stressing fem plant for male flower!!!


Well-Known Member
do not produce pollen with light stress your asking for more herm qualities use silver or better yet let the plant flower extra long it will produce pollen. i have done this myself most recently with a pre 98 bubba kush it does work and is much less stress inducing than light manipulation peace.
COOL:mrgreen: aprox how long did you have to leave them in bloom before they created pollen??? and do the seeds really bunch up or are they few and far apart???

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
you dont need much pollen leave maybe 20% of lower buds. as far as how long it takes varies from strain to strain. maybe 2 or 3 weeks. the pollen sacks are easy to spot there yellow and bannana shaped. there is a thread by fdd on here that explains how to collect and apply there are many ways it is very simple.


Well-Known Member
you dont need much pollen leave maybe 20% of lower buds. as far as how long it takes varies from strain to strain. maybe 2 or 3 weeks. the pollen sacks are easy to spot there yellow and bannana shaped. there is a thread by fdd on here that explains how to collect and apply there are many ways it is very simple.

thanks man!!! il check it out!!


Well-Known Member
holly shit!!! i found a little yellowish banana-ish lol kind of thing sticking out my bud i just took it out,,, shit,,,,, should have put a bag over it if i would have known!!!! the thing kind of looked like a yellow evergreen needle...


Well-Known Member
was just reading through this thread and noticed the words colloidal silver. this is also used as a cure all by many people. it has been shown to decrease the effectiveness of the HIV virus. i actually met a couple that both used this and never had any effects of the HIV virus after having had AIDS previousely. how bizaar.


Well-Known Member
was just reading through this thread and noticed the words colloidal silver. this is also used as a cure all by many people. it has been shown to decrease the effectiveness of the HIV virus. i actually met a couple that both used this and never had any effects of the HIV virus after having had AIDS previousely. how bizaar.

interesting !!!!!!:roll:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes silver kills many species of virus and bacteria it was used in roman times as a preservative by placing silver coins in there water milk etc... the pollen sacks do look somewhat like a pine needle there greenish then turn yellow the pollen does not realease until there dry and yellow.


Well-Known Member
yes silver kills many species of virus and bacteria it was used in roman times as a preservative by placing silver coins in there water milk etc... the pollen sacks do look somewhat like a pine needle there greenish then turn yellow the pollen does not realease until there dry and yellow.

dont they seperate into pods, i found a dry yellowish pine needle like thing in the middle of a thick bud,, could this have pollinated my crop???

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes possibly. there are probably more of them. if the plant is near finishing time thats what you want if it is producing pollen early in flower something probably stressed it.


Well-Known Member
yes possibly. there are probably more of them. if the plant is near finishing time thats what you want if it is producing pollen early in flower something probably stressed it.

yeah its late in flower!! i found a couple more of those green yellowish pine-needle like pollen sacks!!! how can i tell if they have pollenated or not how do i save them for future grows??? i hope they didnt inpregnate my other babies???

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Just cut more than - 2/3 of the vegative growth, and keep it high in N through a 12/12 cycle you should get hermie... if not full male....

but Silver thiosulfate is easier trust me and your garunteed..... Just harvest your BUDS first leaveing as much leaf and as much of the target bud as possible, soak the last bud with folia spray and wrap in wax paper for a day or two ( which will create a ethylene bases gaseous atmosphere)
You should get a hand full of Feminized seeds........... in 2-3 weeks- from that one bud.
Would that method work with colloidal silver instead of thiosulphate silver?

...whats the difference between the 2? :confused:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
it simply is a different form of a silver solution either will work if the ppm is high enough. the best way to get a high ppm ionized silver solution is to make your own through electrolysis cheap and easy. just google 'making your own silver solution' or 'making homemade colloidal silver'


Well-Known Member
it simply is a different form of a silver solution either will work if the ppm is high enough. the best way to get a high ppm ionized silver solution is to make your own through electrolysis cheap and easy. just google 'making your own silver solution' or 'making homemade colloidal silver'
What he said !:clap:


Well-Known Member
here is a great article from ROI FAQ section

How can I get my plants to produce femenized seeds?
Submitted by: Lord Of The Strains
Contributed on: 02-20-2004

How can I get my plants to produce femenized seeds?

There are two methods that I am familiar with; Light-Poisoning, and Gibberellic Acid Treatment, both forcing female plants to produce male flowers and pollinate themselves. I have employed both methods, and both have yielded satisfactory results.


LIGHT-POISONING METHOD: During the first three weeks of flowering, turn the lights on for an hour during the middle of the dark period. That is, 12 hrs. on, 5.5 hrs. off, 1 hr. on, 5.5 hrs. off, and repeat for the first 3 weeks, after which you may return to the normal 12/12 light cycle. This causes a plant to go "hermie" and pollinate itself, as well as any other female in the room. You must use plants originating only from female seeds or clones to ensure that no male chromosomes are present. The resulting seeds will produce NO MALE PLANTS!

GIBBERELLIC ACID TREATMENT: Select your favorite female plant and spray it from approx. two feet away (first under the leaves, then on top). This must be done 2 weeks before the plant is put into the flowering light cycle, thus the need to start with female seeds/clones. DO NOT SMOKE BUD TREATED WITH GIBBERELLIC ACID! Spray the plant again after 2 weeks have passed, and place it under 12/12 lighting. This plant will "hermie" and pollinate itself and other females present. It will not produce as much pollen as a pure male, thus less seeds. However, these seeds will be 100% female.

Now, femenized seeds have also been known to produce hermaphrodites. This is just an evolutionary safety precaution to ensure the survival of the species in the event of environmental catastrophe. All seeds have the potential to hermie. Variables such as pH levels, lighting scenarios, fertilizer problems, etc. will also be factors in the outcome of the plant's sex. Just keep 'em healthy, and give them your tender, loving care, and you should be fine.
Added on: Monday, March 5, 2007 Viewed: 3770 times

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
pollen can be stored easily just keep it dry and cool film canisters work well you can also add silica gel packs to reduce moisture pollen can be applied with a tiny paint brush or anything really. when the little bannanas begin to turn yellow pluck with tweezers and let dry in said container. as far as gibberellic acid that works to but causes stretching and is somewhat toxic. light stress also works but is harder on the plants so you may end up having more herms instead of solid fem seeds. p.s. you should apply pollen in a seperate room if you only want 1 plant to have seeds and then sprits the pollinated buds with a spray bottle of water gently to keep the pollen from blowing to other plants.