WWIII began today


Well-Known Member
woah woah woah
you are telling americans they are always looking for a fight but you come on here saying we will fuck everything up?

sounds like you're the one lookin for a fight buddy


Active Member
fuck all of that,Im not agains jews but the reality is that they are doing the same shit now Hitler was doing to them 50 years ago,backed up by America!
thats the one and only truth..bombing Palestinian schools and hospitals,its a shame..


Active Member
Im from Croatia,we had our war 15 years ago and it was hmmmm,cant find no words to describe it...
the problem with America is that you never had a war on your own soil(exapt 2oo hundred years ago) so you dont know what you are doing to people!
its all about numbers to you,one American dies you all cry,a houndred afgani,iraki,palestinians die you dont give a shit!


New Member
Nope, I am south African, and a blue eyed caucasian.... so you would think I would be the first to defend Israel...
I have more sensibility...

What would your race have to do with International law and foreign policy?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Im from Croatia,we had our war 15 years ago and it was hmmmm,cant find no words to describe it...
the problem with America is that you never had a war on your own soil(exapt 2oo hundred years ago) so you dont know what you are doing to people!
its all about numbers to you,one American dies you all cry,a houndred afgani,iraki,palestinians die you dont give a shit!
We have spilled much blood on our own soil.

French-Indian War
War of Independence
War of 1812
US-Mexican War
American Civil War

We even went to war with the Mormons once. (should have finished that one!)

I don't think other nations 'give a shit' when Americans die. They generally dance and pass out candies.

As for Croatia, can you say Ustashe?


Active Member
ok,you got me there but that was a long time ago,true,we still have IDIOTS who think that that time was cool,but most normal people,like 99% of us are ashamed of that part of oure history!!!
Im not judgin any Country,race or religion for that mather,just saying that you are starting wars whit no reason!
its all about love,stop the war..everybody makes mistakes,get over it allready...


Well-Known Member
ok,you got me there but that was a long time ago,true,we still have IDIOTS who think that that time was cool,but most normal people,like 99% of us are ashamed of that part of oure history!!!
Im not judgin any Country,race or religion for that mather,just saying that you are starting wars whit no reason!
its all about love,stop the war..everybody makes mistakes,get over it allready...
Actually, you were judging an entire country and I was making the point by lumping all Croatians in with fascists:

"wtf is wrong with you U.S. guys???allways looking for a fight!i dont get it,youll fuck up the whole world!!!"

We really just want to give bin Laden some of our love.:hug: He made a mistake and we will help him get over it. that should stop the war!


Active Member
ok,but you are not punishing one man,or a group of men,you(Busch administry),you are punishing milions of inocent people


New Member
you guys are idiots what the f..k !! you guys talk like "we are going to be there also" when none of you even serve! you Cowards , stop your wimp ass anti american arm chair quarterbacking, one MOAB BOMB or a J-RAM woud set them iran mullahs back 20 years . is ther anybody have balls any more? take off your dress


Well-Known Member
Which millions? The Iraqis? Saddam killed more of his own people than we have. Iraqis want foreign troops out, but they also like their new form of government and do not seek to return to a pre-2003 regime. Most would like more stability and prosperity. Do you think that will happen faster if we don't provide some security, and just let them sort it out with the insurgents (who are rapidly losing any effectiveness they have left because of our actions).

Which millions? The Afghans? 50% of them or so are women; do you think they would prefer a return to taliban atrocities?

Which millions? The Palestinians? Their cynical leaders and their cynical Israeli counterparts deserve each other. There is no fair side to take in that fight. Sure, more Palestinians die in the conflict, but their birth rate is more than twice that of Israelis.


Well-Known Member
you guys are idiots what the f..k !! you guys talk like "we are going to be there also" when none of you even serve! you Cowards , stop your wimp ass anti american arm chair quarterbacking, one MOAB BOMB or a J-RAM woud set them iran mullahs back 20 years . is ther anybody have balls any more? take off your dress
Idiots? Cowards? Come back and post when you grow up.:fire:


New Member
ok you dumb crotian you now nothing about usa. we had a war about 150 years ago called the CIVIL WAR DUMB ASS! IN FACT IT WAS THE BLOODIEST AND DEADLIEST CIVAL WAR IN THE WORLD! 650,000 DEAD IN 4 years. in your country dont they call it?hmmm ethnic cleansing, so get you facts right, you will come crying when you need are help,


Active Member
you cant be serious???please tell me you just didn't say that just now!!!!
wdf is wrong whit you??? dem Jews took their land whitout even asking,what are they supoust to do?
picture this:UN or any other organization gives, lets say the whole country of California to the Jews just because they say its our promised land!what would americans do?
my guess is they would drop some bombs,right???


New Member
hello shmkrmn like your posts im american im not looking for a fight, just love my country, been to iraq and afgani in the navy served as an operator think i know alittle like you peace bro
Actually, you were judging an entire country and I was making the point by lumping all Croatians in with fascists:

"wtf is wrong with you U.S. guys???allways looking for a fight!i dont get it,youll fuck up the whole world!!!"

We really just want to give bin Laden some of our love.:hug: He made a mistake and we will help him get over it. that should stop the war!


Well-Known Member
ok you dumb crotian you now nothing about usa. we had a war about 150 years ago called the CIVIL WAR DUMB ASS! IN FACT IT WAS THE BLOODIEST AND DEADLIEST CIVAL WAR IN THE WORLD! 650,000 DEAD IN 4 years. in your country dont they call it?hmmm ethnic cleansing, so get you facts right, you will come crying when you need are help,
You need the smarter of your two heads to do the talking chan. There have been so many more bloody civil wars in the world, for example the Russian revolution. 5 million died in that one. Don't be ignorant and uncivil. You are just exposing how bad the american educational system is.


Well-Known Member
hello shmkrmn like your posts im american im not looking for a fight, just love my country, been to iraq and afgani in the navy served as an operator think i know alittle like you peace bro
That's cool. I just don't like name-calling, it turns debate into shit.