First Ever Grow - 10 Gallon DWC - CFL - Stealth Closet


Well-Known Member
My grow is about the same age as yours. You plants look more or less the same as mine. Although I've got one dodgy one.
I'm using a ebb and flow system with a 150w evirolite Blue for veg, and I've red spec 150w too , but not set up yet.
Take a look .

By the way what type of smoke are you growing, I'm growing white widow.:bigjoint:


Active Member
My grow is about the same age as yours. You plants look more or less the same as mine. Although I've got one dodgy one.
I'm using a ebb and flow system with a 150w evirolite Blue for veg, and I've red spec 150w too , but not set up yet.
Take a look .

By the way what type of smoke are you growing, I'm growing white widow.:bigjoint:
It's bagseed, but these are the only four seeds I have EVER found in my guys herb, so it should be somethin good... Hopefully lol.

do you have a ph meter? move the lights closer!
I have litmus strips, and am currently trying to squeeze in a PPM Truncheon meter into my budget, I know how important these things are.
As far as the lights, I'm soooo afraid of the heat, also I havent seen the plants really stretching, but maybe I CAN lower it a bit, I need to setup a better fan to run over the plants... I'll check it out in the morning.


Elite Rolling Society
CFLs do put out much less heat.

Always blow a fan TOWARD but not OVER POINTED DOWN TOWARD the plants.

When you buy meters, make sure they come with Batteries and Calibration Solutions.

Here are a couple to look at:

$59.95 less 5% discount


Our Price: $89.99
Our Truncheon Style Nutrient Meter offers a simple solution to PPM measurement. The meter measures on three different scales; EC, CF and PPM. The monitor is completely waterproof and has an auto-on feature.

To get a reading, remove the protective cap and insert the electrode into your solution. Everything else is automatic!
Normal Price: $119.99


Active Member

Our Price: $89.99
Our Truncheon Style Nutrient Meter offers a simple solution to PPM measurement. The meter measures on three different scales; EC, CF and PPM. The monitor is completely waterproof and has an auto-on feature.

To get a reading, remove the protective cap and insert the electrode into your solution. Everything else is automatic!
Normal Price: $119.99
This is the one I was planning on getting, they have cheap chinese versions on eBay which claim to have the same accuracy for around $40, I'm sure it measures good, I think it's probably less durable over time, might only last me a year or so, but money is tight for now, but I'm hoping that will be changing within the next few days.

The plants are looking such a nice color green, they have tiny white spots on the leaves, it almost feels oily? or resinous? I'll post pictures here, I don't know if theyre parasites or somethin... I like that the girls are growing more leaves and offshoots instead of stretching. How long you think it's gonna take them to hit about 8"-10"? I was planning on flowering them once they hit around 8-10, sound good?


Elite Rolling Society
I FLOWER my plants when they are mature, at 5 weeks, which would be like 13 weeks if outdoors.

Making immature children or plants pregnant is not wise. It is better for them to be adults first.

Those white spots worry me.


Well-Known Member
im suprised nobody caught this on board for this one but man...dont let your roots get light its not good


Active Member
Here are the pics, no time to type now, I'll respond to the replies in the morning. Photos are large so I made thumbnails, click on em to see the full size picture (yay super macro mode), and notice the little white specs, weird. You gotta click through like 3 pages, but ultimately you'll find a huge original version, just keep clicking on the picture till it shows lol.



Active Member
Checked under leaves, no spider mites, used a jewelers magnifying glass, very hairy though, the stem and the veins of the underside of the leaves.


Active Member
that cfl setup is by roseman is stupid, low intensity doesn't = good quality
why not use even a low powered hps that would produce more resin


Well-Known Member
DWAAAM its hotta n em bitches sittin up in da free clinic nigga! lol nice ass bud dude...wish i could smoke 1 witchya


Active Member
Nice setup Doublebubbler!! We also wanted to go hydro but for our first low budget grow we decided to go with soil! Are you going to use CFL for flowering as well?
Nice harvest Roseman!! Out of curiosity, how is the smoke?


Elite Rolling Society
THE BEST, Stickiest, and smoothest but DEEP smoke. Very SKUNKY!
Two years ago I gew some White Widow in one tank and some Northern Lights in a 2nd tank, and that crop is a blend of the 2 crops or seeds.


Active Member
that cfl setup is by roseman is stupid, low intensity doesn't = good quality
why not use even a low powered hps that would produce more resin
Stupid? The proof is in the pictures, provide some of yours to compare please as Roseman said. Everyone may have certain reasons to NOT use HID lights: heat, finance, space, ventilation.... Point is I chose CFL, and before me Roseman chose CFL and it appears to have worked out quite well for him. He's been my number 1 go to guy when I have a question. I don't think anyone here is trying to say that CFL's are BETTER than HID's, but they do quite a job when HID's aren't an option for whatever reason. It's also a good idea to research a persons harvest before dissing their setup. Free tip from me to you.

Are you going to use CFL for flowering as well?
Most definitely, I have sooo many flowering bulbs since I originally planned on soil 12/12 from seed before DWC, these really high watt CFL's look so sexy, definitely a sound investment.

THE BEST, Stickiest, and smoothest but DEEP smoke. Very SKUNKY!
I don't care if I sound like a kiss ass or not, I would love to know you in real life lol, between the bud and knowledge, it would be cool. lol.


Active Member
Ok, little update with photos...

Notice those white spots I keep speaking of, they dont worry me though, maybe just evaporation or something? I dont foliar feed.



Active Member
Theyre growing leaves like crazy, but not so much height-wise... I think thats a good thing, no? I think I would like a short bushy plant!