Teen Faces Cell Phone Porn Charge

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The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
he's 18---It's not like he's a thirty year old naked guy in a trench coat with a burt reynolds mustache and raybans flashing people on the playground.


stays relevant.
he's 18---It's not like he's a thirty year old naked guy in a trench coat with a burt reynolds mustache and raybans flashing people on the playground.
This guy should have known what he was doing is illegal. I mean, obviously he doesn't have much sense if he's taking photos of a girl that age, or even if he's stupid enough to send out photos of her to anyone. He might say 'I knew her friend wouldnt send them out' but in REAL English that means "I didn't think I would get in trouble"

Too bad, so sad. If some stupid punk kid did that to my daughter, better believe I would pay the kids $180,000 bail, and be waiting outside for him with my belt out.

Maybe this kid will find out what it's like to have photos of him passed around in the joint.


Well-Known Member
growtech what are u crazy:shock: Your acting like a nazi bro. The kid is 18 and the girl is 16 they prob go to high school together and it was his girlfriend. I mean it was wrong to do it, but criminal porn charges and stalking, give me a fucking break. People like you are why pot is illegal use your common sense bro. You think this kid deserves to be considered a sex offender the rest of his life..................................Let me clue you in something teenagers fuck:o:o let me guess when you were a senior in high school no senior guys ever messed with a sophmore chick. These laws wern't made to put teenagers in jail. There purpose is to protect children from sick creepos who prey on children...like the dudes who show up on "to catch a predator"


Well-Known Member
Gonna say the same thing I said on your GC post lol.

I was watching the news and they said cops were charging a kid with child pornography because his girlfriend texted him naked pictures of herself. The police said they were making an example out of him for other teenagers. Now he's marked as a sex offender for the rest of his life just because of asshole cops.

So much fucked up shit happening lately


Well-Known Member
man that is fucked up im 18 and im dating a sophmore in Highschool and im a junior( couldnt be a senior cause i wouldnt have the required credits to graduate) and who gives a fuck the world is so fucked up and corrupt it really is quite disturbing and yes i have pics of my gf naked on my phone ( are there any cops) dont like sue me cause i dont care


Well-Known Member
its retarded and what really pisses me off is the kid is charged that harsh and yet people who do have the money get off so fucking easy its not even funny, money is what runs the world and i hate it cause money=power and that is how its always going to be but the police like that are fucking pricks and deserve to be fired.


Well-Known Member
guess that girl had ugly tits... otherwise she would be happy.. we all know your ugly now.. . hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
and its funny, she wanted the pic taken so she should get the fuck out of this coummity, prob a wana be biatch ^^ hahaha.... lovely shit, then her parents found out. and she had to play angel.

:) its my guess... :P


New Member
growtech what are u crazy:shock: Your acting like a nazi bro. The kid is 18 and the girl is 16 they prob go to high school together and it was his girlfriend. I mean it was wrong to do it, but criminal porn charges and stalking, give me a fucking break. People like you are why pot is illegal use your common sense bro. You think this kid deserves to be considered a sex offender the rest of his life..................................Let me clue you in something teenagers fuck:o:o let me guess when you were a senior in high school no senior guys ever messed with a sophmore chick. These laws wern't made to put teenagers in jail. There purpose is to protect children from sick creepos who prey on children...like the dudes who show up on "to catch a predator"
every guy i know that dated a younger girl in highschool was in it for one thing.

and it wasnt afterschool cookies - it was afterschool nookie.

i think growtech is dead to rights here, too many younger girls trying to date older guys.


