• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Lucky Stoner Stories Anyone ?

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I had ordered a 1/4 lb. from my buddy who worked construction with me. He walked by my car's opened trunk in the morning on the job site and tossed in a crumpled up paper bag with the pot inside. I got into my trunk to get out my tools, saw the crumpled up bag, didn't look inside, and tossed it. That afternoon at the bar he asked me for the money. I told him he'd get the money when I got the pot. He then told me about tossing it into my trunk. Luckily the job site was only 20 minutes away and there it was, lying on the ground, right where I had tossed it.

Brick Top

New Member
I have had a number of lucky moments or close calls but my favorite was one that happened way back in about 1973 or 1974. One of my friends and I were bored and were going to just drive around and get high. We lived 17 miles outside of Chicago and we decided to drive around the city for a change instead of the suburbs or out in the farmland like we usually did.

We had gotten really high and found that we had gotten lost on the South Side, not a place for two White kids to be lost. My friend asked; "do you know what you do when you’re lost?" I asked him; "What?" He said; "you roll another one" and he proceeded to piece together a number of papers and rolled an esmeralda, a joint that looked like a big cigar and he lit it up.

It was winter so the windows were up and my car was filled with smoke. I spotted a sign that said Illinois Tollway and knew that once on a highway I would spot some sign that told me where we were and that would tell me what way I needed to go to get back home. The sign was right by an underpass and it pointed to turn left after going under the bridge.

As soon as I made the turn we saw two Chicago cops in the middle of the road with their flashlights out and they signaled for me to stop. As I stopped and one of the cops was looking through my window I was putting out the joint and locking it in the center console glove box in my Dodge Challenger. When I rolled down my window to see what they wanted it was like a scene from a Cheech and Chong movie. A BIG cloud of smoke went out the window and parted to each side of the cop’s face as it passed him.

There was a car on the side of the road with its hood up and the cop said the guy needed a jump and they had cables but were not allowed to use their car to jump someone’s car and asked if I would help. I figured I had to play along so I said sure and the cops held back the cars behind me and I turned around and got my car nose to nose with the other car.

I hooked up the cables and the guy started his car and I removed the cables and closed the hoods and handed the cops back their cables. One of the cops looked at the guy whose car I just jumped and nodded to him and the guy reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bucks and said; "here man, thanks for helping, I wish I had more to give you." Something just did not feel right about it and I thought maybe the cops would then claim a drug deal had gone down and bust us for more than they already had us for so I said I couldn't take it. The guy insisted and I said no again. Then one of the cops in a loud very authoritarian like voice said; "TAKE IT!"

I took the money and said thanks and my friend and I slowly turned and headed back to my car hoping that we would somehow manage to get out of there without any trouble. As we were about to get into my car one of the cops said; "now you guys can go out and buy a few beers" and the other cop added; "instead of smoking that shit in your car."

My friend looked at me over the roof of my car and said; "let’s get the hell out of here." The cops just laughed and we got into my car and the cops stopped the traffic so I could turn around again and off we went.

If that was not amazing enough the cops got into their car and followed us almost all the way to the suburb we lived in. We got off I-55 on what is called County Line Road and they got off there too and then honked and flashed their lights and turned the other way and got back on I-55 and headed back towards Chicago.

I wasn’t sure if they did it to see if while still in their jurisdiction I would drive erratically and then they would pull me over and bust us or once out of their jurisdiction if I drove erratically they would radio the local cops and say they had been trailing us and tell them what was up and have them bust us or if they were just really cool and only followed to maybe protect us and if we got stopped get involved and say we were cool and try to get us a pass.

They were many miles out of their jurisdiction so they had to have some reason to have followed us that far but I guess I will never know what the reason was. Whatever it was we didn’t get busted so it just turned into a good story to tell and something to laugh about once we knew we were free and clear and safe.


Well-Known Member
Was at a dead show at the medowlands and we couldn't get tickets so while we were walking around tent city I look down to find a $20 sitting in a puddle. (it was raining) Anyway no sooner do I pick it up but this dude walks around the corner saying "HASHIIIISH...HASHIIIISH!" So we stop him and he opens his hand where he's holding 3 nice chunks of hash, 2 about the same size and the 3rd about two and a half times the size of the others. So I asked him how much. "20 bucks"...for which?...he shrugs his shoulders and says "for whatever" so I handed him the wet $20 bill and took the big chunk. It had to be well over a gram.

