Why can't I get an ANSWER!!>>???


New Member
Why so many stupid question like what kind of light do I use for flowering and so many answers but a good question from me and not a single response. What is it with this site. Other answers too are so stupid why do people even bother with nonsense answers? Bored a bit....?? losers get a life and stay off posts unless you have a real answer!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a question? Or are you just bitchin! Losers shouldnt start threads without questions!


Well-Known Member
Theres a thing on this site called the "growfaq."

It gives all the answers to questions like this one that have been answered 1000 times before.

Might as well make it 1001 though.

The best light source for indoor flowering is High Pressure Sodium lighting (HPS). The next best thing would be a Metal Halide. Both of these are HID lighting that require the use of a ballast. Neither of these are (usually) available for less than $50, however I purchased each of my 150w HPS's for $25 a pop. I should also note that HPS and MH generally run hotter than the next option.

If neither HPS nor Metal Halide is available to you, you can use Compact Fourescent Lights (CFL's). CFL's will get the job done, and youll still have some killer weed, but you wont have nearly as much of it. Id say CFL yeilds are around 30-40% of HPS yeilds, if that gives you any idea. Quality is still just as good as HPS, just less quantity. CFL's have their drawbacks, but are a good option for growers confined to very small areas, or growers on a very tight budget. My first grow was all CFL's. 16 females, harvested 7.5oz dry weight. I expect to harvest the same on my current grow, with half the wattage using HPS, with only three plants.

CFL's are also great for vegging. The best thing for flowering is HPS though.


New Member
I have seen boxes made to quiet a fan. What type of sound insulation is the best to put in the box? Tried one test wi 8" fan using crapy wood, don't do it, and fiber glass insulation, would hope there is a better product that would stop more noise.???


New Member
I have seen boxes made to quiet a fan. What type of sound insulation is the best to put in the box? Tried one test wi 8" fan using crapy wood, don't do it, and fiber glass insulation, would hope there is a better product that would stop more noise.???
I have seen boxes made to quiet a fan. What type of sound insulation is the best to put in the box? Tried one test wi 8" fan using crapy wood, don't do it, and fiber glass insulation, would hope there is a better product that would stop more noise.???
I'm adding you both to my ignore list. ;-)


Well-Known Member
senorsanteria, question i have 4x4x8 wooden box with fox farm soil, 5 bagseed and 1 barney haze under 400 watt hps first week of 12/12 after 7 weeks 18/6. plants are in 5 gallon pots, sensi nutes. will ona block keep my neighbor from smelling the funk that is coming from them. i only know that the barney haze seed was fem. why is the smell so loud.
maybe your problem is no question mark. (?). it turns any statement in to a question.
if there is no question mark (?) people might think you aren't asking anything, but instead you are telling them something... or maybe trying to be sarcastic.
have you tried adding a question mark? do you think that might make a difference?

and, you have google, right?


you are welcome.


Well-Known Member
If someone with some sense read this post, they would know it was a ? Thanks for the website u gave me ;) Not tryin to be a smartass, and i have read alot on everything, i just had a simple question and must have posted under the wrong thread. Sry.


New Member
Good hope all the idiots ignore me, maybe then there will be people that can still find the question through all the stupid morons posts. Still not one answer to what, Name??? to use for the sound barrier.... Oh well to many stoned people make for a nothing got done day... Suck a penis....
lmfao cool thread:lol:


Well-Known Member
All the answers to every question you have already exist on this site.
Try searching and not being such a prick and people will answer your questions.