Should stupid people be allowed to breed?

Should stupid people be allowed to breed?

  • No, there are already 3 times to many people here causing bad traffic, let's neuter them

    Votes: 44 68.8%
  • Yes, the queers can adopt them

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Yes, I envision a wonderful future living in an overpopulated landfill

    Votes: 11 17.2%

  • Total voters

We Love 1

New Member
Well, I'd first like to say that if people of the USA weren't being poisoned by the fluoridated waters than there wouldn't be so many "stupid" people.

Secondly, I don't believe the world is over populated but rather misused. If I ruled the world I would make life much better for every species on Earth. If the population got out of control I would think about imposing high taxes on families that had over two children, so that way the population wouldn't grow at all. But I have plans to populate the moon so that would decrease the population from Earth. I also believe We should build underground cities that could go miles deep on many different layers/floors under the ground. We could actually grow plants in underground hydro opps by harvesting the geothermal energy and using that to power the HID lights.

The perimiter of the Earth would increase (it would get physically larger) because of the escavated dirt from building the underground cities. There would be lots more land mass because We would ship lots of water to the moon, because they would need it too. So instead of the Earth being only 30% land, We could turn it into 50% land.

If all things went as planned, there would actually be an incredible shortage of people. If I ruled the world, there wouldn't be as many "stupid" people because everyone would be entitiled to free schooling, healthy food and housing.

If I ruled the world. Imagine that, I'd free all My son, and love'em love'em baby.

I've got BIG dreams.



Well-Known Member
The type of control you are looking for is simply not here. If you want that kind of controlled society you need to move to China. This is America, enough said.:peace:
I'm not really looking for control, just common sense. I'd the happiest human on the planet if we left nature alone and stopped hurting and destroying everything, but we aren' we have to be delt with somehow. America loves to use war as population and resource control, I think my idea is alot less harmful.


New Member
I also want to know, who is to decide what too stupid to have kids entails?

I've known some damn smart people in my life, but when it came to raising kids, they did some of the dumbest things I've ever seen.

When stupid people have kids and don't raise them right, the kids turn into teenagers and show the parents the errors of their ways. It all comes back around.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'd first like to say that if people of the USA weren't being poisoned by the fluoridated waters than there wouldn't be so many "stupid" people.

Secondly, I don't believe the world is over populated but rather misused. If I ruled the world I would make life much better for every species on Earth. If the population got out of control I would think about imposing high taxes on families that had over two children, so that way the population wouldn't grow at all. But I have plans to populate the moon so that would decrease the population from Earth. I also believe We should build underground cities that could go miles deep on many different layers/floors under the ground. We could actually grow plants in underground hydro opps by harvesting the geothermal energy and using that to power the HID lights.

The perimiter of the Earth would increase (it would get physically larger) because of the escavated dirt from building the underground cities. There would be lots more land mass because We would ship lots of water to the moon, because they would need it too. So instead of the Earth being only 30% land, We could turn it into 50% land.

If all things went as planned, there would actually be an incredible shortage of people. If I ruled the world, there wouldn't be as many "stupid" people because everyone would be entitiled to free schooling, healthy food and housing.

If I ruled the world. Imagine that, I'd free all My son, and love'em love'em baby.

I've got BIG dreams.

I think you should be the first person on the list of people not to breed.

second . . . your dream of an underground city would vanish at the hint of a moderate earthquake. underground cities would be a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, saw the "Should queers be allowed to adopt" poll and couldn't resist.

Currently, with more than 3 times the sustainable number of people on the planet , thousands of children dying of starvation and lack of clean water every day, and humans causing a massive planet-wide extinction with their stupid, selfish behavior...should stupid people be allowed to breed and multiply?
I dont think you should be allowed to breed:lol:

We Love 1

New Member
yeah, you calling yourself smart is kind of a paradox, isn't it?
Not really. Its all relative, and relatively I'm intelligent. I have My strenghts and weaknesses but I was alway in advanced classes and got mostly A's and B's in engineering classes.

Its all good Poplars. I'm not trying to get into a debate over a pissing contest. I just didn't like the statement "I think you should be the first person on the list of people not to breed."




Well-Known Member
Well, I'd first like to say that if people of the USA weren't being poisoned by the fluoridated waters than there wouldn't be so many "stupid" people.

Secondly, I don't believe the world is over populated but rather misused. If I ruled the world I would make life much better for every species on Earth. If the population got out of control I would think about imposing high taxes on families that had over two children, so that way the population wouldn't grow at all. But I have plans to populate the moon so that would decrease the population from Earth. I also believe We should build underground cities that could go miles deep on many different layers/floors under the ground. We could actually grow plants in underground hydro opps by harvesting the geothermal energy and using that to power the HID lights...
Fluoridated water, horrible public education, idiotic mass media, control of information by the government, supermarket checkout isle magazines, and tv just to name a few...many things are making people stupid here...that's a whole other topic...probably several.

If I have to sit in traffic because there are too many people in front of me that have been driving for 20-40 years and still don't know how to merge, and I go all day without seeing a deer, wild turkey, moose, bear, or wolf, then the world is fucking overpopulated.


Well-Known Member
I also want to know, who is to decide what too stupid to have kids entails?

I've known some damn smart people in my life, but when it came to raising kids, they did some of the dumbest things I've ever seen.