Was on my way up the boardwalk to see Ozzy at convention hall and look down to see a $100 bill rolled up with the classic crease and tuck of a coke straw. Got into the crowd and unrolled it to find it was stuffed from one end to the other with fairly decent coke.


Active Member
Hilarious Story; Worth reading.

My friend had finally got his own car--it was an old, rusty pick-up truck that was falling apart. The volume adjuster was broke so the music was blasting really loud and we couldn't control it. Eventually, parked outside of a park, we made a paper-clip that fit the position perfectly and turned down the music a tad. Then we decided to celebrate with this amazing feat (of turning down the music with our paper-clip buddy) by driving through the park. So we do a couple donuts on the baseball fields, while we are hootin' and hollerin' in the flat bed. We leave there, decide to go egg our friends that we were supposed to meet up at another park as a joke. Eventually we start having our egg war and it also includes us chasing each other around the neighborhoods in a 'blazing' hot pursuit. Some how or another we ditch them and a cop car is coming towards us head-on. He slows down and signals us to slow down as well--though he doesn't technically pull us over.

Now, I'm sitting in the flat bed of the truck, laying horizontally, thinking, "holy shit holy shit holy shit," along with three other of my friends. We have cartons of eggs all over the place in the back there, not to mention contra-f*ck*ng-band. The officer has a nice little conversation with my buddy, the driver, about a pack of kids walking around the neighborhood raping, stealing, and plundering (not really). As we sweat it out in the back, my amigo tells the officer he saw them running down some other street and the officer kindly thanks him for his 'help' and sped off.

I couldn't believe it happened and we got away with it. I must have a little angel up there guarding me because that was ridiculously close.

Happy laughs!


Well-Known Member
I got a couple of stories, first one is pretty happy, the other not so much..

So me and my buddy are trying all day to get some weed to go camping with (its what we always used to do, we would get weed and go camp on this beach that not many people knew about)
anyway, so we were trying all day to get weed, ringing all our dealers, all our friends that knew dealers, all our friends friends that knew dealers etc, in the end we decided to call it a night and walk home, so im walking home on my own and im looking at the floor listening to some system when all of a sudden i find a nice fat bag of pretty nice weed, i smoke a couple of joints and ring my friend to tell him the great news, he couldnt believe it!

another time me and my friend had just got some weed of this dealer, we smoke a couple of joints and realize that i need to get to the hair dressers for my appointment, im so baked by the time i get to the hair dressers im so paranoid i decide to hide my weed in my shoe, so im searching about for my weed and it turns out on the way to the hair dressers i dropped it because i was so stoned :( ah well


Well-Known Member
I got a couple of stories, first one is pretty happy, the other not so much..

So me and my buddy are trying all day to get some weed to go camping with (its what we always used to do, we would get weed and go camp on this beach that not many people knew about)
anyway, so we were trying all day to get weed, ringing all our dealers, all our friends that knew dealers, all our friends friends that knew dealers etc, in the end we decided to call it a night and walk home, so im walking home on my own and im looking at the floor listening to some system when all of a sudden i find a nice fat bag of pretty nice weed, i smoke a couple of joints and ring my friend to tell him the great news, he couldnt believe it!

another time me and my friend had just got some weed of this dealer, we smoke a couple of joints and realize that i need to get to the hair dressers for my appointment, im so baked by the time i get to the hair dressers im so paranoid i decide to hide my weed in my shoe, so im searching about for my weed and it turns out on the way to the hair dressers i dropped it because i was so stoned :( ah well
You have just defined karma, $20 says it was the same bag :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
one time cops raided this party i was at and when the cop searched me she squeezed my 20 sack through my pocket and didnt say anything haha! it was crazy:weed:


Active Member
sometime this week, can't remember when, me and my bro alex went to the park near my pad. i had just gotten a joint of some of my homegrown bud and was real psyched to smoke it with him. when we get tehre we see a cop in the parking lot doing some paperwork. well thats what i figured because cops never go to the park and he was just parked there. so we go into these trees where he can'ts ee us but we can see him. he gets out of the car and goes to the bathroom...comes back to the car and leaves. so i go to spark up, but he turned around and parked in the same spot again. so i had some of my binders cause this was right after school, so i toss the joint into one of my two binders. then we start to walk, about thirty minutes later the cops still there. so we go fuck it, and i go into my binder to look for the joint and....its not there...

