SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
wow fast replies thanks alot. the cubes are only 2.5 inch tall im glad they are still usable. doing SOG 2X 4X4 flow tables 64 plants per tables under 2x1000w 1 hps,1MH


Well-Known Member
wow fast replies thanks alot. the cubes are only 2.5 inch tall im glad they are still usable. doing SOG 2X 4X4 flow tables 64 plants per tables under 2x1000w 1 hps,1MH
Right on, nice setup. But why the 1000w MH instead of two HPS? Also, how far along are you? Curious about your yield with a packed tray like that. I'm doing the very same but only 2 weeks into flower, 4 plants per square foot = 64 plants.


Well-Known Member
Bugs how much were you getting off each 4x4 tray packed with 64 plants? You know...before the accident...:shock:...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I fucked up! I presoaked my RW and then I let it partially dry out for a few days before I had time to use it. Now the RW is holding 2 week old plants and it smells musty. Any suggestions? I would hate to start a mold farm and have it transfer from table to table, I'd rather step back two weeks and junk these 40 plants. They arent the best cuts anyways... What do u all think?


New Member
Bugs how much were you getting off each 4x4 tray packed with 64 plants? You know...before the accident...:shock:...:bigjoint:
they were spittin out only about 2lbs, but mine were 2x4
yeah Id like to know too.. how much light??
well arent you nosy? jk 1000w hps i forget how high off the trays i hung it. i'm not home till ....well a few days:-(

I fucked up! I presoaked my RW and then I let it partially dry out for a few days before I had time to use it. Now the RW is holding 2 week old plants and it smells musty. Any suggestions? I would hate to start a mold farm and have it transfer from table to table, I'd rather step back two weeks and junk these 40 plants. They arent the best cuts anyways... What do u all think?
i could tell you but you're not gonna like it.

rw is the devil and this is gods way of punishing you :!:


Well-Known Member
So I go check on the ladies this morning and guess what?????


Circuit breaker is not tripped...

I guess I fried a wire in the wall eh?!?!?!


Anyone have those HO T-5 from sunleaves?

I had one make the house flicker before it took a shit last month...

I am very suspicious of the ones I have running now...


I am in need of a very trustworthy electrician...


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I am expecting a 2 foot, 4 bulb sylverstar today, but I figured that to be around 100W, thats not quite a full amp. Sure hope it doesn't give me problems.

I harvested the smallest of the 9 yesterday. I am experimenting with where I like harvesting the Jack because while I want it to ripen, I prefer the upper high. It was tiny compared to the rest, so I can't wait to see how much it ends up being.

As far as your problem, have you tried plugging in your stuff into a different area/plug etc? That will narrow it down as to if it is an equipment problem or something else.

Sometimes outlets w GFIC elsewhere in the house can trip and affect other outlets.

Plus there is the option you just have a bad breaker.


Well-Known Member
I am expecting a 2 foot, 4 bulb sylverstar today, but I figured that to be around 100W, thats not quite a full amp. Sure hope it doesn't give me problems.

I harvested the smallest of the 9 yesterday. I am experimenting with where I like harvesting the Jack because while I want it to ripen, I prefer the upper high. It was tiny compared to the rest, so I can't wait to see how much it ends up being.

As far as your problem, have you tried plugging in your stuff into a different area/plug etc? That will narrow it down as to if it is an equipment problem or something else.

Sometimes outlets w GFIC elsewhere in the house can trip and affect other outlets.

Plus there is the option you just have a bad breaker.
I am looking... the whole room has been dead since 3pm yesterday, according to the timer...

no lights not ventilation not flooding...

At least the girls are doing good ...

I gotta get this straight...

Thanks for the suggestions....

I will keep hunting around.... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Time to bust out the generator!
I can't pick it up from the basement with my leg the way it is right now...

I am running extension cords... but .... FUCK ME!!!!!!!

I do not need this shit right now.. I am supposed to be in bed.... not climbing around basements and shit....


But hey at least no fire .. right...?!?!?!;-)


Well-Known Member
Emergency set up...

A - I have 16.4 amps on this 20 amp breaker A...

B - So there are 2x 6 bulb bathroom lights and 3amps going to 20 amp breaker B...

C - and 11.2 amps on this 20 amp
breaker C... not counting the 2 ceiling lights and the phone/answering machine...

How does this sound for safety?


Well-Known Member
Wow man thats some serious shit..wish icouldhelp..the best of luck to ya..doesnt seem appropiate at the moment,but i was just come your rangfes are slightly lower than al b's? I.e he says he runs his ppms say 12-1400..he also says he ph at 5.2 - 5.7..did you notice a change in the way he does it in comparison the way you do it?


Well-Known Member
Wow man thats some serious shit..wish icouldhelp..the best of luck to ya..doesnt seem appropiate at the moment,but i was just come your rangfes are slightly lower than al b's? I.e he says he runs his ppms say 12-1400..he also says he ph at 5.2 - 5.7..did you notice a change in the way he does it in comparison the way you do it?
It's just so frustrating... I need to be in bed... not climbing around like a monkey....

I run what works for me and my strains... I have noticed nute burn at 1500 PPM, so I don't go there...

As for pH... My res really likes 6.1... if I leave it be.. that's where it like to sit...

The plants have not shown any dislike, but I do not leave it there long.. as soon as it hits 6.0...6.1 I am pHing it down...

Also, I am not sure what brand PPM meter he is using, as there are variations...

You just gotta use the info as a base.... tweak it over the months to suit your needs and personal MOJO...

What works for you is the BEST way possible... but we have to start with a known quantity, otherwise there is no base for comparison...