a normal tuesday, and now im having a normal wednesday..

Oh n looking good don :mrgreen:

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Just pot it, the roots are already broken through nicely.

Baz its Mad Dogs Birthday no one told you, you missed a great bash.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ffs why nobody tell me it was pancake tuesday, i just had a normal tuesday, and now im having a normal wednesday..

Oh n looking good don :mrgreen:
cheers Baz man you should just have the pancakes anyway!! a few years back my boss gave up NOT having pancakes for lent, seriously him n his then flatmate arte pancakes for 40 days straight. savoury sweet the lot.