so we're freakin' out, we retrace our steps from the bathroom to the initial spot where i put it in my binder, and after fourty five fuckin minutes alex goes "OH YES!" we found it..

copsstill there.

we go into some bushy spot and smoke it, best homegrown shit evah


Active Member
i smoke in my room sometimes.
so after i come from cheerleading tryouts, im ready to
go home, shower & toke it up.
last minute, mom decides to go to another BORING
family gathering -_- me & my bro/toke partner decide
tht we cant go to this party sober, itll be funny if we smoke before.
so i lock my room door and start up on a bowl :)
my mom starts knocking on my door.
"im getting ready ! ill be out in a min"
usually she goes away, not this time.
she needed the hair straightener from my room. so, high as i wanna be,
i "faded-ly" (doing smthn pointless bcuz ur hi. smthn u would be to smart to do sober)
so i faded-ly opened the door and
mom enters the room and im holding in my smoke !
i go to my window and lowkey slowly blow out the smoke.
my mom smokes so she knows weed. she immediately asked "u smokin?!"
"why does it smell like weed in here??"
(think fast breee!)
it always smells like smoke. thts why i always light incense
cuz the people nextdoor are always smokin on their balcony
and the smell travels to my room.
"..ohh. close ur window then. wheres the hair straightener?"
save ((;


Well-Known Member
i smoke in my room sometimes.
so after i come from cheerleading tryouts, im ready to
go home, shower & toke it up.
last minute, mom decides to go to another BORING
family gathering -_- me & my bro/toke partner decide
tht we cant go to this party sober, itll be funny if we smoke before.
so i lock my room door and start up on a bowl :)
my mom starts knocking on my door.
"im getting ready ! ill be out in a min"
usually she goes away, not this time.
she needed the hair straightener from my room. so, high as i wanna be,
i "faded-ly" (doing smthn pointless bcuz ur hi. smthn u would be to smart to do sober)
so i faded-ly opened the door and
mom enters the room and im holding in my smoke !
i go to my window and lowkey slowly blow out the smoke.
my mom smokes so she knows weed. she immediately asked "u smokin?!"
"why does it smell like weed in here??"
(think fast breee!)
it always smells like smoke. thts why i always light incense
cuz the people nextdoor are always smokin on their balcony
and the smell travels to my room.
"..ohh. close ur window then. wheres the hair straightener?"
save ((;
your lucky!, the same kind of thing happened to me but was so much scarier!

Okay so me and some friends are smoking weed in my dorm, we are trying to white-box my whole room (white-box: when you fill a area with heavy smoke) so we are doing a pretty good job when all of a sudden we hear this really loud knock at the door, i tell everyone to quiet down in case its a professor or something, so i look through the peephole and its the campus police!!!! At this point i run over to the windows and open them up as fast as i can, all you can see from the outside is heavy smoke pouring out of the windows, i run back to the door and open it up, the guy starts talking about how some of the students have reported loud noise and if we can keep the sound down, i say 'yeah sure man' and go to shut the door, just as the door is almost shut the campus policeman jams his foot in the remaining space to stop it from shutting and says 'have you been smoking marujiuana?' so i say 'no, im just having a study meeting but we lost track' so he says 'dont mind if i look around then?' i panic and say 'yeah sure come right in' i quickly rush into the room where everyone is sitting and tell everyone to hide there weed quick, before i get the chance to hide my grinder (full of weed) the campus policeman comes into the room and starts looking behind the tv and sofa etc, while he is doing that i quickly grab my grinder and throw it out the window (i felt like crying) the guy soon leaves and everything is okay again, we all decide to go out and get some food, as we are walking out of the student campus i see something on the floor......its my grinder and its still got all my weed in it!!
i felt so happy i almost cried!

guess karma is on my side 110100100
it would be amazing if it was the same bag of weed!! how many times you seen the dead live?


