I use Jiffy tablets to germinate my seeds.
You can buy little windowsill greenhouses and add water to the tablets. They are condensed peet moss and retain moisture really well. The tops keep the moisture in and temperature up for optimum germination.
Plus all you do after they sprout is plant them in soil. I find that using the paper towel method makes it easy to damage the seedlings because they have a tendancy of attaching themselves to each other as well as the towel itself.
Jiffy Pots are dirt cheap, about $2.50 for a 12 with the windowsill greenhouse.
put the seeds you would like to germinate, in a glass of water that has a top on it, fill 1/2 1/4 full. if it's city water let it stand for 8 10 hr's, the city puts a lot of shit in the water so we can drank it. all the seeds on the bottom after 10 12 hr's some times less, are the good ones, the one's on top "are on good." you will see the little white groth starting to come out of the seed, poor off the water and plant. pipperJust got 10 seeds out of some really good bud a buddy of mine had. I have tried the paper towel, dinner plate and bowl way. i wanna know the best way to germinate these nice bagseeds.
I use Jiffy tablets to germinate my seeds.
You can buy little windowsill greenhouses and add water to the tablets. They are condensed peet moss and retain moisture really well. The tops keep the moisture in and temperature up for optimum germination.
Plus all you do after they sprout is plant them in soil. I find that using the paper towel method makes it easy to damage the seedlings because they have a tendancy of attaching themselves to each other as well as the towel itself.
Jiffy Pots are dirt cheap, about $2.50 for a 12 with the windowsill greenhouse.
So all in all the paper towel method works better than just putting the lil guys in tha soil? Which way works faster? that's what I would like to know
hmmm why bring back a 2 year old post....
never even noticed! Someone at it! There have been 2 quite long threads on the same subject in the past week!
here we go again.the paper towel method is for amateur growers who through lack of experience and knowledge think paper towels are the way to go. Getting de ja vu here. There are no paper towels in nature for seeds to fall onto germ. So why do it with weed. Take1 jiffy pellet add water place in a propogator and hey presto a seedling! It aint hard. It cuts out any risk of damaging the delicate taproot. Had100 percent germ success using this method so far.