type of water to use


Active Member
I just ran a ph test on distilled water. it is running about 6.7 would this be a good alt. to the water out of the tap that runs 8.3? I do not have to fool with regulating it.


Active Member
You need to check the ppm as well, its really not hard to get your ph up or down its the ppm you need to be concerned with. If you want to do it right use reverse osmosis water it has a ppm of less than 5.


Well-Known Member
Yeah reverse osmosis water is the way to go. It has low low ppm and has the ph you are looking for.

Its easy to get at your local grocery store and much much cheaper than distilled


Well-Known Member
Ya know that big machine that people go to get water in the jugs.............

(shhhh nobody tell him its ro water)



Well-Known Member
I have always seen them in every convenience store and most big grocery stores for as long as i can remember


Well-Known Member
ro water is the best thing you can get, its the kind of water that you can buy in bulk, like for those little water despensers some people have. do you have a culligan man? that is ro water.

what i do is take a few gallon milk jugs, fill them with water, leave the lids off, let them sit for at least 24 hours befor using. this will alow all the chlorine and cleaners to disolve from the water, bringing the ph down to an almost nuetral ph.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I fill a 50 gal. drum with tap water and let it sit overnight.
Works fine and pH is always close.


New Member
hey niggaz wut iof u use those chrline drops from the pet store..the onmes that elmniate chlorine.clorinates,etc....are these good for cannabis growin; huh niggaz!!

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
Ya know that big machine that people go to get water in the jugs.............

(shhhh nobody tell him its ro water)

whoa whoa whoa... so your sayin those water things i see in parking lots sometimes are dispensing RO water? and that would be better than distilled water right? and better than doing the sit out for 24 hour thing?

Didnt someone say the ph was 5? i need about a 6.5 ph so wouldnt i be adding ph up to it anyway. (this is in soil BTW)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm still confused cuz we don't have big water machines at our grocery stores in Northern Maine...
you guys have grocery stores in northern maine? why aren't you utilizing some good pond water? it's probally still frozen? i miss it up there.:peace:

Pyro Peaches

Well-Known Member
you guys have grocery stores in northern maine? why aren't you utilizing some good pond water? it's probally still frozen? i miss it up there.:peace:
lol ewww pond water. i can't wait to leave this place.... swamps everywhere, highly-religious communitites... the only good thing i have to say about this state is that there are a lot of stoners here.


Well-Known Member
pa is nice for water btw, lots of natural springs around here
Dude still need to check spring water. I'm in PA and live close to a spring that provides bottled spring water to millions w/ph 7.8 and 318ppm. Also did not have any luck using that water could not control the ph, kept climbing back up over night. IMO RO is the way to go. Put a 7 stage in and it took my water from 560ppm to 3ppm and the ph doesn't fluctuate more than .3 ppm either way. And I only change my res once through flower and not at all in veg.