Well-Known Member
growtech what are u crazy:shock: Your acting like a nazi bro. The kid is 18 and the girl is 16 they prob go to high school together and it was his girlfriend. I mean it was wrong to do it, but criminal porn charges and stalking, give me a fucking break. People like you are why pot is illegal use your common sense bro. You think this kid deserves to be considered a sex offender the rest of his life..................................Let me clue you in something teenagers fuck:o:o let me guess when you were a senior in high school no senior guys ever messed with a sophmore chick. These laws wern't made to put teenagers in jail. There purpose is to protect children from sick creepos who prey on children...like the dudes who show up on "to catch a predator"
AGREED. This is crazy!!!!! I could not believe what I was hearing, but, then I saw it took place in Florida, then I understood....Bunch of assholes down here.
This KID does not belong in jail! WTF is wrong with people???


stays relevant.
growtech what are u crazy:shock: Your acting like a nazi bro. The kid is 18 and the girl is 16 they prob go to high school together and it was his girlfriend. I mean it was wrong to do it, but criminal porn charges and stalking, give me a fucking break.
You know he's not going to be convicted on all of these charges, I think it's creepy that you're so accepting of the fact that some girl is having private photos of herself sent out. This boy who sent them out knows what child porn is, everyone knows what child porn is. We've all seen "To Catch a Predator" on Dateline... This guy was a jealous little nitwit who thought it would be funny to threaten this young girl by sending these pictures to a friend... Jokes on him now.

People like you are why pot is illegal use your common sense bro.
Why is that? Please tell me how child pornography has anything to do with prohibition... aside from that you obviously seem to have a problem with the prohibition of child pornography.

You think this kid deserves to be considered a sex offender the rest of his life..................................Let me clue you in something teenagers fuck:o:o let me guess when you were a senior in high school no senior guys ever messed with a sophmore chick. These laws wern't made to put teenagers in jail. There purpose is to protect children from sick creepos who prey on children...like the dudes who show up on "to catch a predator"
Fortunately for the kid what I think he deserves is not actually what he gets. If someone were to do this to my daughter, it would have never seen a police report... It would have been handled privately by myself and something that looks SIMILAR to a gavel.

Obviously this girls parents have more common sense than I do... not using physical violence against a man that has sent out nude photos of their underage daughter.

Surely I can't be the only one shocked that most of the people in this thread are defending this coward who thinks it's okay to send off private photos of an underage girl who obviously was taken advantage of.

Those pictures were taken in confidence, and expected to be kept private. Boy got jealous, malicious, and caught.

How would you feel if some guy did that to your daughter, or your sister, or if he did that to your wife? Most of you seem to have the 'who cares?' attitude about HER side of the story (Which you haven't even heard yet)

Everyone these days seems to blend the difference between kindness vs weakness, and youth vs ignorance. Try truly looking at it on the side of legalities.

The law regarding his actions are clear...
Did he break it? Yes.
Is there proof? Yes.
Is he an adult? Yes.
Was the victim a minor? Yes.

What if he was 19? 20? 21? At what age is it MORE appropriate to be held accountable for actions that are very obviously illegal?

I don't know how seeing logic in the side of the prosecution makes me a nanzi, or means that I lack common sense... When I was this boys age I was dating a girl her age, however I had the common sense to not send her nude photos out to anyone. So lets hear what you all think? Should the cut off age for sending around pornographic photos of an minor be 18? 19? Should the message being conveyed be: "Hey everyone, you wont get in trouble for child pornography if you're under 21!"



Well-Known Member
there's this kid who I went to high school with who sent a naked picture of this girl to virtually everyone in the school. she went to the principle, one thing led to another and he's on some list as a pedophile or something like that. this kid was a huge, huge dopey douche bag to begin with and now he's an official pedophile or w/e

this kid shouldn't be going to jail for sending it to one person if this kid I knew from school was only put on a list and perhaps fined.


stays relevant.
With your own logic your a child molestor. You should go to jail you sicko. Taking advantage of young girls like that, you should be ashamed of yourself.
When did anyone mention molesting children? When did I say if I had sex with her, video taped her, photographed her, or not? All I said was that I never sent out her nude pictures...

Why would you take a perfect opportunity to pose a thoughtful argument regarding the case, and just produce bile that doesn't stand up to shit? :roll:

As it's quite obvious you're missing the point, I'm giving up on trying to make sense of it. Good luck to you bud. :)
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