NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just make the soil moist and yeah poke a hole but you dont have to use rubbermaids just use claer plastic cups or somethin. If you want to after you water put a clear plastic cup (with a vent hole) over the seed planting area for like a humidity barrier works nice and dont have to water for a week.Or until soil is dry.Have your lights on though...For heat
Alright thanks man really appreciate all the help, and what do you think about purple bud is it worth growing and if so how do i do it do i just need certain seeds or what?


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks man really appreciate all the help, and what do you think about purple bud is it worth growing and if so how do i do it do i just need certain seeds or what?
Gunna teell u right now purple haze is the shit. can grow in or outside you cant find it online no more though=( Purple Power packs a punch but it is a fairly tall plant if u want power check out the white stains t will knock u on your ass.


Active Member
Yo Herb I got a question for you!!!

Why do I see in quite a few guides on here to bury seedling when you transplant them up to the embryonic leaves?

And if I didnt do this could that be why my plants are having trouble standing?


Well-Known Member
Well veilside if your seedlings are stretchin transplant into a pot so the dirt is covered all the way up to the first leaves your plants are stretching b/c your lights are not close enough. 3-5 inches.


Well-Known Member
doc i have a quickie!! when do i start counting days of my plants life from the time i start sowing or from the time it pops through soil??? thanks bro!!


Well-Known Member
doc i have a quickie!! when do i start counting days of my plants life from the time i start sowing or from the time it pops through soil??? thanks bro!!
It really dont matter if you are going by a schedule remember the slowest rate of growth is sorta the seedling stage. After2-3 weeks it goes into vegatation and max grow egins you can count when it leaves the soil.


Active Member
It could be a ph problem too Are u regularly checking your ph? is should be btween 6.2-7.0.
well i give them 20-20-20 1/4 str
about the ph.. i have no idea how to measure my country they just dont sell what u need. i bought a paper that can do it but only indicates 8.2-9.0ph level :/ on the soils bag i see 6.3-7 ph


Well-Known Member
well i give them 20-20-20 1/4 str
about the ph.. i have no idea how to measure my country they just dont sell what u need. i bought a paper that can do it but only indicates 8.2-9.0ph level :/ on the soils bag i see 6.3-7 ph
every thing seems to be fine I dnt know IS the plant ever moved out side? It my be a tad over watered Not Sure if it gets worse itn the future it will be more easy to iddentify the culprit.


Well-Known Member
Thats nothing.. One of my plants are pretty ugly. but one looks great. They are in the same DWC so they shouldnt be much difference. Im guessing its the light. The green one has 2 CFL warms, The brown plant has 1 daylight CFL. any one know what it is?



Active Member
Thats nothing.. One of my plants are pretty ugly. but one looks great. They are in the same DWC so they shouldnt be much difference. Im guessing its the light. The green one has 2 CFL warms, The brown plant has 1 daylight CFL. any one know what it is?
maybe i can help abit hun,
it looks like a nute problem to me. you should check the faqs of rollitup, go to plant problems. once you go there, click on ph and nutrtion problems.
itll show you pictures of what the problem should look like.
youll find your solution there too.
you probally have to flush the plants.

by the way, your babies are in veg growth, warm lights promote short internodes and weak stems. you should try to avoid warm lights during this stage for a higher quality bud.

hope i could help.