The most important thread in the world: A thread about mustaches


stays relevant.
I banged an old broad with a mustache when I was a junior in college---got drunk as shit at a bar and went back to her divorce pad :)

Friends kept saying I banged a tranny---and needed to go into rehab---because of the mustache :)
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

I have a beard, I also keep a mustache. I trim mine at the ends every once in awhile, because I end up playing with the tips that grow of the corners of my mouth w/ my tongue.
Yeah... that is a problem for me also. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Wow! So this thread's about mustaches??? COOL! We have needed one of these here at RIU for the longest time. Huge ROFL at SoM's party elephant. Get a wild flowery shirt for it too.:bigjoint:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Branson kicks ass---I drove through there one time and was like who the fuck put this here? :) Finding Branson has to be what its like to see a ufo or finding a unicorn :)


Well-Known Member
I'll bet you can find plenty of mustaches (well-trimmed) in Branson. What's the mustache capital of the US?


Well-Known Member
I have sideburns on my junk---really :)

It looks like an elephant that likes to party :)
its crazy, cuz i have a partying elephant, also. i aint shaving that shit, and my girl dont mind, so fuck it :lol:

i keep my mustache trim... cant have it looking like a caterpillar lol


New Member
I have 2 weeks til i get a job, so im going to fuck with my hair daily until then.

Im gunna rock a mullet, chops, handle bar moustache, spike the hair out, may cut some numbers in the back
and then im gunna end it with the hitler stash, "IM TAKIN IT BACK" no one will rock that shit anymore cause of 1 guy

im takin it back 8-)


Well-Known Member
there is a band called the vandals.
there is a song by them called power mustache.
a mustache is a symbol of repression and hate, never trust a man with a buttbroom on his face.
it's the facial markings of the man who holds you down.

besides, my wife would shun my kisses if i had one.