8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
Thats what im doin now.. just sittin back, waiting for them to re-coop.

I'm waiting for all that soil to dry up, too... soo ALL the pots are nice and light.



Well-Known Member
Ahh, looks like you're getting a litte "bounce back" action today. Nice.'

I agree that soil is can more forgiving from the perspective of the ability to kill your plants overnight, but I find it much easier to diagnose and correct problems. You just have so much control and they grow at an alarming rate. BUT, I did get a couple of soil grows under my belt before I switched to hydro, I probably should have become better at soil before I switched, but I was frustrated with soil.

I had a batch that started yellowing about 3 1/2 weeks into flower and I couldn't get it resolved and by the time it was done they plant was completely yellow and the yeild was less than desirable.

I haven't had any problems like that that I just couldn't correct since the switch. I know it was my lack of knowledge then, but after seeing the ridiculous growth rate difference in hydro I haven't been able to bring myself to try another soil grow. Maybe next time I'll do an organic soil grow just for giggles and the experience.


Well-Known Member
Why do they look sad again? You're not watering these at all? I've just never seen plants with so little vigor that don't have more obvious signs of problems.

You started this thread on the 25th, I started mine on the 24th and both from clone. I know hydro is faster than soil, but something's up with yours man.

Shouldn't they be a lot bigger by now?


Well-Known Member
I think they look ok for 20 days considering the probs they will be fine when they dry out they will shoot up like crazy!


Well-Known Member
Ya and they didnt really start growing for awhile to begin with.

They look sad in that picture because its dark time.

I'll go take some more updated pictures now. They happy again it seems. ;0


Well-Known Member
I know that you've had a couple of people tell you that it's alright ot interrupt the dark cycle during veg with light, but I would avoid it. It's best not to interrupt dark cycles as a practice.

Last night my timer bugged out and started flicking my lights on and off about 5 hours after my dark cycle started...talk about getting fumed. I was PISSED.


Well-Known Member
Guess what?? Well.. GUESS!! Ok ok.. ill give you a hint.
There is something in the first picture that is missing and something that is added.

Can you see it in this picture??

For all the blind people

FINALLY starting to grow again. WOW they got stunted.

I honestly believe half the reason they are growing so slow is due to the cold ass concrete they've been sitting on day in and day out..

One last look



Well-Known Member
Wow i didnt think they were on the floor ! Of coarse thats the problem roots run from cold !!!! They will be fine now i guess i never noticed that before or i would have yelled at you! Hahaha

so you took off the garage opener light cover to put cfls in??


Well-Known Member
lol..so wait...this 3 week delay is because I was getting absolutely no root growth ?? My concrete is literally always cold...


Well-Known Member
roots grew but super slowww
I can't believe nobody saw that. Your plants have had me perplexed for weeks now. They have ridiculously dark color, no signs of problems but refuse to grow...makes sense.

You may think I'm crazy, but you should go out and get new clones and start over. And just do a simple hydro setup and you'll be so far along so fast.

I don't like to finish out grows with stunted plants. I was about 2 days away from chucking mine when they really started to make the recovery.

That fully explains why your girls look SOOOOOOOOO sad with the lights out. And why you were getting next to no evap on your water and causing you to water too often.


Well-Known Member
Laser!! Thanks for all the input and thanks for the offer bro!

I'm not throwing them out though!! Nope, no way!! They're going to blow up here soon :D :D


Well-Known Member
Laser!! Thanks for all the input and thanks for the offer bro!

I'm not throwing them out though!! Nope, no way!! They're going to blow up here soon :D :D
That's understandable and they should take off now that they are off the cold concrete!


Well-Known Member
they are growing slow cause you are using flowering lights instead of the daylight light for vegging. cant believe no one noticed. you should use some floros in 6500k