Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I had a friend from this job once who told me she had her first baby naturally...he was ten pounds, and she didn't rip at all.I told her, "I have two words for you..BIG PUSSY!"..she was like," Hey fuck you!" But one night, we were partying and I was staying the night at her place, and she hooked up with this guy.Well, we went back and she took him to her room,they do the deed and he leaves.She comes out to fill me in on details, and said he was hung, and good in bed, but he kept sticking his fingers in her beside his dick.She couldn't figure out why.I said nothing.


Well-Known Member
Goddamit by the time my slow-ass computer has loaded up the reply window, and then posted it, you guys are talkin about something else! Shitmiester!

I love weed too. And cake. But not big pussies.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend from this job once who told me she had her first baby naturally...he was ten pounds, and she didn't rip at all.I told her, "I have two words for you..BIG PUSSY!"..she was like," Hey fuck you!" But one night, we were partying and I was staying the night at her place, and she hooked up with this guy.Well, we went back and she took him to her room,they do the deed and he leaves.She comes out to fill me in on details, and said he was hung, and good in bed, but he kept sticking his fingers in her beside his dick.She couldn't figure out why.I said nothing.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No matter what, vagina is ugly.I've never seen one that I thought was attractive.All of them look like some healed up traumatic injury.Bleh.I don't see how guys can put their face in there, but to each their own.
i don't mind if they look like a big old chewed up piece of bubble gum just not a huge gaping hole!!!!


Well-Known Member
No matter what, vagina is ugly.I've never seen one that I thought was attractive.All of them look like some healed up traumatic injury.Bleh.I don't see how guys can put their face in there, but to each their own.
and dicks are veiny and weird looking. yet some girls are admirers of them...:hump:


New Member
Alrighty then, enough pussy talk, can't we talk about anything else? Poor Vette, he would have loved this conversation, but he's out getting food and hair cut.