When stupid people have kids and don't raise them right, the kids turn into teenagers and show the parents the errors of their ways. It all comes back around.
Good question, I'd guess we'd have to all sit down and mash that one out...improving education might help with the problem.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you should be allowed to breed:lol:
Ha, why, because I think "Should queers be allowed to adopt?" is a ludicrous question and created a spoof topic?

I'm not going to breed anyways, I can't rationalize the damage it would cause to everything else. Why intentionally create a situation where everyone who is already here gets less food, land, and clean water? Gee, that would be stupid.


Well-Known Member
Ha, why, because I think "Should queers be allowed to adopt?" is a ludicrous question and created a spoof topic?

I'm not going to breed anyways, I can't rationalize the damage it would cause to everything else. Why intentionally create a situation where everyone who is already here gets less food, land, and clean water? Gee, that would be stupid.
I hear you when you say your only joking and that this is a spoof topic.
Why did i say that?,below:o
No because the concept of people not being able to have a smoke in their own home is abhorrent to me.
The concept of people not being allowed to have a child because they don't meet yours or their governments financial or IQ requirements is totally draconian:joint:


New Member
People who can't support their child shouldn't have one. Like Octomom, she had 6 kids already that she couldn't support so she went out and had 8 more intentionally. I don't think it's right that the rest of us should fiancially support her decision.

What happens in 2 or 3 years when she wants babies again and has another litter of 4 or 6? There are situations where people should be stopped.


Well-Known Member
People who can't support their child shouldn't have one. Like Octomom, she had 6 kids already that she couldn't support so she went out and had 8 more intentionally. I don't think it's right that the rest of us should fiancially support her decision.

What happens in 2 or 3 years when she wants babies again and has another litter of 4 or 6? There are situations where people should be stopped.
Then only the rich can reproduce, that's not fair...the woman you're referring to however, was the inspiration for my idea of neutering stupid people. She has proven beyond any doubt whatsoever, that she doesn't need to reproduce.


Well-Known Member
People who can't support their child shouldn't have one. Like Octomom, she had 6 kids already that she couldn't support so she went out and had 8 more intentionally. I don't think it's right that the rest of us should fiancially support her decision.

What happens in 2 or 3 years when she wants babies again and has another litter of 4 or 6? There are situations where people should be stopped.
Why don't you add the taxpayers bill for your own and my governments alcohol and party expenses last year together and then tell me that this women's children should be aborted against her will or that she should not be allowed to have any more children.

Does no one really understand the economy?

Lets say that i was in charge.
I have only 1 person who is unemployed so i give him 100 pounds a week to live on.
He goes out and spends that 100 on food,electric,rent,tobacco and drink.
Oh no you say that's 100 quid gone of taxpayers money blah blah.
I am evil so i agree with you,yes kill the evil non worker ant,hahahaha.

That non worker that i gave 100 quid to and you have to remember that this is in real life a process that is multiplied by millions, has actually been stopped from becoming a thief,he has spent his 100 in my taxed shops.
The bread he bought,the farmer was taxed,the miller was taxed,the bread bag maker was taxed,the lorry driver was taxed,the shop owner was taxed and finally the guy who you gave the 100 quid to also paid tax on all of his goods.

This may be hard for you to understand but try to imagine that you have say 5 million people with no money.
Because of the way the system works any money you give them will only come back to you in the end tenfold through tax and profits.

This whole system relies on the poor majority being kept thick and dumb and in the dark,alcohol helps them do this and is another reason that cannabis is illegal.
The above text is very simplistic if you doubt me then make your own proper equation engine,game,and work out the exact figures for yourself and always remember that they will never give anyone a penny that they wont get back 10x10:joint:


New Member
I didn't say Octomoms kids should be aborted, she should have never had them implanted in the first place. Do you want to be responsible for her 14 kids financial obligations? It's going to cost her a thousand dollars every time they go shoe shopping. The medical expenses alone are already staggering. She had 6 kids, no job, no health insurance, no spouse and she is mooching off her parents, so what did she do? She went and had 8 more babies implanted in her uterus.

This is irresponsiblity of the highest measure.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say Octomoms kids should be aborted, she should have never had them implanted in the first place. Do you want to be responsible for her 14 kids financial obligations? It's going to cost her a thousand dollars every time they go shoe shopping. The medical expenses alone are already staggering. She had 6 kids, no job, no health insurance, no spouse and she is mooching off her parents, so what did she do? She went and had 8 more babies implanted in her uterus.

This is irresponsiblity of the highest measure.
I agree with you in principle but if you remove her right to have a child you have become a pawn of the governments smear campaign.
I am sorry that you cannot see that:joint:


Well-Known Member
I hear you when you say your only joking and that this is a spoof topic.
Why did i say that?,below:o
No because the concept of people not being able to have a smoke in their own home is abhorrent to me.
The concept of people not being allowed to have a child because they don't meet yours or their governments financial or IQ requirements is totally draconian:joint:
Actually, the concept is to prevent stupid people from destroying the earth by overpopulating and trashing it. I didn't mention the government (the reason people are stupid) or financial. I don't see how someone has more of a right to get knocked up than everything else on earth has to exist, right now that's what it comes down to.


New Member
She has a right to have kids, but she doesn't have a right to reach her hand into my pocket to pay for their care. She was already receiving food stamps and other government aid before she had the 8 extras.

I was responsible, I knew that 2 kids were plenty to support so I only had 2. I didn't expect to keep popping them out and expecting other people to pay for their care.

Maybe if Octomom's hand was in your pocket, you might see it differently.