Have I just made a major discovery about light...


Well-Known Member
My light at least!! Ok basically ive always believed the safe distances from your hps to your plant was from the very tops of your plants. Ive just recently saw this though http://i44.tinypic.com/2j0cyvn.gif which indicates that for my 400w bulb the 12 inch rule is actually only to the canopy but the buds are fine to be much closer to the bulb. Is this correct? So I've actually had my light about 4 inches too far away?


Well-Known Member
well, the best way and the simplest way is to hold ur hand over the top of ur plant(s) and see how hot it is.

if ur hand burns, move the light, otherwise move it as close to ur hand as possible without burning.

thats all that needs to be done really. unless you have a cooltube or some other form of heat control which will mean u can move it closer.


Well-Known Member
cooltubes are the only way you can keep your plants inches away.

other than that i wouldnt put a 250w mh closer than a foot ever...

much less a 400w hps...etc.


Well-Known Member
HPS also emits heavy IR light(beyond 700nm). That's heat waves. These are some-what(around 20%) shielded by plastic/glass(cool tube), but can still fry a plant. Air flow doesn't alter them.

Observation is your friend. Experiment, but don't push it unless you're willing to possibly harm plants.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Whenever I make a change in the height of my light I always monitor it closely for 48 hours. If the leaves are not showing signs of stress you should be okay. If you see the tell tale signs of heat stress ( little yellow stripes on the highest fan leaves) move the light away. After a while you will determine your perfect height. Once determined, I tie a string with a nut on the end (for weight) at the perfect height and adjudt my light so that the nut is touching the top of the highest fan leaf. I hope that helps.

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
I spent £ 5.50 on a light spreader and i can keep my 600 w hps 8-10 inches away no prob...simple cheap solution...


Well-Known Member
A system which moves the light source around a room to cover many times the area using a fraction of the light/power.


Well-Known Member
and u can have the light so much closer to the buds because it doesnt stay over the same buds all day?


Active Member
3-4-5 inches away from glass with a 800 watt duel spec , also when we have our room were plant are over 70 f. The lights need to be higher but at 70 room temp its 77 under the glass at 2-3 inches with glass and vented out of the room.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
hey get this, I measure my 400 conversion bulb yesterday and it was at 45k lumens according to the 15 dollar light meter and now today it is down to 30. Previously it always read 45. Weird.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
oh yeah, i got my buds 1 inch away from my 40o becasue it was so cold and my vent was so good. I bleached all the upper portions of the buds. No hrat damage just light damage. You do not want that. I did not know that then. :(


Active Member
Ive got a 250 watt mh setup that is in a enclosed sorta metal box with a reflector and a glass sheet covering the bulb. how close to my plants will i be able to have my light baring in mind its got the glass between the plants and the bulb. would having a pc fan aimed at the glass help atall? Any help much appreciated.