Active Member
well i have a realy funny one i ended up getting caught but its funny i wuz at home bought 22.5 grams for super cheap so i wanted to get fuked up without worrying about cash i light up a bowl and did about 2-3 before i got the idea to hotbox with a plastic bag over my head and it wuz awsome till after like 11-12 bowls and i started to whitey out and i wuz like nooooo so then i fell over and i couldnt do anything so i managed to creep outside i couldnt even talk and there were some cops outside in my street sadly they came to me and were like how old are you <they already knew what wuz wrong without me saying anything> they look like white ass cops ht would over react about anything like the ones in reno 911 and they thought i OD'ed i couldnt tell them no it wuzz too hard to talk took me in my house fast and made me throw away all the weed down the toilet and and ambulence came i wuz just thinking of how much this would cost and so they took me to the hospital the medics were awsome btw they blasted the radio on the ambulence but i got there i wuz laying in the bed and i couldnt move and they were like oh wuz should he watch on tv and one wuz like ohh i know so he puts on the christian religious channel and he like you need jesus and i wuz too tired to even care and i fell asleep and that wuz it


Active Member
Me and my best bro since like the 4th grade were inmy room for the night and decided to spsark up a bowl. He was not too fond of itb ecuase my parents were awake in the next room watching a movie. But I said it's fine and that I do it all the time. So i open the window, pack it, and begin. i told him to hold it in for a long ass time so less smoke comes out. we blow out the window. but this pipe and the weed seemed to like each other cause it kept a fucking cherry. and the smoke fills the wholleee room. so we're blitzed out of our minds and im holding the weed, window still open. dad walks in and goes, "it smells like weed." i go "no it doesnt..." i can't look him in the fucking face. and this was before he knew i smoked. so he looks the for the shit and its under me, and he jut walks out..but he still ownt let it go. goddamn


Active Member
valintines day i was at my bros house we were geting high in the back yard for some reason he put up a tent so we were chilling hanging out me and my girlfriend decide to go in the house as we were going in the house my brothers neibor pops his head over the fence and in a heavy axcent tell's us he has weed we were looking at him puzzled like (o you do) show us he hold's up this big zipp lock bag fo krip halve full and says he wants to give it to us automaticly i thought in the back of my head cop now this guy iv'e seen him and never talked to him he bairly speak's english so my bro n me and three other friend's invite him over any way and see what it was all bout we decited to smoke him out with the shit first to make shure there were no trick's so the guy decides to give to us any way not being stingy i took bout oz and halve and gave the rest to my bro to portion out that shit was crazy though the guy since then has been giving my bro weed in bag's full like nothing the guy's explanation was his friend gets it from columbia every week and gives him some but the guy dosent smoke much


Well-Known Member
keep em comin ;P i can read these all night lol
long story short.. me and 2 friends were skippin school smokin a blunt. cop saw us at stop sign parked his car bumper to bumper of my car told me to back in to parkin lot. blunt still burnin my boy threw it under the seat.. cop came up asked me to open window told him it was broke asked us to step out we did and i locked the doors. he asked to search i asked for prob cause he had none so we waited for him to run everything. the car at the time was in my dads name. now the whole time im dealing wit this guy im like i know this dude but how. then it happens he walks up hands me my id and says to have a nice day and tell my dad officer so an so said hi. then it hit me. see my dad is a harley rider and so r all his friends and they use to come back to the house to party. so since i was twelve i been rolling joints and shit for him and his friends.. and guess what officer so and so is one of them. and he really couldnt of busted me for shit i done did wit him..lol the luck of a stoner. so we got back in the car the blunt was still lit so we continued our course of action....

dr smoking dahlia

Active Member
so the first time i smoked weed i had my own little adventure.it was me, my friend james, who's mexican, and my other friend mark, whos black. so we are smoking some dutches and im laughing cause its the first time i smoked weed and we are in a freaking forest at night and i thought the trees were moving. so anyway had a good time and we start to drive up to this bridge to get out of the park. and we are leaving the park we see these cops that are parked right outside and we're like crap. next thing u know the cop car pulls us over, and then calls three other cars. so 8 cops are here searching three ppl, it was completely unnecessary and stupid lol. and im calm as hell cuase im soo fucking high. we didnt get arrrested but shit was scary as hell. anddd the cops didnt bust my high lol


Active Member
fuckin just now. just got back from chillin with my friends nate, joe, tom, and jimmy and we fuckin smoked a blunt of some kushy andd we're drivin around and its suppoed to be all quiet cause someone was on the phoen with their parents and fuckin five or six ducks...fucking huge ducks pass through the road and weh ave to stop, and their going slow as fuck it was sooo funny man...had to be there


Active Member
Leo came to the door once while i was getting high as fuck off a bong, turned out they had a noise complaint and that was due to RB2. The cops just told me to turn down the volume.