so, am I the only female here?


Well-Known Member
i'm a female grower. i live in california. on a farm. we have horses and barns and fields of dreams. my sister and i grow the northern cali chronic. i don't post much but i'm ALWAYS here. i saw lou. he's a tool. we kinda do that but on a fdd scale. we love big thick bushes unless they're in our panties. hehehehe. i'll take the lollipoppin' on that one! i love this site and lurk nowhere else. if you need me just call, i'll be there. peace my friends and happy growing.


Well-Known Member

Why the fuck do you Americans have so much money, over the water here in the UK were all poor bastards :(


Well-Known Member
hi arrid awwwwwww, weeee are so poor in the uk, i cant evin aford a scren saver of the sun to grow with so wot can weee do? LOL


Well-Known Member
Well it's probably just me.
I had to cut out a picture of a seed.. it's not growing :(


Well-Known Member
its good to see a uk grower all thes bledy yanks he he lol im trying to get a poster of the sun but wer in a paper shorteg