Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone. I will be baking later today. I have an invite to go to the Mote Marine this morning to get in the pool with a sick dolphin. I have swam with dolphins plenty of times, I have never been in a controlled environment with them though. This won't be like 'play time', this baby is sick and they are nursing her back to health. They need people to hold her up and walk her around the pool. A lady friend that I walk with works there and knows what a treat this would be for me, so she invited me to experience what it is like to work and help there. I am EXCITED. Oh, and there is a SeaBird Sanctuary right next door! I am hoping to go spread some of my sunny personality on them after I am done at the Mote, should be a good day!

I will let you guys know how it was when I get back! Bye!

Puff, I got your pm. I am cool with everything and I will be checking out more today and I will start to post, I am a lil shy at first....


Well-Known Member
Marnin, Twisty! Vette!

Thanx for signin up you guys. I LOVE havin you on my forum.

Sooooooo, what's up? Battle of the sexes this morning?
No more battles... this is the only site where no ones fighting.... for a change.....

Prolly from that killah they grow...... Goddamit I gotta grow my own!!! I wanna pass out too...... wahhhhhh.....
I've been smokeless since saturday.. and will be till a week this saturday.... Bummer..:cuss:
Good Morning Folks ........... The Weatherman says snow today ....

Oh well.. Cheers
Morning guys/gals........... same here...7 - 10" snow today... I got the card from the post office, registered letter for my tax paper and rent increase.... probably $5.00 a month again.. I've lived here 13 years and its gone up $5.00 every year...
Pretty good actually..... my rent is real cheap..... :bigjoint:

Morning everyone. I will be baking later today. I have an invite to go to the Mote Marine this morning to get in the pool with a sick dolphin. I have swam with dolphins plenty of times, I have never been in a controlled environment with them though. This won't be like 'play time', this baby is sick and they are nursing her back to health. They need people to hold her up and walk her around the pool. A lady friend that I walk with works there and knows what a treat this would be for me, so she invited me to experience what it is like to work and help there. I am EXCITED. Oh, and there is a SeaBird Sanctuary right next door! I am hoping to go spread some of my sunny personality on them after I am done at the Mote, should be a good day!

I will let you guys know how it was when I get back! Bye!

Puff, I got your pm. I am cool with everything and I will be checking out more today and I will start to post, I am a lil shy at first....
Sunny in a bikini.............................




Well-Known Member
Oh Well China just left for work.. all my bitch chores are done .. I just might spend the day playing GTA4.On playstation 3 . There aint much more to do


New Member
Good morning wake and bakers.

How is it that Sunny gets to do all the fun stuff? Swimming with dolphins, too cool. Helping out a sick baby dolphin, even cooler.

bongsmilie Twisty

bongsmilie Vette

bongsmilie Kant

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie anyone that I missed........


New Member
yes I did, I'm sorry, I meant to reply then got busy with something else. Thanks for the info.

So how's the wii? I haven't got mine yet, but I still plan too. Did you get the Wii fit? That's what I want.


Well-Known Member
yes I did, I'm sorry, I meant to reply then got busy with something else. Thanks for the info.

So how's the wii? I haven't got mine yet, but I still plan too. Did you get the Wii fit? That's what I want.
I have not played it yet , but we have SO many things im sure the fit is in there .. Im not a big gamer .. I'll play with it . I'm waiting for China to have some time to play with me .I dont wanna play alone


New Member
The fit is a controller thingy that is like a box on the floor. You'd have to buy it seperate.

I heard the tennis and bowling are fun. I think I'd like the bowling.


Well-Known Member
The fit is a controller thingy that is like a box on the floor. You'd have to buy it seperate.

I heard the tennis and bowling are fun. I think I'd like the bowling.
yea i like all the wii sport games ... bowling is the best :)
me and my friend roll one up and play ... after we get done bowling for real ... lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hahaha i scare everyone away when i post in this tread .... and if i come back hours later my last post is 20 pages back


Well-Known Member
Shit i dont work im a full time stoner I am happy the way my life is i own the police in my city they cant bust me ....well they can but who turns down 500 dollars every attempded arrest.