Never Get Raided - Never Get Busted DVD's


Well-Known Member
Hello, I bought these dvd's and found them to have very useful information in them, ways to beat k-9's, heat cameras, all kinds of tricks for things u would not even think about.. I was wondering wat other people thought of these dvds?
If you dont trust barry, you obviously know nothing about him.

Youd be surprised by what he does.
I disagree with him about letting the police search your vehicle if you hid your stash 'properly' (the way he teaches).

Refusing consent to search is not an admission of guilt. He say, correctly, that many cops may take it that way, but the law and the courts are on your side. Let them bring the dogs if they think there is enough reasonable suspicion.

The best thing you can do if pulled over and you have something on you is keep your mouth shut. The more you talk, the more likely it is that they will get their reasonable suspicion, which isn't enough for a warrant, but enough to let the dogs sniff around the outside of your car.

Try to videotape (camera phone should be sufficient) so your attorney can if they get the dog to false alert.
exertion is there anything on it about hiding it from neighbors/roommates?i could use some tips

Dude theres that information and much much more.. He goes over sooo much shit I watched vol1 and vol2 twice.. One of the cooler tricks was how to fool a k-9 everytime... Since hes been trainning drug dogs since he was 18 he understands them very well. The dogs are trained to find their "Toy"..Which cops use differnt types of drugs to rub all over his toy making the dog think those smells will lead him to his toy that hes psycho about.. But barry goes on to say that it was impossible to get his drug dog to detect drugs when there was road kill in the area.. Cuz now the dog was no longer interested in finding the toy but, was only interested in finding the animal he was smelling... Even if he made the person drive 2 miles up the road the smell would still be trapped/all over the car inside and out... So he says to go to the hunting store and pick up some scent spray of some kind of animal or its urine and spray it on ur cars tires.. The dog will go nuts and be of no use and the cop will have to search for himself...
I was in prison with a mexican and he said they would use lion piss a spray alittle around the car and thats how they would get past the border. The poor bastard go past the border up to Aurora Illinois(chicago suburb) and parked on the wrong side of the street. Just so happens a cop comes down the road as he's getting out so the cop stops him. He can barely speak english. They find probable cause and he gets busted with 370 kg.s coke.
DAMMNNN... if you go down then you better go down big

I was in prison with a mexican and he said they would use lion piss a spray alittle around the car and thats how they would get past the border. The poor bastard go past the border up to Aurora Illinois(chicago suburb) and parked on the wrong side of the street. Just so happens a cop comes down the road as he's getting out so the cop stops him. He can barely speak english. They find probable cause and he gets busted with 370 kg.s coke.
Dude theres that information and much much more.. He goes over sooo much shit I watched vol1 and vol2 twice.. One of the cooler tricks was how to fool a k-9 everytime... Since hes been trainning drug dogs since he was 18 he understands them very well. The dogs are trained to find their "Toy"..Which cops use differnt types of drugs to rub all over his toy making the dog think those smells will lead him to his toy that hes psycho about.. But barry goes on to say that it was impossible to get his drug dog to detect drugs when there was road kill in the area.. Cuz now the dog was no longer interested in finding the toy but, was only interested in finding the animal he was smelling... Even if he made the person drive 2 miles up the road the smell would still be trapped/all over the car inside and out... So he says to go to the hunting store and pick up some scent spray of some kind of animal or its urine and spray it on ur cars tires.. The dog will go nuts and be of no use and the cop will have to search for himself...
Anyhting u remember about avoiding neighbors or people u live with?
Anyhting u remember about avoiding neighbors or people u live with?

He shows you how to grow Indoors/Outdoors and how to do it without getting raided/busted... If I tried to explain to you how to avoid neighbors/people u live with it would take me forever to type ALL the information he gives... Thats pretty much dude wat the WHOLE dvd is about... how to NOT get caught... So I suggest buying the DVD's...Or u can download them from the internet off a torrent site I saw a few posted and seeded.
I was in prison with a mexican and he said they would use lion piss a spray alittle around the car and thats how they would get past the border. The poor bastard go past the border up to Aurora Illinois(chicago suburb) and parked on the wrong side of the street. Just so happens a cop comes down the road as he's getting out so the cop stops him. He can barely speak english. They find probable cause and he gets busted with 370 kg.s coke.

That sucks, to go threw planning all shit shit and get caught being stupid and unobservent to things around you. But seeing out it worked for him is a plus:clap::weed: