First Time grower!

I have 6 plants i got from random 20 a blunts. One has sprouted up and the others are fresh in the ground. I have them under a Plant light from around 6pm-12pm and window box 7am-6pm other times i have them under a black light. I heard that doesnt work but a fellow grower said it can. Any advice or Critique?


Active Member
they need 24 hour light for like 2 months
and know black lights wont work i have tried them myself


Well-Known Member
18/6 is the way I grow and I let them get 1/2 the size I want them to end up at and then go to 12/12 as they will continue to grow in height during flowering so the veg time is up to you.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much, plants 'restfully' regenerate & suck up water/nutrient reserves during darkness. They also will grow in the dark to an extent.