Hi and a Question from a new grower


Active Member
Hi everyone, new to growing and new to rollitup. Just hoping to get help with this question.

I'm going to start planting my plants in coco peat only and I'm wondering if I can feed every day as there is no nutritional value in coco peat - or do I need to still flush every couple of days in between with just fresh water?



Well-Known Member
well first off, welcome to the community, and to answer you question i would not feed everyday. only feed when watering and if you water everyday youll get root rot. dont start ferting until at least three weeks into the growth cycle. and only start with 1/2 strength and work your way up. hope you enjoy your account. just ask if you need help. some of us are always willing to help.


Well-Known Member
oh and try not to grow in just peat moss. go get yourself some MG organic and mix it at least 1/2 and 1/2. then add 1/3 of that in perlite for aeration and water drainage, bad wording sorry.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

I am growing in coco coir and can water everyday. I use nutes for a week then mix in a fresh ph'd water feeding....then back to the nutes.


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome guys.

I'm sorry if I confused anyone, but the way I meant it was that now at the moment I follow a schedule of feed, water water, feed as I'm using a mixture of potting mix, perlite, Org fert, and sand but I only water or feed when my soil feels dry. Because coco peat has no nutrition in it for the plant I was wondering if I'd feed (i'm using Grow and Flower A&B in water) every time or if I'd still need to follow my other schedule of feed, water water, feed so that the plant is being flushed every couple of days?

I'm sorry if I confuse as I'm still pretty new to all this but have been doing a fair bit of reading about nutes etc.


Well-Known Member
I have E&B tables with Rock wool(RW) and RW shail and also RW coco fiber for mothers on different table...... All are feed with nutes every time i water at recommeded levels..ph&ppm..the difference between the two is i only water/feed the coco once every three days. RW&shail gets water/feed every 2 days.
So in short yes.,... just follow the directions on the back of your lable. And dont over water...

hope that helped


Active Member
I have E&B tables with Rock wool(RW) and RW shail and also RW coco fiber for mothers on different table...... All are feed with nutes every time i water at recommeded levels..ph&ppm..the difference between the two is i only water/feed the coco once every three days. RW&shail gets water/feed every 2 days.
So in short yes.,... just follow the directions on the back of your lable. And dont over water...

hope that helped
So follow the feed, water water, feed schedule then? - or feed every time I water?


Well-Known Member
So follow the feed, water water, feed schedule then? - or feed every time I water?
If you are hydro - you should be feeding nutes with water every time.... with the recommended PPM & between 5.5-5.8 PH-------
But water/feed only when it needs it not everyday you will end up with an over watered plant.......& root rot.


Active Member
I'm under a 600w hps for flower and a 400w hps for veg. As it is now I only feed and water when the soil feels dry.

I usually feed one day and then I water for the next 2 times I give them a drink. So I just wondered if I'd continue that if I was using coco peat or feed them every time I give them a drink as there are no nutes in coco peat.


Well-Known Member
I'm under a 600w hps for flower and a 400w hps for veg. As it is now I only feed and water when the soil feels dry.

I usually feed one day and then I water for the next 2 times I give them a drink. So I just wondered if I'd continue that if I was using coco peat or feed them every time I give them a drink as there are no nutes in coco peat.
feed & water every time........... feed & water when needed not everyday


Active Member
feed & water every time........... feed & water when needed not everyday
I'm sorry if I come across really dumb and have no idea but I'm a bit confused by what you say.

My nutes are soluble. so they are in water and when ever I water I actually feed at the same time.

When I water I only give water no soluble nutes mixed in the water.

So are you saying feed every time but not every single day?



Well-Known Member
Sorry dude I can not explain any more simple than last post......... im out