New to DMT? help me out..ill help you grow better weed!


Well-Known Member
So i have alot of friends who are hippies and shit two of them live in a comune or something like that but shes always telling me abour i have done 2cb..speaking of..last weekend i just ate 2 molly caps and then took 3 pink bartsimpson heads and 3 tranformers with the faces...they were coated in 2cb..iwas tripping for like almost a straight 24 hours...but we also had a vial..but how do u get DMT she told me u can extract it out of some shit..and idk if thats true or not but whats the trips like is it a badtrip or what...b.c i have done mesclone..and thats amazing talk about a hard trip omg wish i could get my hands on that again~!


Active Member
mimosa junueifa root you can order it online quite cheap and its just simple acid base reactions to extract it. i failed chemistry in high school and it's still easy. search 'dmt for the masses'


Active Member
When you smoke DMT you inhale, and before you can even put the pipe down you will be having such intense visuals that you LITERALLY wont be able to see the real world (if you dose right). The trip is so unbelievably intense it doesnt even compare to other psychedelics. Acid and mesc etc can cause you to hallucinate...but even at its most intense it is typically just madly distorted reality. A proper sized hit of DMT will put you in a fantasy world for a good fifteen minutes (feels like a good two hours though) where your physical body is completly useless. Be careful..... It can be extracted from common grasses but proper stuff is made from hard to find roots that you have to order or grow yourself. Its also very expensive, i have a good friend who makes it by the lb and consequently its free but ive seen him charge up to 400 a gram if he takes it to the other coast (no joke...and people pay it without batting an eyelash).


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It is definitly one of the most intense trips ever
i think its the same chemical that causes dreams
and Near Death Experiences.

But yeah you can extract it from a lot of plants, rhodium had a bunch of info on this, pretty sure it's all on erowid. You can also buy it synthesized.