do you make seeds or do you order them stink?
Diameter is 1.9mmSo that chart... The diameter of the spray is 2.5-3.4 meters??? That can't be right.
finally... the long awaited specs for the illusive EZ-Clone mister
(extended info posted in my journal)
Years ago I had a partner who grew the best weed around. Back in the day We all farmed in dirt. We all had 1,000watters. We even used the same Nutes. We all bought our seeds from the same seed bank. The Holland Seed Bank. Afghani , NL, and Skunk #1 were the Beans of choice back then. But my Partner's WEED was always better than my crop. Fatter Buds, bigger yields. Killer smoke each and every Harvest. So out of desperation I asked my buddy what is his secret. "2 big, fat Guinea pigs" was his answer. "WTF" what kind of shite are you telling Me? My buddy explain to Me that the 2 big, fat Guinea Pigs were the best co2 system on earth. You have to keep in mind that co2 units were exotic and expensive back then. They were rarely being implemented in a small Grow Room back when the Dinasours roamed the planet. Sometimes I feel that old. Well, needless to say I ran out and pick up a couple of Guinea Pigs. I have never used a co2 tank in all my years. Never had too. Guinea Pigs supplied my garden of co2 each and every Harvest. HAPPY NEWS YEARS!
OK, I can't resist. I saw this in the grow discussion of a MMJ site. I have read Stinkbud's response on C02 in the past and he always says nothing but a tank or burner will work. Have you tried live animals?
Hamster C02 Generator DIY
- Purchase this hamster wheel.
- Purchase 60mm PC Fan and suitable DC Supply.
- Run tubing to your grow area/cabinet.
- For long vacations please add inline carbon filter to help with rodent odors.
mercilusHamster C02 Generator DIY
- Purchase this hamster wheel.
- Purchase 60mm PC Fan and suitable DC Supply.
- Run tubing to your grow area/cabinet.
- For long vacations please add inline carbon filter to help with rodent odors.
call me stupid but i dont get it maybe its this fucked up town i live in
or are you joken you know im a hillbilly hick
he just copied from my pics I think. I did the same thing when I made mine. Im going to reconect that neutral and add another powerstrip. good lookin out. I shouldnt smoke so much before I work on somethings, specialy sativa typesHey jem nice contactor setup hey you know you can just tie the neutral/whites together no need for them to go on the cantactor. You could have gotten away with a single pole contactor instead of the double pole.
Some of my vegging plants leaves are pale green this normal for this system? and leaves are startin to have a lil bita burns on them? is this because im not using a high enough ppm? im usin 2000ppm ph5.8, mite be my ph down? im not sure.