Teen Faces Cell Phone Porn Charge

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The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
there's this kid who I went to high school with who sent a naked picture of this girl to virtually everyone in the school. she went to the principle, one thing led to another and he's on some list as a pedophile or something like that. this kid was a huge, huge dopey douche bag to begin with and now he's an official pedophile or w/e

this kid shouldn't be going to jail for sending it to one person if this kid I knew from school was only put on a list and perhaps fined.

that list is serious shit---you can't go places, you have to register with the cops, your put up on police websites---so all the mothers in the area know for the rest of your life your some pervert, and some places you have to mark your house with a big pervert banner :)

Pedophiles are worse than murderers---the scum of the earth---and they are labeling this dude that for the rest of his life over some bullshit.


Well-Known Member
They were boyfriend and girlfriend....She WILLINGLY posed for nude pics. He sent to 1 of her friends...now he is in jail with a 140k bail...C'mon Grow Tech, just concede already....


Well-Known Member
Did you kiss her? did you finger bang her? Did you touch her breasts?...Growtech....................Do you think it is child molestation if a 40 year old man did these things to an 16 year old girl?


stays relevant.
that list is serious shit---you can't go places, you have to register with the cops, your put up on police websites---so all the mothers in the area know for the rest of your life your some pervert, and some places you have to mark your house with a big pervert banner :)

Pedophiles are worse than murderers---the scum of the earth---and they are labeling this dude that for the rest of his life over some bullshit.

That list has its benefits and its problems... I do think circumstances should warrant whether or not you're put on the list... You know, even though what this boy did was despicable, he WAS dating the girl, and obviously they had a consensual sexual relationship together...

I think the list should be reserved for pedophiles, rapists, etc.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
When did anyone mention molesting children? When did I say if I had sex with her, video taped her, photographed her, or not? All I said was that I never sent out her nude pictures...

Why would you take a perfect opportunity to pose a thoughtful argument regarding the case, and just produce bile that doesn't stand up to shit? :roll:

As it's quite obvious you're missing the point, I'm giving up on trying to make sense of it. Good luck to you bud. :)

Whenever someone says they are dating---sex is usually implied---why else would you put up with her shit :)

It's statutory rape to mess with minors---If the parents say anything your locked up as a rapist.


stays relevant.
They were boyfriend and girlfriend....She WILLINGLY posed for nude pics. He sent to 1 of her friends...now he is in jail with a 140k bail...C'mon Grow Tech, just concede already....
Yes but did she say "send these out when you become a jealous punk" ?

Regardless, if the photos were just of her breast- he's going to get off, watch. Technically it's not going to be child pornography unless she is in the middle of a sexual act. This is just going to be a stiff lesson for this boy, and is going to echo for a long time... but it's a good thing that this is clear to the rest of the world "DONT FUCK AROUND"

Do you think it is child molestation if a 40 year old man did these things to an 16 year old girl?
If you need legal advice I would suggest contacting a lawyer, and not asking me for help with your legal issues.


stays relevant.
Whenever someone says they are dating---sex is usually implied---why else would you put up with her shit :)

It's statutory rape to mess with minors---If the parents say anything your locked up as a rapist.
When I was 16 I wasn't concerned with sex... Some are, some aren't... depends on how bad the parents fucked up at their job (yes I'm diverting blame from the 16 year old girls :lol: )


Active Member
wow how rediculous is this shit

and my favorite part of the law is how kids get caught with dimes and dubs and get sent to jail with rapists and murderers

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Son, that Genarlow guy had it BAD... much worse than this cat with the cell phone.

I'm just pointing out that the law isn't always right :) and the prosecutors running wild with charges just because they can is bullshit. The real crime being committed with the cell phone is getting locked up with 140k bail so some prosecutor can get free publicity for the next election.

These laws were written before this technology existed---intended for far more perverted people. They are wrapping people up with a law that they know wasn't written or intended to be enforced this way.


Well-Known Member
I'm just pointing out that the law isn't always right :) and the prosecutors running wild with charges just because they can is bullshit. The real crime being committed with the cell phone is getting locked up with 140k bail so some prosecutor can get free publicity for the next election.

These laws were written before this technology existed---intended for far more perverted people. They are wrapping people up with a law that they know wasn't written or intended to be enforced this way.
True dat homie... true dat.


And everyone else making money of the little man... Oh wait thats what america is all about :shock:


Well-Known Member
When I was 16 I wasn't concerned with sex... Some are, some aren't... depends on how bad the parents fucked up at their job (yes I'm diverting blame from the 16 year old girls :lol: )
What? I hope your a female...Or you're just a "late bloomer" lol:peace::mrgreen:


stays relevant.
What? I hope your a female...Or you're just a "late bloomer" lol:peace::mrgreen:
No I was just focused on education... I had sex, I just didn't spend my time thinking about it... AKA, I wasn't wasting anyones tax dollars treating school like it was a place to organize who I was planning to fuck...


Well-Known Member
Fact: Teenagers are hyper sexual and getting more sexual every year.

Fact: Emotional and intellectual maturity are happening much sooner than they did 30 - 50 years ago.

Fact: Nearly everyone has committed 'statutory rape' or been a victim of it.
(I was ... mmmm .. she was 28 I was 15, wow that was incredible and very educational.)

Fact: These laws exist to incarcerate predators and perverts who go after innocent young people with intent to do harm not to violate the rights of consenting people (yes I said PEOPLE.)

Fact: Over 50% of people lose their virginity before age 18, not all of them to their 'peers' some choose older more experienced lovers (I did.)

Fact: Some 'undeveloped' tribal cultures (Africa I believe) practice the surrender of Virginity as a right of passage into adulthood. This happens at age 13 or 14 depending on the youth. The deflowering is done by a tribe member who has been voted to be the most proficient 'lover' of the tribe. This member trains the youth in ALL aspects of romantic relationships (not just sex but that's included too.) This is done with both boys and girls, it's not discriminatory. The villagers 'elected' to this position consider it one of honor, not one of pleasure. Virgins are not 'prized' by potential suitors in fact they are shunned and not desired. These tribes have less than a 15% 'separation' rate of 'married' couples.

Fact: Prior to penicillin the average life span was 30 years. The average age of a woman having her first born was 15, by 20 she was considered 'old' an not capable of bearing enough children. Most marriages existed between women aged 14 - 16 and men aged 18 - 22.

It wasn't until socialized education came into existence that 'age' laws started occurring. The age of 'adulthood' was determined when one finished primary education (12th grade) after that the government considers you either taxable or expendable (able to send to war.) We have based MOST age laws on this arbitrary completion of education, yet we can't drink legally until 21.

Not every person is the same. I know some 13 year olds far more mature than some 40 year olds. I also know some 10 year olds far more mature than some 18 year olds. The line is not one that fits each person, it fits 'legislative convenience' not people. I was sexually active at 15, I was VERY ready, down right NEEDED to be active. My wife wasn't active until she was 17, she didn't feel ready until then and she made her choice.

This case is BS and should be tossed out of court. Every time I open the paper I realize just how close we are to a police state and how likely it will be that we will be fighting our own government for freedoms in our life times. It's quite sad actually.

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